The House Divided


It's mid-October, just to remind our readers. Everyone returns from the Berkshires - from the alien demonstration, or from her own trip in Desiree's case. Dill starts to experiment on the alien flesh he has, and finds that all the little alien cells respond to stimuli at the same time. Weird. They don't have DNA, though. Speaking of aliens, the diplomatic meeting goes off without a hitch. The Countess decides to travel to the court of High King David in Virginia to introduce the aliens in a more high-level diplomatic meeting. Miles is also off on a mysterious trip into the Dreaming.

Mid-week, Victor visits Dill having heard of his flower-growing prowess and enlists his help in growing one huge pile of flowers for a personal project. Victor and Dill theory-geek about magic for a while, as well.

Sir Ten enlists Desiree's help in sanifying the Duke so that he can abdicate. Desiree suggests that he ask Victor for help as well, and Harry reluctantly agrees. He also asks that Magda come to witness in case there's some trouble - Magda's honor is unimpeachable, so if she says the Duke abdicated, that should cover it.

Victor again enlists Dill to provide some ingredients for a potion to help the Duke regain his sanity, and Dill runs into Magda and Desiree at the court of Boston the next day. All are surprised to find that they are part of the same mission! There is much discussion on the proper way to regain the Duke's sanity, but in the end the potion is decided upon, despite a small risk because of the asp's venom it contains.

The potion is a success, and the Duke, after forgiving Desiree for stealing his horse, abdicates to Sir Ten. He does tell the new Duke, however, to keep Victor around as an advisor, even if he doesn't consult him much. Harry agrees. Victor looks ever so slightly surprised.

Afterwards, the ex-Duke arranges to travel to visit Duchess Day, and then he thinks he will travel to the High King's court. Desiree visits Victor in his chamber, and they discuss amoung other things the natural succession of fomorians-fae-angels-aliens, stories, and some trivialities. Desiree isn't allowed to read the book - "it's a surprise" - but she sees that it is titled "D".

Magda and Desiree (with Dill looking on in confusion) discuss the book and Victor and the presumed Big Evil Ritual, but with little closure. Desiree asserts that Magda doesn't really understand Sidhe, and Magda says she does, and it gets a bit hot.

Magda decides to confront Victor and bluntly asks him what he's up to. Putting on his speaks-to-trolls hat, he says he's doing a ritual to become the reformed villain instead of the villain who gets killed by someone like Magda. Because he's using a romance novel model, Desiree has to accept and love him once he reforms, or it won't work - but he can't coerce her, because then it wouldn't be a reformation and a hero's sword would get him for sure. Magda doesn't approve but seems to believe that it's not affecting anyone but Victor. Victor also asks her not to tell Desiree that it all depends on her, or it won't work. Magda wonders what will happen if Desiree rejects him. He says he'll plunge off into evil-villainness, and to watch for unseasonable lightning storms and evil green glows coming from his rooms if that happens.

Player Notes:

I don't understand her motives? Of course I don't understand her motives. She doesn't understand her motives either. -MIN

Magda Qutoe: Desiree's quite biased, but it's unclear in which direction. -MIN

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