The House Divided


The Chamber of Hackers/Legion of Enterers (COH/LOE, or "Coe-loe")

Based at MIT, of course, COH/LOE is a group of mostly wilder and childlings who love the art of hacking as it is practiced at MIT --- that is, entering into places that you're not supposed to, or places which are difficult to find in the first place. They extend this outside of MIT, exploring buildings and tunnels for miles around. This group is usually about thirty to forty fae in size, with sluagh, pooka, and eshu the best represented kiths. They are mostly Seelie, as Unseelie often break the disciplined rules of hacking with regards to consideration for others, but there are certainly exceptions. They are the people to go to if you want to get inside somewhere... although they will only help people who they think are worthy and who can give them something in return (even if it is only the change to help set up a really cool prank). One of their more senior members is also a part of Baron Mechanisman's court (such as it is) with the title "Minister of Entrances." Rumor has it that the Baron was once a member of COH/LOE and that his rise to power may have been partially due to their abilities.


The People's Republic of Cambridge (which actually has a Boston branch as well) is a radical political organization composed of almost solely commoner fae who advocate replacing the nobility with some sort of communistic meritocracy. They are a constant annoyance to Duchess Day and Duke Ottersblood, but they only rarely are more than that --- partially because they debate and argue amongst themselves constantly, but also because the nobility is fairly well liked and acknowledged to be much cooler than communism. Still, they soldier on, waving signs, pulling pranks, and often being forcibly ejected from social gatherings. Many members are only occasional, and are considered fairly respectable when they aren't actually agitating. "Commoners of the world Unite! Down with Sidhe Oppression!"

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