"OccamLLM: Fast and Exact Language Model Arithmetic in a Single Step"
Owen Dugan, Donato Manuel Jimenez Beneto, Charlotte Loh, Zhuo Chen, Rumen Dangovski, and Marin Soljacic.
NeurIPS (2024).
"QuanTA: Efficient High-Rank Fine-Tuning of LLMs with Quantum-Informed Tensor Adaptation"
Zhuo Chen, Rumen Dangovski, Charlotte Loh, Owen Dugan, Di Luo, Marin Soljacic.
NeurIPS (2024).
"Shaping Quantum Noise through Cascaded Nonlinear Processes in a Dissipation-Engineered Multimode Cavity"
Sahil Pontula, Yannick Salamin, Charles Roques-Carmes, and Marin Soljacic.
PRX Quantum, Vol.5, 040345 (2024).
"Nonreciprocal Scintillation Using One-Dimensional Magneto-Optical Photonic Crystals"
Olivia Y. Long, Simo Pajovic, Charles Roques-Carmes, Yoichiro Tsurimaki, Nicholas Rivera, Marin Soljacic, Svetlana Boriskina, and Shanhui Fan.
Physical Review Applied, Vol.22, 054062 (2024).
"Prevalence of Two-Dimensional Photonic Topology"
Ali Ghorashi, Sachin Vaidya, Mikael C. Rechtsman, Wladimir A. Benalcazar, Marin Soljacic, and Thomas Christensen.
Physical Review Letters, Vol.133, p.056602 (2024).
"Plasmonic Hinge Modes in Metal-Coated Nanolasers"
Sangyeon Cho, Yi Yang, Marin Soljacic and Seok Hyun Yun.
Nano Letters, Vol.24, p.13647 (2024).
"Photonic Probabilistic Machine Learning Using Quantum Vacuum Noise"
Seou Choi, Yannick Salamin, Charles Roques-Carmes, Rumen Dangovski, Di Luo, Zhuo Chen, Michael Horodynski, Jamison Sloan, Shiekh Zia Uddin, and Marin Soljacic.
Nature Communications, Vol.15, p.7760 (2024).
"Driven-Dissipative Phases and Dynamics in Non-Markovian Nonlinear Photonics"
Jamison Sloan, Nicholas Rivera, and Marin Soljacic.
Optica, Vol.11, pp.1437 (2024).
"Weyl Points on Nonorientable Manifolds"
Andre Grossi Fonseca, Sachin Vaidya, Thomas Christensen, Mikael C. Rechtsman, Taylor L. Hughes, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.132, 266601 (2024).
"TENG: Time-Evolving Natural Gradient for Solving PDEs With Deep Neural Nets Toward Machine Precision"
Zhuo Chen, Jacob Mccarran, Esteban Vizcaino, Marin Soljacic, Di Luo.
Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 235:7143-7162 (2024).
"Highly confined, low-loss plasmonics based on two-dimensional solid-state defect lattices"
Ali Ghorashi, Nicholas Rivera, Bowen Shi, Ravishankar Sundararaman, Efthimios Kaxiras, John Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. Materials Vol.8, L011001 (2024).
"Optical Properties of Dispersive Time-Dependent Materials"
Jamison Sloan, Nicholas Rivera, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
ACS Photonics, Vol.11, p.950 (2024).
"End-to-End Optimization of Metasurfaces for Imaging with Compressed Sensing"
Gaurav Arya, William F. Li, Charles Roques-Carmes, Marin Soljacic, Steven G. Johnson, and Zin Lin.
ACS Photonics Vol.11, p.2077 (2024).
"QuACK: Accelerating Gradient-Based Quantum Optimization with Koopman Operator Learning"
Di Luo, Jiayu Shen, Rumen Dangovski, Marin Soljacic.
NeurIPS (2023).
"ANTN: Bridging Autoregressive Neural Networks and Tensor Networks for Quantum Many-Body Simulation"
Zhuo Chen, Laker Newhouse, Eddie Chen, Di Luo, Marin Soljacic.
NeurIPS (2023).
"Quasicrystalline Weyl points and dense Fermi-Bragg arcs"
Andre Grossi e Fonseca, Thomas Christensen, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. B Vol.108, L121109 (2023).
"Nonperturbative electromagnetic nonlinearities, n-photon reflectors, and Fock-state lasers based on deep-strong coupling of light and matter"
Nicholas Rivera, Jamison Sloan, Ido Kaminer, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. Research Vol.5, 043240 (2023).
"Mitigating Confirmation Bias in Semi-supervised Learning via Efficient Bayesian Model Averaging"
Charlotte Loh, Rumen Dangovski, Shivchander Sudalairaj, Seungwook Han, Ligong Han, Leonid Karlinsky, Marin Soljacic, Akash Srivastava.
Transactions on Machine Learning Research (2023).
"Quantum electrodynamical metamaterials"
Josephine J. Yu, Jamison Sloan, Nicholas Rivera, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. A Vol.108, 033509 (2023).
"Intense Squeezed Light from Lasers with Sharply Nonlinear Gain at Optical Frequencies"
Linh Nguyen, Jamison Sloan, Nicholas Rivera, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.131, 173801 (2023).
"Learning to Optimize Quasi-Newton Methods"
Isaac Liao, Rumen Dangovski, Jakob Nicolaus Foerster, Marin Soljacic.
Transactions on Machine Learning Research (2023).
"Topological electromagnetic waves in dispersive and lossy plasma crystals"
Chen Qian, Yue Jiang, Jicheng Jin, Thomas Christensen, Marin Soljacic, Alexander V. Kildishev, Bo Zhen.
Scientific Reports Vol.13, Article number: 20445 (2023).
"Biasing the quantum vacuum to control macroscopic probability distributions"
Charles Roques-Carmes, Yannick Salamin, Jamison Sloan, Seou Choi, Gustavo Velez, Ethan Koskas, Nicholas Rivera, Steven E. Kooi, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic.
Science Vol.381, p.205, (2023).
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"Deep Learning and Symbolic Regression for Discovering Parametric Equations"
Michael Zhang, Samuel Kim, Peter Y. Lu, Marin Soljacic.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2023.3297978, (2023).
"Q-Flow: Generative Modeling for Differential Equations of Open Quantum Dynamics with Normalizing Flows"
Owen M Dugan, Peter Y. Lu, Rumen Dangovski, Di Luo, Marin Soljacic.
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 202, 2023.
"Multi-Symmetry Ensembles: Improving Diversity and Generalization via Opposing Symmetries"
Charlotte Loh, Seungwook Han, Shivchander Sudalairaj, Rumen Dangovski, Kai Xu, Florian Wenzel, Marin Soljacic, Akash Srivastava.
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. PMLR 202, 2023.
"Discovering conservation laws using optimal transport and manifold learning"
Peter Y. Lu, Rumen Dangovski, Marin Soljacic.
Nature Communications, Vol.14, Article number: 4744 (2023).
"Creating large Fock states and massively squeezed states in optics using systems with nonlinear bound states in the continuum"
Nicholas Rivera, Jamison Sloan, Yannick Salamin, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic.
PNAS, Vol.120, e2219208120, (2023).
"Transcending shift-invariance in the paraxial regime via end-to-end inverse design of freeform nanophotonics"
William F. Li, Gaurav Arya, Charles Roques-Carmes, Zin Lin, Steven G. Johnson, Marin Soljacic.
Optics Express (Editor's pick) Vol.31, p.24260, (2023).
"Photonic flatband resonances for free-electron radiation"
Yi Yang, Charles Roques-Carmes, Steven E. Kooi, Haoning Tang, Justin Beroz, Eric Mazur, Ido Kaminer, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic.
Nature Vol.613, p.42, (2023).
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"Topogivity: A Machine-Learned Chemical Rule for Discovering Topological Materials"
Andrew Ma, Yang Zhang, Thomas Christensen, Hoi Chun Po, Li Jing, Liang Fu, and Marin Soljacic.
Nano Lett. Vol.23, p.772, (2023).
"Free-electron-light interactions in nanophotonics"
Charles Roques-Carmes, Steven E. Kooi, Yi Yang, Nicholas Rivera, Phillip D. Keathley, John D. Joannopoulos, Steven G. Johnson, Ido Kaminer, Karl K. Berggren, Marin Soljacic.
Invited article in Applied Physics Reviews Vol.10, p.011303, (2023).
"Automated Discovery and Optimization of 3D Topological Photonic Crystals"
Samuel Kim, Thomas Christensen, Steven G. Johnson, and Marin Soljacic.
Invited Article in ACS Photonics Vol.10, p.861, (2023).
"Deep Learning for Bayesian Optimization of Scientific Problems with High-Dimensional Structure"
Samuel Kim, Peter Y. Lu, Charlotte Loh, Jamie Smith, Jasper Snoek, Marin Soljacic.
Transactions on Machine Learning Research, (2022).
"Non-Abelian nonsymmorphic chiral symmetries"
Yi Yang, Hoi Chun Po, Vincent Liu, John D. Joannopoulos, Liang Fu, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. B Vol.106, L161108, (2022).
"DiffCSE: Difference-based Contrastive Learning for Sentence Embeddings"
Yung-Sung Chuang, Rumen Dangovski, Hongyin Luo, Yang Zhang, Shiyu Chang, Marin Soljacic, Shang-Wen Li, Scott Yih, Yoon Kim, James Glass.
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, p. 4207 (2022).
"Surrogate- and invariance-boosted contrastive learning for data-scarce applications in science"
Charlotte Loh, Thomas Christensen, Rumen Dangovski, Samuel Kim & Marin Soljacic.
Nature Communications Vol.13, Article number: 4223 (2022).
"Location and Topology of the Fundamental Gap in Photonic Crystals"
Thomas Christensen, Hoi Chun Po, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. X Vol.12, p.021066, (2022).
"Equivariant Self-Supervised Learning: Encouraging Equivariance in Representations"
Rumen Dangovski, Li Jing, Charlotte Loh, Seungwook Han, Akash Srivastava, Brian Cheung, Pulkit Agrawal, Marin Soljacic.
ICLR 2022.
"Discovering sparse interpretable dynamics from partial observations"
Peter Y. Lu, Joan Arino Bernad & Marin Soljacic.
