Behold MAGDA! The bold! The powerful! The mightiest swordswoman in the realm! As the Champion and close personal friend of the Countess Radcliffe, MAGDA won fame and glory through her exploits defending the honor of Her Ladyship and bringing justice to the defenseless. Legends grew up around this notorious troll and warriors would come from miles around to challenge her. If MAGDA deigned to merely spar with you, it was an event to recount to your grandchildren.

As all legacies must come to an end, so did that of MAGDA, in a truely unexpected way...

She got married.

Maggie had quite enough.

It was one thing to defend the county against serious threats and to right wrongs and such, and even the formal duels that came with being the Champion of Radcliffe were kind of amusing every once in a while, but it was starting to get stale. To have to fight every single twit with a sword from Maine to Miami was quite tiresome. Besides, Maggie was getting older and wanted some time to get in touch with her human side. Champion for 11 years is pretty unheard of anyway. Maggie kept it up a bit after the wedding, but when Jason was born she just didn't have the time.

Maggie has a husband, Bill de Rada, and two children, Jennifer Diana "Jenny Ann" (age 5) and Jason Robert (age 7). She goes off to court every so often to visit Lucia and to attend formal court functions where she is required... yes, she is still the Champion of Radcliffe, sort of. She tried to retire from the position when Jason was born, but Lucia made her agree to remain acting Champion until a replacement could be found. Strangely enough, it's been about seven years now and still no suitable replacement has been found. Lucia manages to free her up from the more time consuming duties (for example, she no longer has to kill every idiot who leers at Her Ladyship), but every so often she is called in to deal with a situation or perform ceremonial duties.


[MAGDA in her prime] [MAGDA Giving a pointer to Johnny Adzeson]

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