The House Divided

"And They All Lived Happily Ever After"

All that remains to be written of is the fate of Victor, who almost escaped to plot again... but Desiree tracked him down with opening magic, crept in at night and stopped his heart. She delivered his lifeless body to Duke Ten, who didn't really know how to react to that. Then she had a long talk with Milton about what to do with the rest of her life. Meanwhile, Dill tested the body and (mostly) put to rest Magda's suspicions about its identity. Victor's possessions are searched, yielding mostly esoteric works on magical theory, but nothing particularly exciting - except for the romance novel, which is quite compelling.

We can perhaps project into the future: what will occur in the next years? Well, there's Fuzzlupper's communist uprising to be put down in a few years... it will all be a big joke, really. Magda finally gets to retire, and by ten years in the future the Countess has passed into the Dreaming, leaving the County of Radcliffe to... Sidonie! Who has grown into quite a heartbreaker.

Desiree might abandon the sidhe way of obliqueness and be a bit direct, leading to a marriage to the Duke and perhaps a child. Milton, we can say surely, would be their spymaster and a scholar of all things strange. Dill might even have graduated in ten years... or maybe not. And Miles will still be frolicking in the endless summer afternoon of Arcadia.

All these things may come to pass. But who can say for sure? This chronicler will put down his pen here and leave the future to itself.

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