Communications Physics Vol.5, Article number: 206, (2022).
"A high-performance, metallodielectric 2D photonic crystal for thermophotovoltaics"
Reyu Sakakibara, Veronika Stelmakh, Walker R. Chan, Robert D. Geil, Stephan Kramer, Timothy Savas, Michael Ghebrebrhan, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Ivan Celanovic.
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells Vol.238 (2022) 111536.
"A framework for scintillation in nanophotonics"
Charles Roques-Carmes, Nicholas Rivera, Ali Ghorashi, Steven E. Kooi, Yi Yang, Zin Lin, Justin Beroz, Aviram Massuda, Jamison Sloan, Nicolas Romeo, Yang Yu, John D. Joannopoulos, Ido Kaminer, Steven G. Johnson, Marin Soljacic.
Science Vol.375, p.6583, (2022).
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"Toward 3D-Printed Inverse-Designed Metaoptics"
Charles Roques-Carmes, Zin Lin, Rasmus E. Christiansen, Yannick Salamin, Steven E. Kooi, John D. Joannopoulos, Steven G. Johnson, Marin Soljacic.
ACS Photonics (2022).
"Enabling Manufacturable Optical Broadband Angular-Range Selective Films"
Kezhen Yin, Yurui Qu, Steven E. Kooi, Wei Li, Jingxing Feng, Jo Ann Ratto, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Yichen Shen.
ACS Nano Vol.15, p.19917, (2021).
"A Brewster route to Cherenkov detectors"
Xiao Lin, Hao Hu, Sajan Easo, Yi Yang, Yichen Shen, Kezhen Yin, Michele Piero Blago, Ido Kaminer, Baile Zhang, Hongsheng Chen, John Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic & Yu Luo.
Nature Communications Vol.12, Article number: 5554 (2021).
"Controlling two-photon emission from superluminal and accelerating index perturbations"
Jamison Sloan, Nicholas Rivera, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Nature Physics
(cover page)
"Three-dimensional non-Abelian generalizations of the Hofstadter model: Spin-orbit-coupled butterfly trios"
Vincent Liu, Yi Yang, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. B Vol.104, 115127 (2021).
"Casimir light in dispersive nanophotonics"
Jamison Sloan, Nicholas Rivera, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.127, 053603 (2021).
"Submicrometer perovskite plasmonic lasers at room temperature"
Sangyeon Cho, Yi Yang, Marin Soljacic, and Seok Hyun Yun.
Science Advances Vol.7, eabf3362 (2021).
"We Can Explain Your Research in Layman’s Terms: Towards Automating Science Journalism at Scale"
Rumen Dangovski, Michelle Shen, Dawson Byrd, Li Jing, Desislava Tsvetkova, Preslav Nakov, Marin Soljacic.
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35(14), 12728-12737, (2021).
"Control of quantum electrodynamical processes by shaping electron wavepackets"
Liang Jie Wong, Nicholas Rivera, Chitraang Murdia, Thomas Christensen, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic & Ido Kaminer.
Nature Communications Vol.12, Article number: 1700 (2021).
"End-to-end nanophotonic inverse design for imaging and polarimetry"
Zin Lin, Charles Roques-Carmes, Raphaël Pestourie, Marin Soljacic, Arka Majumdar and Steven G. Johnson.
Nanophotonics 10(3): 1177–1187, (2021).
"Quantum surface-response of metals revealed by acoustic graphene plasmons"
P.A.D.Gonçalves, Thomas Christensen, Nuno Peres, Antti-Pekka Jauho, Itai Epstein, Frank Koppens, Marin Soljacic, N.Asger Mortensen.
Nature Communications Vol.12, Article number: 3271 (2021).
"Computational inverse design for ultra-compact single-piece metalenses free of chromatic and angular aberration"
Zin Lin, Charles Roques-Carmes, Rasmus E. Christiansen, Marin Soljacic, and Steven G. Johnson.
Invited article in Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 041104 (2021).
"Enhancing Plasmonic Spectral Tunability with Anomalous Material Dispersion"
Mengjie Zheng, Yi Yang, Di Zhu, Yiqin Chen, Zhiwen Shu, Karl K. Berggren, Marin Soljacic, and Huigao Duan.
Nano Lett. Vol.21, p.91 (2021).
"Non-Abelian generalizations of the Hofstadter model: spin–orbit-coupled butterfly pairs"
Yi Yang, Bo Zhen, John D. Joannopoulos and Marin Soljacic.
Light: Science & Applications Vol.9, Article number: 177 (2020).
"Fullwave Maxwell inverse design of axisymmetric, tunable, and multi-scale multi-wavelength metalenses"
Rasmus E. Christiansen, Zin Lin, Charles Roques Carmes, Yannick Salamin, Steven E. Kooi, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic and Steven G. Johnson.
Optics Express Vol.28, p.33854 (2020).
"Inference in artificial intelligence with deep optics and photonics"
Gordon Wetzstein, Aydogan Ozcan, Sylvain Gigan, Shanhui Fan, Dirk Englund, Marin Soljacic, Cornelia Denz, David A. B. Miller and Demetri Psaltis.
Nature Vol.588, p.39 (2020).
"Extracting Interpretable Physical Parameters from Spatiotemporal Systems Using Unsupervised Learning"
Peter Y. Lu, Samuel Kim, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. X Vol.10, p.031056, (2020).
More material (here).
"Integration of Neural Network-Based Symbolic Regression in Deep Learning for Scientific Discovery"
Samuel Kim, Peter Y. Lu, Srijon Mukherjee, Michael Gilbert, Li Jing, Vladimir Ceperic, Marin Soljacic.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2020.3017010 (2020).
"Predictive and generative machine learning models for photonic crystals"
Thomas Christensen, Charlotte Loh, Stjepan Picek, Domagoj Jakobovic, Li Jing, Sophie Fisher, Vladimir Ceperic, John D. Joannopoulos and Marin Soljacic.
Invited paper in Nanophotonics Vol.9, p.4183, (2020).
"Accelerating recurrent Ising machines in photonic integrated circuits"
Mihika Prabhu, Charles Roques-Carmes, Yichen Shen, Nicholas Harris, Li Jing, Jacques Carolan, Ryan Hamerly, Tom Baehr-Jones, Michael Hochberg, Vladimir Ceperic, John D. Joannopoulos, Dirk R. Englund, and Marin Soljacic.
Optica Vol.7, p.551, (2020).
"Plasmonics in argentene"
Ravishankar Sundararaman, Thomas Christensen, Yuan Ping, Nicholas Rivera, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Prineha Narang.
Phys. Rev. Mat. Vol.4, p.074011, (2020).
"Observation of topologically enabled unidirectional guided resonances"
Xuefan Yin, Jicheng Jin, Marin Soljacic, Chao Peng, Bo Zhen.
Nature Vol.580, p.467, (2020).
"Heuristic recurrent algorithms for photonic Ising machines"
Charles Roques-Carmes, Yichen Shen, Cristian Zanoci, Mihika Prabhu, Fadi Atieh, Li Jing, Tena Dubcek, Chenkai Mao, Miles R. Johnson, Vladimir Ceperic, John D. Joannopoulos, Dirk Englund, Marin Soljacic.
Nature Communications Vol.11, Article number: 249 (2020).
"Plasmon–emitter interactions at the nanoscale"
P. A. D. Gonçalves, Thomas Christensen, Nicholas Rivera, Antti-Pekka Jauho, N. Asger Mortensen, Marin Soljacic.
Nature Communications Vol.11, Article number: 366 (2020).
"Monochromatic X-ray Source Based on Scattering from a Magnetic Nanoundulator"
Sophie Fisher, Charles Roques-Carmes, Nicholas Rivera, Liang Jie Wong, Ido Kaminer, and Marin Soljacic.
ACS Photonics (2020).
"Controlling spins with surface magnon polaritons"
Jamison Sloan, Nicholas Rivera, John D. Joannopoulos, Ido Kaminer, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. B Vol.100, 235453 (2019).
"Bound states in the continuum in fiber Bragg gratings"
Xingwei Gao, Bo Zhen, Marin Soljacic, Hongsheng Chen, and Chia Wei Hsu.
ACS Photonics, Vol.6, 11, 2996-3002 (2019).
"A general theoretical and experimental framework for nanoscale electromagnetism"
Yi Yang, Di Zhu, Wei Yan, Akshay Agarwal, Mengjie Zheng, John D. Joannopoulos, Philippe Lalanne, Thomas Christensen , Karl K. Berggren and Marin Soljacic.
Nature Vol.576, p.248, (2019).
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"Topologically Enabled Ultra-high-Q Guided Resonances Robust to Out-of-plane Scattering"
Jicheng Jin, Xuefan Yin, Liangfu Ni, Marin Soljacic, Bo Zhen, and Chao Peng.
Nature Vol.574, p.501, (2019).
"Graphene Metamaterials for Intense, Tunable, and Compact Extreme Ultraviolet and X-Ray Sources"
Andrea Pizzi, Gilles Rosolen, Liang Jie Wong, Rasmus Ischebeck, Marin Soljacic, Thomas Feurer, and Ido Kaminer.
Adv. Sci. 2019 1901609.
"Light emission based on nanophotonic vacuum forces"
Nicholas Rivera, Liang Jie Wong, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic and Ido Kaminer.
Nature Physics Vol.15, p.1284, (2019).
"Synthesis and observation of non-Abelian gauge fields in real space"
Yi Yang, Chao Peng, Di Zhu, Hrvoje Buljan, John D. Joannopoulos, Bo Zhen, and Marin Soljacic.
Science Vol.365, p.1021, (2019).
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"Shaping Long-lived Electron Wavepackets for Customizable Optical Spectra"
Rumen Dangovski, Nicholas Rivera, Marin Soljacic, and Ido Kaminer.
Optica Vol.6, p.1089, (2019).
"Towards integrated tunable all-silicon free-electron light sources"
Charles Roques-Carmes, Steven E. Kooi, Yi Yang, Aviram Massuda, Phillip D. Keathley, Aun Zaidi, Yujia Yang, John D. Joannopoulos, Karl K. Berggren, Ido Kaminer, and Marin Soljacic.
