The House Divided


We begin with Miles, who is having a dream while passed out on the floor of Mallory's. In the dream, he is playing chess with a man wearing green gloves. Miles is playing black. He sees the opportunity to take white's bishop, and does so, only to realize that he has fallen into a trap and is about to be checkmated.

Miles awakens to Gurk licking his face. Desiree wakes up soon after and performs a hangover cure on herself, Miles declares it cheating and so doesn't get any. Soraya awakens and comes downstairs, acting a little different from usual... in fact she acts different all run, and no one is really sure why. Sir Ten wakes up and summons a goblin to give his headache to. It works, but he can't close the door, and is finally sent off to dispose of the table that he enchanted.

Magda cuts Jenny's morning sandwitch diagonally and removes the crusts, whereas Jason's doesn't get cut at all, because that's for babies. Then she goes to brief the Countess on what has transpired. After a whole lot of foofara including Miles talking to the Countess and determining that the pain will come out of the curse soon and the Seer determining that it's Sir Ten's pain, they decide to give it to Sir Ten, who has by this time gone home with goblin bites. Soraya sets off to fetch him.

At the same time, more or less, Miles and the knocker brigade, working together, determine that the thing to do with the formorian, Three, is to stab him with a beaten bronze weapon. This does in fact seem to kill him, although they decide to bury the remains (offal, really) in a bronze box just to be sure. Lots of knockers work overtime and everything is billed to the Countess. She is meanwhile working on how to apologize to the Duchess for previous events.

Soraya arranges for Kwan's butcher shop to do a barbecue and send Harry Won (Sir Ten) to help out, thus bringing him back with a lot of meat, which is billed to Miles. Miles transfers the pain from the Countess to Sir Ten, who takes it like a man (elf?) and goes on a long walk to sort things out in his head.

Then Magda interrogates Miles about the curse and whether its still on and what is was anyway and gets mostly stonewalled, leaving her to take the bracelet to the Seer for investigation after Miles and Soraya go home. The Seer does a lot of work, including playing with salt and tarot cards and such, and says that the curse is extremely dire. Magda arranges with him to make the curse go to the next person to wear the bracelet and goes to Mile's house, where she slaps it on his wrist.

Soraya argues with Magda about what's going on, Miles gives a different interpretation of what the curse is (embarrassment in adultery) and suddenly Magda is confused. They all go back to the Seer, Miles and Soraya grumbling a lot about what Magda did, and the Seer looks at them and says "iodized salt." Apparently he used iodized salt in his seeing ritual and thus was confused, so the curse really wasn't so bad. Miles and Soraya go home in a huff anyway, although Soraya seems a little pleased that Mile's straying may be somewhat constrained.

In a final scene (which no one sees, although Milton does sense the pain) Sir Ten is standing on the Harvard Bridge late that night in the driving rain, holding his sword aloft. "Cheated!" he yells, "Betrayed! Cast out! I WILL HAVE WHAT IS MINE!" The black leather wrapping falls away from the hilt of his sword, revealing that it has a watch for a pommel, just like Chackalshek.

Player Notes:

Desiree, having stomped off after squabbling with Miles and Soraya, frets about the possible havoc potential of Sir Ten and calls him at Kwan's, where he isn't. She leaves him a message to call her, and searches for him on the Esplanade and at Court, where he also isn't. (She does find Magda, with whom she confers about why Soraya is acting funny...) -ALH

oh, and Magda distributes cell phones and other goodies to Miles, Soraya, and Desiree. Yay connectivity. :) -ALH

O yeah, that would be cell phones (everyone else's numbers preprogrammed) as well as mini maglights and swiss army knives. -MIN

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