The House Divided

"Return to Roswell"

It's mid-November when Miles, who has been messing with the mirror, sees that all the reflections in it are burning skeletons. Including some people who aren't even there! He gets our heroes to come to court just in time for some MiBs to use peculiar equipment and trap the entire court in a big clay pot. Which seems to be impenetrable. There is surprisingly little razzing of Miles for getting them all into this mess. No messages can get out, but Desiree creates a psuedo-Victor who advises them to create an alien, so they do. He reports having trouble integrating the experience but is mostly quiet.

Everything points to the KOT department, and indeed they are eventually decanted into cells which have doors protected by cold-iron fields. A tall native american man who is in charge recognizes Magda and Miles and orders them and their companions all brought to the banquet room. Milton manages to be unnoticable and escape into the walls.

The banquet room looks like a set from Dr. No, and Coyote (for it is he) seems to want it that way. Our heroes play along some, especially Miles, and encourage him to gloat about his plan. He is going to use the piece of the dreaming to power technology and paranoia to make the humans wipe out hated European fae! Nothing can stop him! Bwa ha ha ha ha! And our heroes are chained to the chairs, so they have to listen.

Milton, in the walls, causes some trouble, first disabling power to the cells (leading to some fighting) and then falling out of the ceiling onto the banquet table. That allows Magda to kill a guard as he goes for Milton. Dill also stabs one in the kidney, and in the chaos someone gets a stun baton which is used to disable their restraints. They shoot Coyote once or twice which annoys him (but, as he says, they can't stop him now) before an alien ship arrives and causes all of the electrical equipment to go bananas. Suddenly the guards special fae-killing guns don't work, and the fae magic still does. Our heroes trounce the guards and beat up on Coyote, who isn't much of a fighter.

How could they have done it? Miles lets him know: "You forgot one thing: the real aliens!" "No, there's no such thing!" "Oh no, the joke's on me!" Then Coyote is thrown to the dragon, Panzer, who he has been keeping to eat wayward fae, and chomped up.

In the aftermath, they send Panzer back to the dreaming, steal the piece of the dreaming that Coyote had, and get a ride back in the alien ship.

Now all that remains is to figure out what to do with the piece of the dreaming. Return it? Use it? "Whatever you do, don't let Victor know about it!"

Player Notes:

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