The House Divided

"Sasquatch and Other Cretins"

It is late January, and snowing again, of course, hard enough to drive most people with good sense off the streets. Luckily no one has ever accused our heroes of falling into this category.

Charlie the MBTA wanderer tells Soraya a story, which is presented here stripped of most of its Eshu bias:

Long ago, before there was even time (or it would have been before had there been such a thing, which there wasn't) the fae existed, and they were much as we are today, only more so. Before the fae (if there had been a before) there were the fomorians, and they and the fae fought endless wars, because the fomorians were totally unlike the fae (except even more unlike than that). But the fae finally won out over their opponents. First they bound the white fomorians, masters of strange magics and subtle plots, underneath the roots of the Darkwood, and they lie there still, and the Darkwood is a strange and dangerous place. Then they defeated the red fomorians, masters of war, in a giant battle which stained the ground red with blood, and if you go to the Red Plain you can see the blood to this day. Finally, the green fomorians, who were too powerful and too alien to be defeated agreed to surrender to the youngest and most innocent fae child. After tearing her apart in a moment of perfect pain, they were imprisoned at the bottom of the Depthless Sea, and they lie there still.

In the morning the Northern Bell rings and all fae who hear it know that there is to be a hunt! This is definitely more exciting than teaching class or going to school, and anyway it's snowing, so everyone ends up at the Memorial Hall Annex. The Count announces that a sasquatch came through the door, knocked out Johnny, and went off into the city and says there will be a reward for the corpse of the beast. The Countess quietly tells Magda that she would prefer it were the dead sasquatch presented to her, and the hunt is on.

Also at court at the start of the hunt are Sir Kol and a couple of big troll minions, Ricky the spoiled heir (who gets along about as well as could be expected with Sidone), and Baron Mechanisman with a tall bunny pooka named Cottontail and a black lace style sluagh named Pricilla.

Miles does some enchantment and proclaims that Sidone will find a sasquatch and much to the GM's surprise everyone follows her out into the snow after they interrogate Johnny a little. The first thing they see is a big black crow perched on the hall with a bloodshot eye in its beak - an omen, clearly, but of what? Then they follow some footprints from Grendel's Den after briefly being sidetracked by a fake footprint in a playground.

The footprints lead them under the Charles footbridge, where a lowing sound prompts them to uncover something... which turns out to be the elk head, and a water balloon trap. Everyone except Miles is soaked to the skin. Sinuous Fuzzlupper is generally blamed, and they head to the Hideaway to get warm and dry.

At the inn they meet Sir Ten, a tall handsome sidhe wrapped in black - scarf, long coat, sword hilt, head, everything wrapped in black. At first a bit quiet, he warms up to them, especially Sidone. He comes from the swift fields, where time moves faster. With a bit of persuasion he comes along to help them look for the sasquatch.

From there it's back to the trail, down the bank of the frozen Charles. Soraya sees a man in a coat out on the ice and mistakes it for the sasquatch, and in running out there falls through. Luckily she gets hauled out quickly, and a stop in Kenmore square finds her some spare clothing. Then they see Sir Kol and his minions chasing a sasquatch across the bridge, but when they catch up to them they find Sir Kol in a net and Pricilla videotaping. They let Sir Kol down, and he finds a spider card in his clothing.

Soon after they find the beast under the bridge, and a merry chase ensues until Sidone manages to charm it with chocolate. It seems pretty harmless, actually, not the hideous beast that they were expecting. Just as they are preparing to take him back Sir Kol shows up and one of his minions makes a lot of noise, causing the sasquatch to go berserk. There's a confusing fight in which Sir Ten and Magda protect the sasquatch, and then somehow Sidone and Desiree get it settled down again.

They take the beast back to the Countess, and Sidone persuades her to let it go free. At the feast afterwards they are rewarded with the elk head (mounted) as a substitute hunting trophy. Sidone goes home to find her father has put up a picture drawn by her invisible friend, everyone else goes home weary but pleased with themselves.

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