Nature Communications Vol.10, Article number:3176, (2019).
"Gated Orthogonal Recurrent Units: On Learning to Forget"
Li Jing, Caglar Gulcehre, John Peurifoy, Yichen Shen, Max Tegmark, Marin Soljacic, Yoshua Bengio.
Neural Computation Vol.31, p.765, (2019).
"Rotational Unit of Memory: A Novel Representation Unit for RNNs with Scalable Applications"
Rumen Dangovski, Li Jing, Preslav Nakov, Mico Tatalovic, Marin Soljacic.
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics Vol.7, p.121, 2019.
More material (here).
"Migrating Knowledge between Physical Scenarios based on Artificial Neural Networks"
Yurui Qu, Li Jing, Yichen Shen, Min Qiu, and Marin Soljacic.
ACS Photonics 2019 Vol.6, p.1168.
"Large-Scale Optical Neural Networks Based on Photoelectric Multiplication"
Ryan Hamerly, Liane Bernstein, Alexander Sludds, Marin Soljacic, and Dirk Englund.
Phys. Rev. X Vol.9, 021032 (2019).
More material (here).
"Ultrafast Multiharmonic Plasmon Generation by Optically Dressed Electrons"
Nicholas Rivera, Liang Jie Wong, Marin Soljacic, and Ido Kaminer.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.122, 053901 (2019).
"Practical emitters for thermophotovoltaics: a review"
Reyu Sakakibara, Veronika Stelmakh, Walker R. Chan, Michael Ghebrebrhan, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Ivan Celanovic.
J. of Photonics for Energy Vol.9, p.032713 (2019).
"Polarization-Independent Optical Broadband Angular Selectivity"
Yurui Qu, Yichen Shen, Kezhen Yin, Yuanqing Yang, Qiang Li, Min Qiu, and Marin Soljacic.
ACS Photonics 2018 Vol.5, 4125.
"Smith–Purcell Radiation from Low-Energy Electrons"
Aviram Massuda, Charles Roques-Carmes, Yujia Yang, Steven E. Kooi, Yi Yang, Chitraang Murdia, Karl K. Berggren, Ido Kaminer, and Marin Soljacic.
ACS Photonics 2018 Vol.5, 3513.
"Nonperturbative Quantum Electrodynamics in the Cherenkov Effect"
Charles Roques-Carmes, Nicholas Rivera, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Ido Kaminer.
Phys. Rev. X Vol.8, 041013, (2018).
"Shaping Polaritons to Reshape Selection Rules"
Francisco Machado, Nicholas Rivera, Hrvoje Buljan, Marin Soljacic, and Ido Kaminer.
ACS Photonics 2018 Vol.5, 3064.
"Passive directional sub-ambient daytime radiative cooling"
Bikram Bhatia, Arny Leroy, Yichen Shen, Lin Zhao, Melissa Gianello, Duanhui Li, Tian Gu, Juejun Hu, Marin Soljacic, and Evelyn N. Wang.
Nature Communications Vol.9, 5001 (2018).
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"Metasurface-based multi-harmonic free-electron light source"
Gilles Rosolen, Liang Jie Wong, Nicholas Rivera, Bjorn Maes, Marin Soljacic, and Ido Kaminer.
Light: Science & Applications Vol.7, 64 (2018).
"Maximal Spontaneous Photon Emission and Energy Loss from Free Electrons"
Yi Yang, Aviram Massuda, Charles Roques-Carmes, Steven E. Kooi, Thomas Christensen, Steven G. Johnson, John D. Joannopoulos, Owen D. Miller, Ido Kaminer & Marin Soljacic.
Nature Physics, DOI: 10.1038/s41567-018-0180-2 (2018).
"Nanophotonic particle simulation and inverse design using artificial neural networks"
John Peurifoy, Yichen Shen, Li Jing, Yi Yang, Fidel Cano-Renteria, Brendan Delacy, Max Tegmark, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic.
Science Advances, Vol.4, no.6, eaar4206, (2018).
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"Large Photothermal Effect in Sub-40 nm h-BN Nanostructures Patterned Via High-Resolution Ion Beam"
Josué J. López, Antonio Ambrosio, Siyuan Dai, Chuong Huynh, David C. Bell, Xiao Lin, Nicholas Rivera, Shengxi Huang, Qiong Ma, Soeren Eyhusen, Ido E. Kaminer, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Jing Kong, Dimitri N. Basov, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero and Marin Soljacic.
Small, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201800072 (2018).
"Superlight inverse Doppler effect"
Xihang Shi, Xiao Lin, Ido Kaminer, Fei Gao, Zhaoju Yang, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Baile Zhang.
Nature Physics, DOI: 10.1038/s41567-018-0209-6 (2018).
"Control of semiconductor emitter frequency by increasing polariton momenta"
Yaniv Kurman, Nicholas Rivera, Thomas Christensen, Shai Tsesses, Meir Orenstein, Marin Soljacic, John D. Joannopoulos & Ido Kaminer.
Nature Photonics Vol.12, p.423 (2018).
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"Controlling Cherenkov angles with resonance transition radiation"
Xiao Lin, Sajan Easo, Yichen Shen, Hongsheng Chen, Baile Zhang, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Ido Kaminer.
Nature Physics, DOI: 10.1038/s41567-018-0138-4 (2018).
"Quantum Hall Effect with Composites of Magnetic Flux Tubes and Charged Particles"
Marija Todoric, Dario Jukic, Danko Radic, Marin Soljacic, and Hrvoje Buljan.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.120, p.267201 (2018).
"Quantum plasmons with optical-range frequencies in doped few-layer graphene"
Sharmila N. Shirodkar, Marios Mattheakis, Paul Cazeaux, Prineha Narang, Marin Soljacic, Efthimios Kaxiras.
Phys. Rev. B Vol.97, p.195435 (2018).
"A high-efficiency regime for gas-phase terahertz lasers"
Fan Wang, Jeongwon Lee, Dane J. Phillips, Samuel G. Holliday, Song-Liang Chua, Jorge Bravo-Abad, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Steven G. Johnson, and Henry O. Everitt.
PNAS DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1803261115 (2018).
"Observation of Bulk Fermi Arc and Polarization Half Charge from Paired Exceptional Points"
Hengyun Zhou, Chao Peng, Yoseob Yoon, Chia Wei Hsu, Keith A. Nelson, Liang Fu, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Bo Zhen.
Science, 10.1126/science.aap9859 (2018).
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"Multifrequency Superscattering from Subwavelength Hyperbolic Structures"
Chao Qian, Xiao Lin, Yi Yang, Fei Gao, Yichen Shen, Josue Lopez, Ido Kaminer, Baile Zhang, Erping Li, Marin Soljacic, Hongsheng Chen.
ACS Photonics, 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b01534, (2018).
"Active Radiative Thermal Switching with Graphene Plasmon Resonators"
Ognjen Ilic, Nathan H. Thomas, Thomas Christensen, Michelle C. Sherrott, Marin Soljacic, Austin J. Minnich, Owen D. Miller, and Harry A. Atwater.
ACS Nano, Vol.12, p.2474, (2018).
"Making two-photon processes dominate one-photon processes using mid-IR phonon polaritons"
Nicholas Rivera, Gilles Rosolen, John D. Joannopoulos, Ido Kaminer, and Marin Soljacic.
PNAS, Vol.114, p.13607, (2017).
"Tunable Efficient Unitary Neural Networks (EUNN) and their application to RNNs"
Li Jing, Yichen Shen, Tena Dubcek, John Peurifoy, Scott Skirlo, Yann LeCun, Max Tegmark, Marin Soljacic.
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning, Sydney, Australia, PMLR 70, 2017.
"Spectral and spatial shaping of Smith-Purcell radiation"
Roei Remez, Niv Shapira, Charles Roques-Carmes, Romain Tirole, Yi Yang, Yossi Lereah, Marin Soljacic, Ido Kaminer, and Ady Arie.
Phys. Rev. A Rapid Comm. Vol.96, p. 061801(R), (2017).
"Combined selective emitter and filter for high performance incandescent lighting"
Arny Leroy, Bikram Bhatia, Kyle Wilke, Ognjen Ilic, Marin Soljacic, Evelyn N. Wang.
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.111, p.094103, (2017).
"Limits to the Optical Response of Graphene and 2D Materials"
Owen D. Miller, Ognjen Ilic, Thomas Christensen, M. T. Homer Reid, Harry A. Atwater, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Steven G. Johnson.
Nano Lett. Vol.17, p.5408, (2017).
"Constructing “designer atoms" via resonant graphene-induced Lamb shifts"
Cyuan-Han Chang, Nicholas Rivera, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Ido Kaminer.
ACS Photonics, Vol.4, p.3098, (2017).
"Ultra-light A-scale Optimal Optical Reflectors"
Georgia T. Papadakis, Prineha Narang, Ravishankar Sundararaman, Nicholas Rivera, Hrvoje Buljan, Nader Engheta, and Marin Soljacic.
ACS Photonics, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00609 (2017).
"Tunable UV-Emitters through Graphene Plasmonics"
Jamison Sloan, Nicholas Rivera, Marin Soljacic, and Ido Kaminer.
Nano Lett. DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b04146 (2017).
"Laser-Induced Linear-Field Particle Acceleration in Free Space"
Liang Jie Wong, Kyung-Han Hong, Sergio Carbajo, Arya Fallahi, Philippe Piot, Marin Soljacic, John D. Joannopoulos, Franz X. Kartner, and Ido Kaminer.
Scientific Reports, Vol.7, 11159, (2017).
"Deep learning with coherent nanophotonic circuits"
Y.Shen, N.Harris, S.Skirlo, M.Prabhu, T.Baehr-Jones, M.Hochberg, X.Sun, S.Zhao, H.Larochelle, D.Englund & M.Soljacic.
Nature Photonics, Vol.11, p.441,
(cover page)
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"Topologically enabled optical nanomotors"
Ognjen Ilic, Ido Kaminer, Bo Zhen, Owen D. Miller, Hrvoje Buljan and Marin Soljacic.
Science Advances, Vol.2, e1602738 (2017).
