The House Divided

"Items of Mystic Significance"

We discover that Soraya has spent the past couple of weeks destressing at a resort somewhere in the Mediterranean after being offered a free vacation by none other than her personal demon. She returns to Boston in a limo with livery plate #666. Miles, meanwhile, receives an invitation to Pricilla's Ascenscion.

As does Sidonie. She also writes a letter to her mother summarizing everything that has been going on in her life. It is just as strange as one might imagine. We incidentally discover that Sidonie's last name is Richards, something we must have known before but somehow had forgotten. Then she delivers another letter for the fire truck.

Miles is preparing to hold a pre-carnival party at Mallory's most of the day, but when he goes out to get the champagne, he arranges to stop and meet Desiree for lunch. She talks to him about her problems, but the chronicler wasn't paying too much attention to exactly what was said.

Magda arranges for her family to stay at a hotel in Boston until the whole red warrior matter (well, she refers to it with Bill differently) is cleared up. Mrs. McGee gives her some amulets for the children. Speaking of which, Jason seems rather scarred by the whole experience... but Jenny isn't at all. After some serious discussion she decides that since she can't be a Prince and doesn't want to be a Princess, she wants to be a Knight.

Desiree sends a note to Victor and arranges to meet him on the Harvard Bridge that night. A poignant scene ensues in which Victor reveals that after she left him he realized that while he had been using her to acheive greater power, what he really wanted was not power, but her. After that he wandered around looking for some place to belong to, finally washing up in Boston. She demands more assurances of his good intention, and he says that he can only prove it by his future actions... after a brief embrace, he leaves telling her that she should be sure before coming back to him. She does end up with his heavy black cloak, however.

The next day (Monday the 27th of February, for those who care about such things) is the day of the party. Miles is preparing, and Soraya and Sidonie go to the remarkable wing. Soraya has to wear an "eshu containment suit" to go inside. Sidonie arranges to look in Amalthea's mirror again, and is once again transformed. Soraya tries to get out of the suit, and an alarm goes off. She looks up to see Sir Thews, who sprays her with some sort of hardening foam. Sidonie has the block of pink foam delievered to Mallory's for the party.

The party itself is a great success, with many attendees, including Johnny and a swan pooka (Amanda) who he is fixated on. Miles gives the young troll a fake love potion to bolster his courage and he actually asks her to dance! Suddenly, Soraya bursts from her block of foam as it sublimates, causing quite a stir. Everyone thinks it's pretty cool, actually. Then Soraya and Sidonie (who if you will recall looks like the beatiful Amalthea) wreak havok upon the local male populace. A good time is had by all.

Until after the party, that is. A mysterious trenchcoated figure gives Soraya photoes of Miles's lunch with Desiree, and she decides to grill him on it. He catches on to what's happening quickly ("Champagne? Lunch. Desiree. D'oh!") and admits everything as though it is nothing and his concealment of the lunch was just an oversight. Then he finds the pictures under her pillow, and freaks out at the thought of camera-wielding... whatevers... following him everywhere.

Everyone goes to sleep to rest up for the big party tomorrow.

Player Notes:

Hey, shouldn't we be looking into that whole Sir Ten thing one of these days? I can't help but think that Carnaval would be one of those ideal times for a Sidhe heir to come swooshing in and do something rash... -MIN

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