The House Divided


Our heroes return having left Sir Ten in the hands of the ninth legion with the general understanding that it will take him about a month to wake up and be well. They discover on returning that it has been a whole day since they left. Bill is frantic! But all is quickly blamed on Soraya.

"Did Soraya take you drinking?"
"I don't think so..."
"You don't remember! She must have."

Mrs. McGee, the weird old neighbor lady, has been looking after the children.

After that, time passes, a couple of weeks (making it about 2/17 by the end of the run). During this time Sidonie thinks up many ways to try to see the Duchess and find out where the gizmos are, but is mostly thwarted by the Duchess' secretary, and has a fight with Ricky. She also goes to Milton's house looking for him and encounters an old woman who grabs her by the ear and takes her inside the creepy house and feeds her soup. Sidonie asks for the bathroom, intending to make a break for it, but upon being told to go upstairs "but not up the next flight of stairs" she of course does so. Sidonie then flees the moaning coming from the attic and is collared again for more soup. The grandmotherly type then pulls out a big carving knife and Sidonie bolts before we find out what was going to happen.

Miles, meanwhile, learns that the health inspector was assaulted by the guy from across the hall. He calls up the Boston Globe and implies that they were having an affair, which gets the Globe all excited. Then he tries to get Pricilla to forge a letter documenting such an affair, but she won't because it would hurt someone.

Pricilla visits Miles later to get him to make a love potion because she has a great plan for a hack on the Duchess - she's going to get the Duchess to fall in love with a donkey because it's so Shakespearian. Miles reluctantly agrees. Unfortunately, when she returns to get the potion there is an accident and they're both splashed. Miles, an old hand at love potion accidents, runs to the bathroom mirror to avoid looking at Pricilla.

Unfortunately this makes him love himself so much that when Pricilla comes on to him he feels that since he's the center of the universe, why not indulge himself? The potion wears off and he makes her another, which she uses on the Duchess... and it works, surprisingly, turning a garden party into total chaos. A white spider card is found pinned to the donkey.

So far everyone else is in the dark about Miles' little accident, except Pricilla, who isn't talking. But how long can that last?

Player Notes:

Maggie's gotten a few weeks to spend with her family. She's probably willing to go adventuring again. -MIN

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