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"All-angle negative refraction of highly squeezed plasmon and phonon polaritons in graphene-boron nitride heterostructures"
Xiao Lin, Yi Yang, Nicholas Rivera, Josue J. Lopez, Yichen Shen, Ido Kaminer, Hongsheng Chen, Baile Zhang, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic.
PNAS Vol.114, p.6717, (2017).
"Low-Loss Plasmonic Dielectric Nanoresonators"
Yi Yang, Owen D. Miller, Thomas Christensen, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Nano Lett. Vol.17, p.3238, (2017).
"Enabling efficient heat-to-electricity generation at the mesoscale"
Walker R. Chan, Veronika Stelmakh, Michael Ghebrebrhan, Marin Soljacic, John D. Joannopoulos and Ivan Celanovic.
Energy & Environmental Science, Vol.10, p.1367, (2017).
"Infrared Topological Plasmons in Graphene"
Dafei Jin, Thomas Christensen, Marin Soljacic, Nicholas X. Fang, Ling Lu, Xiang Zhang.
Editors' Suggestion Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.118, 245301, (2017).
"Quantum Corrections in Nanoplasmonics: Shape, Scale, and Material"
Thomas Christensen, Wei Yan, Antti-Pekka Jauho, Marin Soljacic, and N. Asger Mortensen.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.118, 157402, (2017).
"General theory of spontaneous emission near exceptional points"
Adi Pick, Bo Zhen, Owen D. Miller, Chia W. Hsu, Felipe Hernandez, Alejandro W. Rodriguez, Marin Soljacic, Steven G. Johnson.
Editors' PickOptics Express, Vol. 25, p.12325, (2017).
"Narrowband Metamaterial Absorber for Terahertz Secure Labeling"
M.Nasr, J.Richard, S.Skirlo, M.Heimbeck, J.Joannopoulos, M.Soljacic, H.Everitt, L.Domash.
J Infrared Milli Terahz Waves (2017). doi:10.1007/s10762-017-0389-7
"Spectrally and Spatially Resolved Smith-Purcell Radiation in Plasmonic Crystals with Short-Range Disorder"
I. Kaminer, S. E. Kooi, R. Shiloh, B. Zhen, Y. Shen, J. J. López, R. Remez, S. A. Skirlo, Y. Yang, J. D. Joannopoulos, A. Arie, and M. Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. X, Vol.7, 011003, (2017).
"Dynamically Encircling Exceptional Points: Exact Evolution and Polarization State Conversion"
Absar U. Hassan, Bo Zhen, Marin Soljacic, Mercedeh Khajavikhan, and Demetrios N. Christodoulides.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.118, 093002, (2017).
"Splashing transients of 2D plasmons launched by swift electrons"
Xiao Lin, Ido Kaminer, Xihang Shi, Fei Gao, Zhaoju Yang, Zhen Gao, Hrvoje Buljan, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Hongsheng Chen, Baile Zhang.
Science Advances, Vol.3, e1601192 (2017).
"Direct imaging of isofrequency contours in photonic structures"
Emma C. Regan, Yuichi Igarashi, Bo Zhen, Ido Kaminer, Chia Wei Hsu, Yichen Shen, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic.
Science Advances, Vol.2, e1601591 (2016).
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"Topological magnetoplasmon"
Dafei Jin, Ling Lu, Zhong Wang, Chen Fang, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Liang Fu & Nicholas X. Fang.
Nature Communications, Vol.7, 13486, (2016); doi:10.1038/ncomms13486
"Perfect single-sided radiation and absorption without mirrors"
Hengyun Zhou, Bo Zhen, Chia Wei Hsu, Owen D. Miller, Steven G. Johnson, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Optica, Vol. 3, p.1079, (2016).
"Controlling Directionality and Dimensionality of Radiation by Perturbing Separable Bound States in the Continuum"
Nicholas Rivera, Chia Wei Hsu, Bo Zhen, Hrvoje Buljan, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Scientific Reports, Vol.6, 33394, (2016).
"Bound States in the Continuum"
Chia Wei Hsu, Bo Zhen, A. Douglas Stone, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Invited review article in Nature Reviews Materials, Vol.1, 16048, (2016).
"Transverse-electric Brewster effect enabled by nonmagnetic two-dimensional materials"
Xiao Lin, Yichen Shen, Ido Kaminer, Hongsheng Chen, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. A Vol.94, 023836, (2016).
"Tailoring the energy distribution and loss of 2D plasmons"
Xiao Lin, Nicholas Rivera, Josue J Lopez, Ido Kaminer, Hongsheng Chen, and Marin Soljacic.
Invited article in New Journal of Physics, Vol.18, 105007, (2016).
"Topological states in photonic systems"
Ling Lu, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic.
Commentary in Nature Physics, Vol.12, p.626, (2016).
"Formation Mechanism of Guided Resonances and Bound States in the Continuum in Photonic Crystal Slabs"
Xingwei Gao, Chia Wei Hsu, Bo Zhen, Xiao Lin, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Hongsheng Chen.
Scientific Reports, Vol.6, 31908, (2016).
"Roadmap on optical energy conversion"
S. Boriskina et al. J.Opt. Vol.18, 073004, (2016).
"Shrinking light to allow forbidden transitions on the atomic scale"
Nicholas Rivera, Ido Kaminer, Bo Zhen, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Science, Vol.353, p.263 (2016).
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"Efficient plasmonic emission by the quantum Cerenkov effect from hot carriers in graphene"
Ido Kaminer, Yaniv Tenenbaum Katan, Hrvoje Buljan, Yichen Shen, Ognjen Ilic, Josué J. López, Liang Jie Wong, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Nature Communications, Vol.7, 11880, (2016); doi:10.1038/ncomms11880
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"Optically Thin Metallic Films for High-Radiative-Efficiency Plasmonics"
Yi Yang, Bo Zhen, Chia Wei Hsu, Owen D. Miller, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Nano Lett. (2016). doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b00853
"Enhanced photovoltaic energy conversion using thermally based spectral shaping"
David M. Bierman, Andrej Lenert, Walker R. Chan, Bikram Bhatia, Ivan Celanovic, Marin Soljacic, and Evelyn N.Wang.
Nature Energy Vol.1, 16068, (2016); doi:10.1038/nenergy.2016.68
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"Electromagnetic pathway: Flexible yet robust"
Bo Zhen and Marin Soljacic.
News&Views in Nature Materials Vol.15, p.494, (2016).
"Probing topological protection using a designer surface plasmon structure"
Fei Gao, Zhen Gao, Xihang Shi, Zhaoju Yang, Xiao Lin, Hongyi Xu, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Hongsheng Chen, Ling Lu, Yidong Chong, and Baile Zhang.
Nature Communications, Vol.7, 11619, (2016); doi:10.1038/ncomms11619
"Substrate-Independent Light Confinement in Bioinspired All-Dielectric Surface Resonators"
Emma C. Regan, Yichen Shen, Josue J. Lopez, Chia Wei Hsu, Bo Zhen, John D Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
ACS Photonics, 2016, Vol.3, p.532, (2016).
"Sputtered Tantalum Photonic Crystal Coatings for High-Temperature Energy Conversion Applications"
Veronika Stelmakh, Walker R. Chan, Michael Ghebrebrhan, Jay Senkevich, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Ivan Celanovic.
IEEE Trans. on Nanotech. Vol. 15, p.303, (2016).
"Efficient, designable, and broad-bandwidth optical extinction via aspect-ratio-tailored silver nanodisks"
E. L. Anquillare, O. D. Miller, C. W. Hsu, B. G. DeLacy, J. D. Joannopoulos, S. G. Johnson, and M. Soljacic.
Optics Express, Vol. 24, p.10806, (2016).
"Symmetry-protected topological photonic crystal in three dimensions"
Ling Lu, Chen Fang, Liang Fu, Steven G. Johnson, John D. Joannopoulos and Marin Soljacic.
Nature Physics Vol.3, p.337, (2016); doi:10.1038/nphys3611
"Broadband angular selectivity of light at the nanoscale: Progress, applications, and outlook"
Yichen Shen, Chia Wei Hsu, Yi Xiang Yeng, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Invited review article in Applied Physics Reviews Vol.3, p.011103, (2016).
"Quantum Cerenkov Radiation: Spectral Cutoffs and the Role of Spin and Orbital Angular Momentum"
Ido Kaminer, Maor Mutzafi, Amir Levy, Gal Harari, Hanan Herzig Sheinfux, Scott Skirlo, Jonathan Nemirovsky, John D. Joannopoulos, Mordechai Segev, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. X, Vol.6, p.011006, (2016).
"Tailoring high-temperature radiation and the resurrection of the incandescent source"
Ognjen Ilic, Peter Bermel, Gang Chen, John D. Joannopoulos, Ivan Celanovic and Marin Soljacic.
Nature Nanotechnology Vol.11, p.320, (2016); doi:10.1038/nnano.2015.309
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"Exploiting Optical Asymmetry for Controlled Guiding of Particles with Light"
Ognjen Ilic, Ido Kaminer, Yoav Lahini, Hrvoje Buljan, and Marin Soljacic.
ACS Photonics, Vol.3, p.197, (2016).
"An Invisible Metallic Mesh"
Dexin Ye, Ling Lu, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Lixin Ran.
PNAS Vol.113, p.2568, (2016).
"Fundamental limits to optical response in absorptive systems"
Owen D. Miller, Athanasios G. Polimeridis, M. T. Homer Reid, Chia Wei Hsu, Brendan G. DeLacy, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Steven G. Johnson.
Optics Express, Vol.24, p.3329, (2016).
"Toward Graphene Plasmon-Based Free-Electron IR to X-ray Sources"
Liang Jie Wong, Ido Kaminer, Ognjen Ilic, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Nature Photonics, Vol.10, p.46, (2016).
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"Experimental Observation of Large Chern Numbers in Photonic Crystals"
Scott A. Skirlo, Ling Lu, Yuichi Igarashi, Qinghui Yan, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.115, 235901, (2015).
"The Harper–Hofstadter Hamiltonian and conical diffraction in photonic lattices with grating assisted tunneling"
Tena Dubcek, Karlo Lelas, Dario Jukic, Robert Pezer, Marin Soljacic, and Hrvoje Buljan.
