The House Divided

"It's a Wonderful Life"

In volleyball news, the Boston team plays Kenmore and wins handily, while the Eshu pirates beat the MIT team. Our heroes play the Provincetown Redcap team and are also victorious, winning the two cheating games after losing the first game.

Meanwhile, Milton takes Bill and the kids to Provincetown, where they eat some ice cream and do some fishing. Bill pulls up a big irridescent fish which says: "If you set me free, I'll give you a wish." He doesn't know what to do... he's not really sure if it's real, sunstroke, or a gag. Milton, watching, thinks "There's just no good way to say wish for your wife not to get possessed by her cursed sword," but later wishes he had said that anyway. Bill throws the fish back in and wishes for life to be a little more exciting. Seconds later, the huge white sea serpent bites off the end of the pier with Bill on it. Milton drives slowly back to Caer Nausett...

Where our heroes have just finished their first game against the Eshu Pirate team, emerging victorious (the Boston team has a bye this round). Milton quietly fills Magda in on what's happening. Meanwhile, an angel falls from the sky (just missing its beam of light) and upon getting out of the sand dune starts cautioning Soraya not to use the door knob and go to Hell. Upon finding it is too late, the angel gets annoyed and calls Miles an adulterer. Then the angel calls Soraya an adulterer and says it can't work with her. The angel tries to go back to Heaven but the beam of light misses and picks up Miles instead. It's all very trying. "Ineffable!" swears the angel, whose name is Bertiel.

Then Bill reappears riding the sea serpent - "It's the Moby!" cry the pirates - which beaches itself with a tremendous thud and dies. Magda grabs him - he seems rather giddy - and much relationship discussion ensues. By the end Bill has been brought down a lot and is considering whether this is a good thing or not. It does make him happy, but Magda is not, but on the other hand he now can share more of her life, but on the other hand - wait, out of hands. A highlight from the conversation (Magda explaining the fae): Bill - "Is it like good and evil?" Magda - "It's more like the Republicans and the Democrats." In any case Bill is hailed by the pirates as the slayer of the Moby.

Meanwhile Miles spends some time waiting in line to get into Heaven, which is okay because it's the best line he's ever been in, and he's talking to everyone and having a grand old time. Unfortunately, they won't let him in when he gets to the gate - apparently as a fae he's supposed to reincarnate. He is sent back with a feather as a souvenier for coming all that way.

Meanwhile Bertiel tries to make the best of a bad situation and talk to Soraya. He manages to get her to give up the ruby bauble that the demon gave her, but it takes some doing - Bertiel has to threaten to leave several times. He takes the bauble back to Heaven when Miles returns. After winning the volleyball game with the pirates singlehanded, Miles forgives Soraya for her previous trespasses, which she still doesn't remember, and they have another reunion.

Everyone turns in for the night. Tomorrow is the Fourth, finally!

Player Notes:

The Republicans quote was actually by Desiree. -MIN

Miles gave Soraya his Heaven feather. -MJP

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