The House Divided

"Uninvited Guests"

Tragically, Miles is unable to give Sir Thews a real permanent desitiny. Equally tragically, because he has no destiny everyone is unable to really care much. A couple of weeks pass by. During that time we learn that Soraya is in New Jersey caring for a dying great-aunt... also Desiree visits with Charlie to learn more about the subways and ley-lines, but isn't very educated. We also find out that Amanda Greens has been seen with Cottontail. Miles advises Johnny to team up with Priscilla.

Then two MIBs - well, one MIB, Devon Johnson, and one WIB, Afura Langley, visit Magda's house to investigate the lightning strikes. They claim to be with the national weather board. Milton does a little hacking and finds that this isn't true.

The demon visit Miles and gets some drinks to ease his pain. He's looking the worse for wear - apparently things in Hell are not going well. As he gets really drunk, Miles slips a time-delay love potion into his drink and packs him off to New York. When he comes back, he loves everything! He even seems to be turning into an angel, destiny-wise... however, when Miles reports the demon's presence to Lucia, she has him killed by Johnny. It even works.

Desiree talks to Sir Ten, who has been being dragged about Chinatown by one Madame Lao, matchmaker, who is grooming him so that his meeting with the Dragon's daughter goes well. Then Desiree and Sir Ten discuss her power flow thing, and consider ways to use opening magic on it. Victor, from what Sir Ten says, has been very quiet lately.

Bill reports that the MIBs have asked all sorts of weird questions about Magda, including whether Bill thinks she is blue! They told him they were actually FBI. Milton does some more hacking and discovers that they aren't FBI but the FBI has instructions to call a particular number for instructions when someone asks about Langley and Johnson. Milton calls the number and gets through to someone in the "DoD Cot department". He irritates her a bit and hangs up.

Magda and Bill go ask the local FBI what's happening, and get the excuse that they look just like some people the FBI is looking for, and that Langley and Johnson's peculiar behavior is justified by the investigation. Milton calls the number again pretending to be a local FBI agent and gets from the Cot department that Langley and Johnson should be finished with their work pretty soon.

Desiree visits Victor and finds that he has been reading romance novels for a week or more. He's apparently discovered that the noble rogue does much better in those stories than in typical fairy tales. Could Victor be turning to the light side? Miles visits him later to thank him for talking to the police and observes his Destiny. From what Miles can see, Victor indeed has a chance to become a noble rogue instead of an evil supervillain... but much depends on how Desiree receives his change of heart. Miles also gets from Victor that Duchess Day has been sent to a place in upstate New York called Anglebrook Asylum.

Several days have passed over this run, and it is now mid-August.

Player Notes:

DoD Cot: Cot = Containment? -MIN

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