Invited article in New Journal of Physics Vol. 17, p.125002, (2015).
"Thick Sputtered Tantalum Coatings for High-Temperature Energy Conversion Applications"
Veronika Stelmakh, Daniel Peykov, Walker R. Chan, Jay J. Senkevich, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Ivan Celanovic, Robert Castillo, Kent Coulter, and Ronghua Wei.
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A Vol. 33, p.061204, (2015).
"Spawning rings of exceptional points out of Dirac cones"
B. Zhen, C. W. Hsu, Y. Igarashi, L. Lu, I. Kaminer, A. Pick, S-L Chua, J.D. Joannopoulos, and M. Soljacic.
Nature, Vol.525, p.354 (2015).
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"Experimental observation of Weyl points"
L. Lu, Z. Wang, D. Ye, L. Ran, L. Fu, J.D. Joannopoulos, and M. Soljacic.
Science, Vol.349, p.622 (2015).
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"Nanoimprinted superlattice metallic photonic crystal as ultraselective solar absorber"
V. Rinnerbauer, E. Lausecker, F. Schaffler, P. Reininger, R. D. Geil, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Ivan Celanovic.
Optica, Vol.2 p.743 (2015).
"Weyl points in photonic-crystal superlattices"
J. Bravo-Abad, L. Lu, L. Fu, H. Buljan and M. Soljacic.
Invited article in 2D Materials, Vol.2 p.034013 (2015).
"Weyl Points in Three-Dimensional Optical Lattices: Synthetic Magnetic Monopoles in Momentum Space"
Tena Dubcek, Colin J. Kennedy, Ling Lu, Wolfgang Ketterle, Marin Soljacic, and Hrvoje Buljan.
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.114, 225301, (2015).
"Broadband surface-wave transformation cloak "
Su Xu, Hongyi Xu, Hanhong Gao, Yuyu Jiang, Faxin Yu, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Hongsheng Chen, Handong Sun, and Baile Zhang.
PNAS Vol.112, p.7635, (2015).
"Photonic crystal enhanced silicon cell based thermophotovoltaic systems"
Yi Xiang Yeng, Walker R. Chan, Veronika Rinnerbauer, Veronika Stelmakh, Jay J. Senkevich, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Ivan Celanovic.
Optics Express Vol.23, p. A157, (2015).
"Optimization of sharp and viewing-angle-independent structural color"
Chia Wei Hsu, Owen D. Miller, Steven G. Johnson, and Marin Soljacic.
Optics Express Vol.23, p.9516, (2015).
"Coherent Plasmon-Exciton Coupling in Silver Platelet-J-aggregate Nanocomposites"
B.G.DeLacy, O.D.Miller, C.W.Hsu, Z.Zander, S.Lacey, R.Yagloski, A.W.Fountain, E.Valdes, E.Anquillare, M. Soljacic, S.G.Johnson, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Nano Lett., Vol.15, p.2588, (2015).
"Binary matrices of optimal autocorrelations as alignment marks"
Scott Skirlo, Ling Lu, and Marin Soljacic.
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B Vol. 33, p.021601, (2015).
"Structural Colors from Fano Resonances"
Yichen Shen, Veronika Rinnerbauer, Imbert Wang, Veronika Stelmakh, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
ACS Photonics, Vol.2, 27, (2015).
"Topological Nature of Optical Bound States in the Continuum"
Bo Zhen, Chia Wei Hsu, Ling Lu, A. Douglas Stone, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.113, 257401, (2014).
"Superlattice photonic crystal as broadband solar absorber for high temperature operation"
Veronika Rinnerbauer, Yichen Shen, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Friedrich Schaffler, and Ivan Celanovic.
Optics Express Vol.22, p. A1895, (2014).
"Topological Photonics"
Ling Lu, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Invited review article in Nature Photonics, Vol.8, p.821,
(cover page),
"Multimode One-Way Waveguides of Large Chern Numbers"
Scott A. Skirlo, Ling Lu, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.113, 113904, (2014).
"Enabling Ideal Selective Solar Absorption with 2D Metallic Dielectric Photonic Crystals"
Jeffrey B. Chou, Yi Xiang Yeng, Yoonkyung E. Lee, Andrej Lenert, Veronika Rinnerbauer, Ivan Celanovic, Marin Soljacic, Nicholas X. Fang, Evelyn N. Wang, and Sang-Gook Kim.
Adv. Mater.. doi: 10.1002/adma.201403302.
"Metamaterial broadband angular selectivity"
Yichen Shen, Dexin Ye, Li Wang, Ivan Celanovic, Lixin Ran, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. B Vol.90, p.125422, (2014).
"Global optimization of omnidirectional wavelength selective emitters/absorbers based on dielectric-filled anti-reflection coated two-dimensional metallic photonic crystals"
Yi Xiang Yeng, Jeffrey B. Chou, Veronika Rinnerbauer, Yichen Shen, Sang-Gook Kim, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Ivan Celanovic.
Optics Express Vol.22, p.21711, (2014).
"Ultrafast dynamic control"
Ognjen Ilic and Marin Soljacic.
News&Views in Nature Materials Vol.13, p.920, (2014).
"Theoretical Criteria for Scattering Dark States in Nanostructured Particles"
Chia Wei Hsu, Brendan G. DeLacy, Steven G. Johnson, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Nano Lett., Vol.14, p.2783 (2014).
"Metallic Photonic Crystal Absorber-Emitter for Efficient Spectral Control in High-Temperature Solar Thermophotovoltaics"
V. Rinnerbauer, A. Lenert, D. M. Bierman, Y. X. Yeng, W. R. Chan, R. D. Geil, J. J. Senkevich, J. D. Joannopoulos, E. N. Wang, M. Soljacic, and I. Celanovic.
Advanced Energy Materials, doi: 10.1002/aenm.201400334 (2014).
"Fundamental Limits to Extinction by Metallic Nanoparticles"
O. D. Miller, C.W. Hsu, M. T. H. Reid, W. Qiu, B. G. DeLacy, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljacic, and S. G. Johnson.
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.112, p.123903 (2014).
"Optical Broadband Angular Selectivity"
Y. Shen, D. Ye, I. Celanovic, S G. Johnson, J.D. Joannopoulos, and M. Soljacic.
Science, Vol.343, p.1499 (2014).
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"Larger-area single-mode photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers enabled by an accidental Dirac point"
Song-Liang Chua, Ling Lu, Jorge Bravo-Abad, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Opt. Lett. Vol.39, p.2072, (2014).
"Effects of screening on the optical absorption in graphene and in metallic monolayers"
Marinko Jablan, Marin Soljacic, and Hrvoje Buljan.
Phys. Rev. B Vol.89, 085415, (2014).
"A nanophotonic solar thermophotovoltaic device"
Andrej Lenert, David M. Bierman, Youngsuk Nam, Walker R. Chan, Ivan Celanovic, Marin Soljacic, and Evelyn N. Wang.
Nature Nanotechnology, Vol.9, 126 (2014).
"Modeling of threshold and dynamics behavior of organic nanostructured lasers"
Song-Liang Chua, Bo Zhen, Jeongwon Lee, Jorge Bravo-Abad, Ofer Shapira, and Marin Soljacic.
J. Mater. Chem. C, Vol.2, 1463 (2014).
"Fabricating centimeter-scale high quality factor two-dimensional periodic photonic crystal slabs"
Jeongwon Lee, Bo Zhen, Song-Liang Chua, Ofer Shapira, and Marin Soljacic.
Optics Express Vol. 22, p.3724, (2014).
"Transparent displays enabled by resonant nanoparticle scattering"
Chia Wei Hsu, Bo Zhen, Wenjun Qiu, Ofer Shapira, Brendan G. DeLacy, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Nature Communications, Vol.7, 3152 (2014); doi:10.1038/ncomms4152.
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"Solar thermophotovoltaic energy conversion systems with two-dimensional tantalum photonic crystal absorbers and emitters"
Youngsuk Nam, Yi Xiang Yeng, Andrej Lenert, Peter Bermel, Ivan Celanovic, Marin Soljacic, and Evelyn N.Wang.
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Vol.122, 287 (2014).
"Design of wide-angle selective absorbers/emitters with dielectric filled metallic photonic crystals for energy applications"
J. Chou, Y. Yeng, A. Lenert, V. Rinnerbauer, I. Celanovic, M. Soljacic, E. Wang, and S. Kim.
Optics Express Vol. 22, p.A144, (2014).
"Evolution of sputtered tungsten coatings at high temperature"
Veronika Stelmakh, Veronika Rinnerbauer, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Ivan Celanovic, and Jay J. Senkevich.
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A Vol. 31, p.061505, (2013).
"Stimulated Brillouin scattering in nanoscale silicon step-index waveguides: a general framework of selection rules and calculating SBS gain"
Wenjun Qiu, Peter T. Rakich, Heedeuk Shin, Hui Dong, Marin Soljacic, and Zheng Wang.
Optics Express Vol. 21, p.31402, (2013).
"Super-collimation with high frequency sensitivity in 2D photonic crystals induced by saddle-type van Hove singularities"
Xulin Lin, Xiaogang Zhang, Liang Chen, Marin Soljacic, and Xunya Jiang.
Optics Express Vol. 21, p.30140, (2013).
"Performance analysis of experimentally viable photonic crystal enhanced thermophotovoltaic systems"
Y.X.Yeng, W.R.Chan, V.Rinnerbauer, J.D.Joannopoulos, M. Soljacic, and I.Celanovic.
Optics Express Vol.21, p.A1035, (2013).
"High-temperature tantalum tungsten alloy photonic crystals: Stability, optical properties, and fabrication"
V. Stelmakh, V. Rinnerbauer, R. D. Geil, P. R. Aimone, J. J. Senkevich, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljacic, and I. Celanovic.
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.103, 123903, (2013).
"Enabling enhanced emission and low-threshold lasing of organic molecules using special Fano resonances of macroscopic photonic crystals"
B.Zhen, S-L.Chua, J.Lee, A.W.Rodriguez, X.Liang, S.G.Johnson, J.D.Joannopoulos, M. Soljacic, and O.Shapira.
