The House Divided

The Worm Ouroboros

[Obligatory Fantasy Cheesecake Picture] One of the oldest European settlements in North America, Boston is rich with history for its mortal inhabitants. The fae here are no different, having come to New England first of all the continent. One of the greatest centers for higher learning in the US, Boston is filled with students seeking a new life and new ways. For the changelings, each fall brings a new influx of wilders, stirring the beanpot with their energy. Boston's very nature is divided between the old and the eternally new, a city where the weight of history keeps the clubs closed early on Saturday nights... so the kids go out hacking instead. And just as Boston is divided in character, so it is in rule. Where most cities are ruled over by a single duke, Boston is divided into the duchies of Boston and Cambridge. And one of the oldest noble lines in the area, the County of Harvard-Radcliffe, is divided against itself by ancient treaty. Is it any wonder that Boston, the house divided, is such a stronghold for the changelings, who are themselves divided between their human and fae natures?

Now the land itself is shaken and old truths written anew. The fae wonder: what could come after such an ending? As certain as the snake swallows its own tail, the only thing that comes after the end is the beginning.

Run Summaries:

Book One: The House Divided

Book Two: The Worm Ouroboros

Player Characters:

GM Mail to Everyone

The House Divided is a role-playing game set in the Changeling universe. GM Andy Shultz. Webpages maintained by Marleigh Norton.
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