PNAS Vol.110, p.13711,
(cover page),
"Layer-by-layer self-assembly of plexcitonic nanoparticles"
Brendan G. DeLacy, Wenjun Qiu, Marin Soljacic, Chia Wei Hsu, Owen D. Miller, Steven G. Johnson, and John D. Joannopoulos.
Optics Express Vol.21, p.19103, (2013).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics October 2013.
"Observation of trapped light within the radiation continuum"
Chia Wei Hsu, Bo Zhen, Jeongwon Lee, Song-Liang Chua, Steven G. Johnson, J.D.Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Nature Vol.499, p.188, (2013).
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"Bloch surface eigenstates within the radiation continuum"
Chia Wei Hsu, Bo Zhen, Song-Liang Chua, Steven G. Johnson, J.D.Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Invited Article in Light: Science & Applications by Nature group (2013) 2, e84;doi:10.1038/lsa.2013.40.
"Plasmons in Graphene: Fundamental Properties and Potential Applications"
Marinko Jablan, Marin Soljacic, and Hrvoje Buljan.
Invited Review Paper in Proceedings of the IEEE Vol.101, p.1689, (2013).
"Damping of plasmons in graphene"
Marinko Jablan, Hrvoje Buljan, and Marin Soljacic.
News&Views in Nature Photonics Vol.7, p.346, (2013).
"High-temperature stability and selective thermal emission of polycrystalline tantalum photonic crystals"
Veronika Rinnerbauer, Yi Xiang Yeng, Walker R. Chan, Jay J. Senkevich, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic and Ivan Celanovic.
Optics Express Vol.21, No.9 p.11482, (2013).
"Toward high-energy-density, high-efficiency, and moderate-temperature chip-scale thermophotovoltaics"
W. R. Chan, P. Bermel, R. C. N. Pilawa- Podgurski, C. H. Marton, K. F. Jensen, J. J. Senkevich, J. D. Joannopoulos,
Marin Soljacic, and Ivan Celanovic.
PNAS Vol.110, No.14, p. 5309, (2013).
"Weyl points and line nodes in gyroid photonic crystals"
Ling Lu, Liang Fu, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Nature Photonics, Vol.7, 294
(cover page),
"Large-area fabrication of high aspect ratio tantalum photonic crystals for high-temperature selective emitters"
Veronika Rinnerbauer, Sidy Ndao, Yi Xiang Yeng, Jay J. Senkevich, Klavs F. Jensen, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic and Ivan Celanovic.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B Vol.31(1), 011802-1, (2013).
"Low emissivity high-temperature tantalum thin film coatings for silicon devices"
Veronika Rinnerbauer, Jay J. Senkevich, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic and Ivan Celanovic.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A Vol.31(1), 011501-1, (2013).
"Flat photonic surface bands pinned between Dirac points"
Dario Jukic, Hrvoje Buljan, Dung-Hai Lee, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Optics Letters Vol.37, p.5262, (2012).
"Three-dimensional photonic crystals by large-area membrane stacking"
Ling Lu, Lin Lee Cheong, Henry I. Smith, Steven G. Johnson, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Optics Letters Vol.37, p.4726, (2012).
"Recent developments in high-temperature photonic crystals for energy conversion"
Veronika Rinnerbauer, Sidy Ndao, Yi Xiang Yeng, Walker R. Chan, Jay J. Senkevich, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic and Ivan Celanovic.
Invited Review Article in Energy & Environmental Science Vol.5, 8815, (2012).
"Observation and Differentiation of Unique High-Q Optical Resonances
Near Zero Wave Vector in Macroscopic Photonic Crystal Slabs"
Jeongwon Lee, Bo Zhen, Song-Liang Chua, Wenjun Qiu, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Ofer Shapira.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.109, 067401, (2012).
"Gyrotropic response in the absence of a bias field"
Zhiyu Wang, Zheng Wang, Jingyu Wang, Bin Zhang, Jiangtao Huangfu, John D. Joannopoulos,
Marin Soljacic, and Lixin Ran.
PNAS Vol.109, No.33, p. 13194, (2012).
"Optimization of broadband optical response of multilayer nanospheres"
Wenjun Qiu, Brendan G. DeLacy, Steven G. Johnson, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Optics Express Vol.20, No.16 p.18494, (2012).
"Enabling single-mode behavior over large areas with photonic Dirac cones"
Jorge Bravo-Abad, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
PNAS Vol.109, No.25, p. 9761, (2012).
"Waveguiding at the Edge of a Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystal"
Ling Lu, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.108, 243901, (2012).
"Fractal optics and beyond"
Mordechai Segev, Marin Soljacic and John Dudley.
Commentary in Nature Photonics Vol.6, 209, (2012).
"Near-field thermal radiation transfer controlled by plasmons in graphene"
Ognjen Ilic, Marinko Jablan, John D. Joannopoulos, Ivan Celanovic, Hrvoje Buljan, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. B Vol.85, 155422, (2012).
"Overcoming the black body limit in plasmonic and graphene near-field thermophotovoltaic systems"
Ognjen Ilic, Marinko Jablan, John D. Joannopoulos, Ivan Celanovic, and Marin Soljacic.
Optics Express Vol.20, No.S3 p.A366, (2012).
"Enabling high-temperature nanophotonics for energy applications"
Yi Xiang Yeng, Michael Ghebrebrhan, Peter Bermel, Walker R. Chan, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Ivan Celanovic.
PNAS Vol.109, No.7, p. 2280, (2012).
"Fabrication of two-dimensional tungsten photonic crystals for high-temperature applications"
M. Araghchini, Y. X. Yeng, N. Jovanovic, P. Bermel, L. A. Kolodziejski, M. Soljacic, I. Celanovic, and J. D. Joannopoulos.
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B Vol.29, No.6, p.061402, (2011).
"Broadband circulators based on directional coupling of one-way waveguides"
Wenjun Qiu, Zheng Wang, and Marin Soljacic.
Invited Paper in a Focus Issue of Optics Express Vol.19, No.22, p.22248, (2011).
"Tailoring photonic metamaterial resonances for thermal radiation"
Peter Bermel, Michael Ghebrebrhan, Michael Harradon, Yi Xiang Yeng, Ivan Celanovic, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Nanoscale Research Letters Vol.6, p.549, (2011).
"Frequency-Selective Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer between Photonic Crystal Slabs: A Computational Approach for Arbitrary Geometries and Materials"
Alejandro W. Rodriguez, Ognjen Ilic, Peter Bermel, Ivan Celanovic, John D. Joannopoulos,
Marin Soljacic, and Steven G. Johnson.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.107, 114302, (2011).
"Thermophotovoltaic power conversion systems: current performance and future potential"
Ivan Celanovic, Peter Bermel, and Marin Soljacic.
Invited Review Article in Oyo Buturi (Japan Society of Applied Physics) Vol.80, No.8, p.687, (2011).
"Abrupt coupling between strongly dissimilar waveguides with 100% transmission"
Andre Kurs, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Steven G. Johnson.
Optics Express Vol.19, No.14, p. 13714, (2011).
"Transverse electric plasmons in bilayer graphene"
Marinko Jablan, Hrvoje Buljan, Marin Soljacic.
Optics Express Vol.19, No.12, p. 11236, (2011).
"Unconventional plasmon-phonon coupling in graphene"
Marinko Jablan, Marin Soljacic, and Hrvoje Buljan.
Phys. Rev. B Rapid Comm. Vol.83, 161409(R), (2011).
"Spatio-temporal theory of lasing action in optically-pumped rotationally excited molecular gases"
Song-Liang Chua, Christine A. Caccamise, Dane J. Phillips, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, Henry O. Everitt, and Jorge Bravo-Abad.
Optics Express Vol.19, No.8, p. 7513, (2011).
"Degenerate four-wave mixing in triply resonant Kerr cavities"
David M. Ramirez, Alejandro W. Rodriguez, Hila Hashemi, J. D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Steven G. Johnson.
Phys. Rev. A Vol.83, 033834, (2011).
"Design and global optimization of high-efficiency solar thermal systems with tungsten cermets"
David Chester, Peter Bermel, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Ivan Celanovic.
Optics Express Vol.19, No.S3, p. A245, (2011).
"Angular photonic band gap"
Rafif E. Hamam, Ivan Celanovic, Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. A Vol.83, 035806, (2011).
"Tailoring thermal emission via Q matching of photonic crystal resonances"
Michael Ghebrebrhan, Peter Bermel, Yi X. Yeng, Ivan Celanovic, Marin Soljacic, and John D. Joannopoulos.
Phys. Rev. A Vol.83, 033810, (2011).
"Low-threshold lasing action in photonic crystal slabs enabled by Fano resonances"
Song-Liang Chua, Yidong Chong, A. Douglas Stone, Marin Soljacic, and Jorge Bravo-Abad.
Optics Express Vol.19, No.2, p. 1539, (2011).
"Design and global optimization of high-efficiency thermophotovoltaic systems"
Peter Bermel, Michael Ghebrebrhan, Walker Chan, Yi Xiang Yeng, Mohammad Araghchini,
Rafif Hamam, Christopher H. Marton, Klavs F. Jensen, Marin Soljacic,
John D. Joannopoulos, Steven G. Johnson, and Ivan Celanovic.
Optics Express Vol.18, No.103, p. A314, (2010).
"Efficient low-power terahertz generation via on-chip triply-resonant nonlinear frequency mixing"
Jorge Bravo-Abad, Alejandro W. Rodriguez, J. D. Joannopoulos, Peter T. Rakich, Steven G. Johnson, and Marin Soljacic.
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.96, 101110, (2010).
"Light scattering from anisotropic particles: propagation, localization, and nonlinearity"
Chengwei Qiu, Lei Gao, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Laser & Photonics Reviews Vol.4, No.2, p.268, (2010).
"Simultaneous mid-range power transfer to multiple devices"
Andre Kurs, Robert Moffatt, and Marin Soljacic.
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.96, 044102, (2010).
"Plasmonics in graphene at infrared frequencies"
Marinko Jablan, Hrvoje Buljan, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. B Vol.80, 245435, (2009).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology January 2010.
"Observation of unidirectional backscattering-immune topological electromagnetic states"
Zheng Wang, Yidong Chong, J.D.Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Nature Vol.461, p.772, (2009).
"Plasmonic-Dielectric Systems for High-Order Dispersionless Slow or Stopped Subwavelength Light"
Aristeidis Karalis, J.D.Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.103, 043906, (2009).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology July 2009.
"Ultrafast photodetection in an all-silicon chip enabled by two-photon absorption"
J. Bravo-Abad, E. P. Ippen, and Marin Soljacic.
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.94, 241103, (2009).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science July 2009.
"Efficient weakly-radiative wireless energy transfer: An EIT-like approach"
Rafif E. Hamam, Aristeidis Karalis, J.D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Annals of Physics Vol.324, 1783, (2009).
"Broadband super-collimation in a hybrid photonic crystal structure"
Rafif E. Hamam, Mihai Ibanescu, Steven G. Johnson, J. D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Optics Express Vol.17, 8109, (2009).
"Nonlinear harmonic generation and devices in doubly resonant Kerr cavities"
Hila Hashemi, Alejandro W. Rodriguez, J. D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Steven G. Johnson.
Phys. Rev. A Vol.79, 013812, (2009).
"Supercollimation in photonic crystals composed of silicon rods"
Ta-Ming Shih, Andre Kurs, Marcus Dahlem, Gale Petrich, Marin Soljacic,
Erich Ippen, Leslie Kolodziejski, Katherine Hall, and Morris Kesler.
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.93, 131111, (2008).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 20th October 2008.
"Effective theory of quadratic degeneracies"
Y. D. Chong, Xiao-Gang Wen, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. B Vol.77, 235125, (2008).
"Purcell effect in nonlinear photonic structures: A coupled mode theory analysis"
Rafif Hamam, Mihai Ibanescu, Evan J. Reed, Peter Bermel, Steven G. Johnson, Erich Ippen, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Optics Express Vol.16, 12523, (2008).
"Nonlinear photonic crystals near the supercollimation point"
Zhiyong Xu, Bjorn Maes, Xunya Jiang, John D. Joannopoulos, Lluis Torner, and Marin Soljacic.
Optics Letters, Vol.33, 1762, (2008).
"Efficient mid-IR spectral generation via spontaneous fifth-order cascaded-Raman amplification in silica fibers"
Peter T. Rakich, Yoel Fink, and Marin Soljacic.
Optics Letters, Vol.33, 1690, (2008).
"A Unified Picture of Laser Physics"
Jorge Bravo-Abad, and Marin Soljacic.
Perspectives in Science Vol.320, 623, (2008).
"Reflection-Free One-Way Edge Modes in a Gyromagnetic Photonic Crystal"
Zheng Wang, Y.D.Chong, John D.Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.100, 013905, (2008).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 21st January 2008.
"Dark-state polaritons in single- and double-Lambda media"
Y.D.Chong, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. A Vol.77, 013823, (2008).
"Efficient wireless non-radiative mid-range energy transfer"
Aristeidis Karalis, John D.Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Annals of Physics Vol.323, 34, (2008).
"Trapping, corralling and spectral bonding of optical resonances through optically induced potentials"
Peter T. Rakich, Milos A. Popovic, Marin Soljacic and Erich P. Ippen.
Nature Photonics, Vol.1, 658 (cover page), (2007).
"Enhanced nonlinear optics in photonic-crystal microcavities"
Jorge Bravo-Abad, Alejandro Rodriguez, Peter Bermel,
Steven G. Johnson, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Invited Paper in Optics Express Vol.15, 16161, (2007).
"Photonic Crystals go Dynamic"
Jorge Bravo-Abad, and Marin Soljacic.
News&Views in Nature Materials Vol.6, 799, (2007).
"Modeling Nonlinear Optical Phenomena in Nanophotonics"
Jorge Bravo-Abad, Shanhui Fan, Steven G. Johnson, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Invited Paper in IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Vol.25, 2539, (2007).
"Molecular dynamics simulations of coherent optical photon emission from shock waves in crystals"
Evan J.Reed, Marin Soljacic, Richard Gee, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Phys. Rev. B Vol.75, 174302, (2007).
"Distinguishing zero-group-velocity modes in photonic crystals"
M.Ghebrebrhan, M.Ibanescu, Steven G.Johnson, Marin Soljacic, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Phys. Rev. A Vol.76, 063810, (2007).
"The nonlinear effect from the interplay between the nonlinearity and the supercollimation of photonic crystal"
Xunya Jiang, Chuanhong Zhou, Xiaofang Yu, Shanhui Fan, Marin Soljacic and J. D. Joannopoulos.
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.91, 031105, (2007).
"Tailoring Optical Nonlinearities via the Purcell Effect"
Peter Bermel, Alejandro Rodriguez, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.99, 053601, (2007).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 20th August 2007.
"Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonances"
Andre Kurs, Aristeidis Karalis, Robert Moffatt, J.D.Joannopoulos, Peter Fisher, and Marin Soljacic.
Science Vol.317, 83, (2007). Also appeared in Science Express, an advance
on-line publication of Science 7th June 2007.
"Quantum theory of a resonant photonic crystal"
Y. D. Chong, David E. Pritchard, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. B Vol.75, 235124, (2007).
"Chi(2) and Chi(3) harmonic generation at a critical power
in inhomogeneous doubly resonant cavities"
Alejandro Rodriguez, Marin Soljacic, J. D. Joannopoulos,
and Steven G. Johnson.
Optics Express Vol.15, 7303, (2007).
"Terahertz radiation from shocked materials"
Evan J. Reed, Michael R. Armstrong, Kiyong Kim, Marin Soljacic,
Richard Gee, James H. Glownia, and John D. Joannopoulos.
Invited review article in Materials Today, Vol.10, 44, (2007).
"Coupled-mode theory for general free-space resonant scattering of waves"
Rafif E. Hamam, Aristeidis Karalis, J. D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. A Vol.75, 053801, (2007).
"Maxwell equation simulations of coherent optical photon emission from shock waves in crystals"
Evan J. Reed, Marin Soljacic, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Phys. Rev. E Vol.75, 056611, (2007).
"Extraordinary optical transmission through subwavelength holes in a polaritonic silicon dioxide film"
Dye-Zone A. Chen, Rafif Hamam, Marin Soljacic, J.D.Joannopoulos, and Gang Chen.
Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.90, 181921, (2007).
"Emulating one-dimensional resonant Q-matching behavior in a two-dimensional system via Fano resonances"
David L. C. Chan, Ivan Celanovic, J. D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. A Vol.74, 064901, (2006).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 15th January 2007.
"Photonic crystal optical waveguides for on-chip Bose-Einstein condensates"
J. Bravo-Abad, M. Ibanescu, J. D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. A Vol.74, 053619, (2006).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 4th December 2006.
"Switching through symmetry breaking in coupled nonlinear micro-cavities"
Bjorn Maes, Marin Soljacic, John D. Joannopoulos,
Peter Bienstman, Roel Baets, Simon-Pierre Gorza, and Marc Haelterman.
Optics Express Vol.14, 10678, (2006).
"Single-photon all-optical switching using waveguide-cavity quantum electrodynamics"
Peter Bermel, Alejandro Rodriguez, Steven G. Johnson, John D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. A Vol.74, 043818, (2006).
"Direct calculation of thermal emission for three-dimensionally periodic photonic crystal slabs"
David L.C. Chan, Marin Soljacic, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Phys. Rev. E Vol.74, 036615, (2006).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 2nd October 2006.
"Thermal emission and design in 2D-periodic metallic photonic crystal slabs"
David L.C. Chan, Marin Soljacic, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Optics Express Vol.14, 8785, (2006).
"Thermal emission and design in one-dimensional periodic metallic photonic crystal slabs"
David L.C. Chan, Marin Soljacic, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Phys. Rev. E Vol.74, 016609, (2006).
"Comment on "Explanation of the Inverse Doppler Effect Observed in Nonlinear Transmission Lines""
Evan Reed, Marin Soljacic, and John D. Joannopoulos.
Technical Comment in Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.96, 069402, (2006).
"Achieving centimetre scale super collimation in a large area 2D photonic crystal"
Peter T. Rakich, Marcus S. Dahlem, Sheila Tandon, Mihai Ibanescu, Marin Soljacic,
Gale S. Petrich, John D. Joannopoulos, Leslie A. Kolodziejski and Erich P. Ippen.
Nature Materials, Vol.5, 93 (cover page), (2006).
"Coherent optical photons from shock waves in crystals"
Evan Reed, Marin Soljacic, Richard Gee, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.96, 013904, (2006).
"Reversed and anomalous Doppler effects in photonic crystals and other time-dependent periodic media"
Evan Reed, Marin Soljacic, Mihai Ibanescu, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Invited paper in Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design, Vol. 12, 1, (2005).
"Surface-Plasmon-assisted guiding of broadband slow and subwavelength light in air"
Aristeidis Karalis, E.Lidorikis, Mihai Ibanescu, J.D.Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.95, 063901, (2005).
"Roughness losses and volume-current methods in photonic-crystal waveguides"
Steven G. Johnson, M.L.Povinelli, Marin Soljacic, Aristeidis Karalis, S.Jacobs, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Invited paper in Applied Physics B, Vol.81, 283, (2005).
"The Superprism Effect using Large Area 2D-Periodic Photonic Crystal Slabs"
S.N.Tandon, Marin Soljacic, G.S.Petrich, J.D.Joannopoulos and L.A.Kolodziejski.
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, Vol.3, 10, (2005).
"Ultra Low-Power All-Optical Switching"
Marin Soljacic, Elefterios Lidorikis, J.D.Joannopoulos, and Lene Vestergaard Hau.
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.86, 171101, (2005).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 2nd May 2005,
and as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science May 2005.
"Enhancement of microcavity lifetimes using highly dispersive materials"
Marin Soljacic, Elefterios Lidorikis, Lene Vestergaard Hau and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Phys. Rev. E., Vol.71, 026602, (2005).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 21st February 2005.
"Microcavities with highly dispersive materials"
Marin Soljacic, Elefterios Lidorikis, J.D.Joannopoulos, and Lene Vestergaard Hau.
Invited article in IEEE LEOS Newsletter, Vol.18, No.5, 12, October (2004).
"Third order nonlinearities in Ge-As-Se-based glasses for telecommunications applications"
Juliet T. Gopinath, Marin Soljacic, Erich P. Ippen,
Vladimir N. Fuflyigin, Wesley A. King, and Max Shurgalin.
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.96, 6931, (2004).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science December 2004.
"Comment on "Observation of the Inverse Doppler Effect""
Evan Reed, Marin Soljacic, Mihai Ibanescu, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Technical Comment in Science, Vol.305, 778b, (2004).
"Optical Bistability and Cutoff Solitons in Photonic Bandgap Fibers"
Marin Soljacic, Elefterios Lidorikis, Mihai Ibanescu, Steven G. Johnson, J.D.Joannopoulos, and Yoel Fink.
Invited paper in Optics Express, Vol.12, No.8, 1518, (2004).
"Enhancement of non-linear effects using photonic crystals"
Marin Soljacic, and J.D. Joannopoulos.
Invited review article in Nature Materials, Vol.3, 211, (2004).
"Effect of a photonic band gap on scattering from waveguide disorder"
M. L. Povinelli, Steven G. Johnson, Elefterios Lidorikis, J. D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Soljacic.
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.84, 3639, (2004).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 10th May 2004.
"Cutoff solitons in axially uniform systems"
Elefterios Lidorikis, Marin Soljacic, Mihai Ibanescu, Yoel Fink, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Optics Letters, Vol.29, 851, (2004).
"Superprism effect based on phase velocities"
Chiyan Luo, Marin Soljacic, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Optics Letters, Vol.29, 745, (2004).
"Polychromatic partially spatially inoherent solitons in
non-instantaneous Kerr nonlinear medium"
Hrvoje Buljan, Tal Schwartz, Mordechai Segev,
Marin Soljacic, and Demetrios Christodoulides.
JOSA B, Vol.21, 397, (2004).
"Pattern formation in optical cavities with incoherent light"
Tal Carmon, Hrvoje Buljan, Marin Soljacic, Mordechai Segev. Optics & Photonics News
(Optics in 2003: special end-of-year issue),
40, December (2003).
"All-Optical Transistor Action With Bistable Switching in a Photonic Crystal Cross-Waveguide Geometry"
Mehmet Fatih Yanik, Shanhui Fan, Marin Soljacic, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Optics Letters, Vol.28, 2506, (2003).
"Incoherent white light solitons in logarithmically saturable noninstantaneous nonlinear media"
Hrvoje Buljan, Antonio Siber, Marin Soljacic, Tal Schwartz, Mordechai Segev,
and Demetrios Christodoulides.
Phys. Rev. E, Vol.68, 036607, (2003).
"High-Contrast All-Optical Bistable Switching in Photonic Crystal Microcavities"
Mehmet Fatih Yanik, Shanhui Fan, and Marin Soljacic.
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.83, 2739, (2003).
"Color of shock waves in photonic crystals"
Evan Reed, Marin Soljacic, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.90, 203904, (2003).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 9th June 2003.
"Reversed Doppler effect in photonic crystals"
Evan Reed, Marin Soljacic, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.91, 133901 (cover page), (2003).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 6th October 2003.
"Optical Bistability in Axially Modulated OmniGuide Fibers"
Marin Soljacic, Mihai Ibanescu, Steven G. Johnson, J.D.Joannopoulos, and Yoel Fink.
Optics Letters Vol.28, 516, (2003).
"Non-linear Photonic Crystal Micro-Devices for Optical Integration"
Marin Soljacic, Chiyan Luo, J.D.Joannopoulos, and Shanhui Fan.
Optics Letters Vol.28, 637, (2003).
"Analysis of Mode Structure in Hollow Dielectric Waveguide Fibers"
Mihai Ibanescu, Steven G. Johnson, Marin Soljacic,
J.D.Joannopoulos, Yoel Fink, Ori Weisberg, Torkel D. Engeness, Steven A. Jacobs, and M.Skorobogatiy.
Phys. Rev. E Vol.67, 046608, (2003).
"Cavity pattern formation with incoherent light"
Hrvoje Buljan, Marin Soljacic, Tal Carmon, and Mordechai Segev.
Phys. Rev. E. Vol.68, 016616, (2003).
"White light solitons"
Hrvoje Buljan, Mordechai Segev, Marin Soljacic,
Nikolaos K. Efremidis, and Demetrios N. Christodoulides.
Optics Letters Vol.28, 1239, (2003).
"Collisions of two solitons in an arbitrary number of coupled nonlinear Schrodinger
Marin Soljacic, Ken Steiglitz, Suzanne M. Sears, Mordechai Segev, Mariusz H.
Jakubowski, and Richard Squier.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.90, 254102, (2003).
"Analysis of general geometric scaling perturbations
in a transmitting waveguide: fundamental
connection between polarization-mode dispersion
and group-velocity dispersion"
Maksim Skorobogatiy, Mihai Ibanescu, Steven G. Johnson, Ori Weisberg, Torkel D. Engeness,
Marin Soljacic, Steven A. Jacobs, and Yoel Fink.
JOSA B Vol.19, 2867, (2002).
"Optimal bistable switching in nonlinear photonic crystals"
Marin Soljacic, Mihai Ibanescu, Steven G. Johnson, Yoel Fink, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Phys. Rev. E Rapid Comm. Vol.66, 055601(R), (2002).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 25th November 2002.
"Pattern formation in a cavity longer than the coherence length of the light in it"
Tal Carmon, Marin Soljacic, and Mordechai Segev.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.89, 183902, (2002).
"Photonic-crystal slow-light enhancement of nonlinear phase sensitivity"
Marin Soljacic, S.Johnson, S.Fan, M.Ibanescu, E.Ippen, and J.D.Joannopoulos.
Invited Paper in JOSA B Vol.19, 2052, (2002).
Also appeared as an Invited Paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 16th September 2002.
"Propagation of incoherent "white" light and modulation
instability in noninstantaneous nonlinear media"
Hrvoje Buljan, Antonio Siber, Marin Soljacic, and Mordechai Segev.
Phys. Rev. E Rapid Comm. Vol.66, 035601(R), (2002).
"(1+1)-Dimensional modulation instability of spatially incoherent light"
Detlef Kip, Marin Soljacic, Mordechai Segev, Suzanne Sears, and Demetrios N. Christodoulides.
JOSA B Vol.19, 502, (2002).
"Pattern formation via symmetry breaking in nonlinear weakly correlated systems"
Suzanne M. Sears, Marin Soljacic, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, and Mordechai Segev.
Phys. Rev. E Vol.65, 036620, (2002).
"Integer and Fractional Angular Momentum Borne on Self-Trapped Necklace-ring Beams"
Marin Soljacic, and Mordechai Segev. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.86, 420, (2001).
"Transverse instability of incoherent solitons in Kerr media"
Juan P. Torres, Charalambos Anastassiou, Mordechai Segev, Marin Soljacic, and Demetrios N. Christodoulides. Phys. Rev. E Rapid Comm. Vol.65, 015601(R), (2001).
"Interactions between two-dimensional composite vector solitons carrying topological charges"
Ziad H. Musslimani, Marin Soljacic, Mordechai Segev, and Demetrios N. Christodoulides Phys. Rev. E Vol.63, 066608, (2001).
"Delayed-Action Interaction and Spin-Orbit Coupling between Solitions"
Ziad H. Musslimani, Marin Soljacic, Mordechai Segev, and Demetrios N. Christodoulides. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.86, No.5, 799, (2001).
"Low-loss asymptotically single-mode propagation in large-core OmniGuide fibers"
Steven G. Johnson, Mihai Ibanescu, M. Skorobogatiy, Ori Weisberg, Torkel D. Engeness,
Marin Soljacic, Steven A. Jacobs, J. D. Joannopoulos and Yoel Fink.
Optics Express Vol.9, No.13, 748, (2001).
"Modulation Instability and Pattern Formation in Spatially Incoherent Light Beams"
Detlef Kip, Marin Soljacic, Mordechai Segev, Evgenia Eugenieva, Demetrios N. Christodoulides. Science Vol.290, 495, (2000).
"Modulation instability of spatially-incoherent light beams and pattern formation in incoherent wave systems"
Detlef Kip, Marin Soljacic, Mordechai Segev, Evgenia Eugenieva, Demetrios N. Christodoulides.
Optics & Photonics News
(Optics in 2000: special end-of-year issue),
34, December (2000).
"Eliminating the Transverse Instabilities of Kerr Solitons"
Charalambos Anastassiou, Marin Soljacic, Mordechai Segev, Eugenia D. Eugenieva, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, Detlef Kip, Ziad H. Musslimani, and Juan P. Torres.
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.85, No.23, 4888, (2000).
"Bright Spatial Solitons on a Partially Incoherent Background"
Tamer H. Coskun, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, Young-Rae Kim and Zhigang Chen, Marin Soljacic, and Mordechai Segev. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.84, No.11, 2374, (2000).
"Modulation Instability of Incoherent Beams in Non-Instantaneous Nonlinear Media"
Marin Soljacic, Mordechai Segev, Tamer Coskun, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, and Ashvin Vishwanath. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.84, No.3, 467, (2000).
"Minimal Potential with Very Many Minima"
Marin Soljacic, and Frank Wilczek. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.84, No.11, 2285, (2000).
"Composite Multi-Hump Vector Solitons Carrying Topological Charge"
Ziad Musslimani, Mordechai Segev, Demetrios Christodoulides, and Marin Soljacic. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.84, No.6, 1164, (2000).
"Self-trapping of Electromagnetic Beams in Vacuum Supported by QED Nonlinear Effects"
Marin Soljacic, and Mordechai Segev. Phys. Rev. A. Vol.62, 043817, (2000).
"Self-Trapping of Necklace-Ring Beams in Self-Focusing Kerr Media"
Marin Soljacic, and Mordechai Segev. Phys. Rev. E. Vol.62, 2810, (2000).
"Cantor Set Fractals From Solitons"
Suzanne Sears, Marin Soljacic, Mordechai Segev, Dmitriy Krylov, and Keren Bergman. Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.84, 1902, (2000).
"Self-Similarity and Fractals in Soliton-Supporting Systems"
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