The House Divided


Magda has a disturbing dream. She wakes up and goes downstairs to find the tap is running blood. She then realizes that she is dreaming in that way one sometimes does. When a faint knock comes at the back door she opens it to find the half-rotted body of Arthur standing there. He says (faintly) that he comes with a message from an associate of hers. It takes him a while to get out the message --- Magda gets him some cold water for which he is very grateful because of the heat (only in the dream it's cold). Finally the message comes: "You are arming your enemy against you." Then Arthur has to return: his grave opens up and heat and flames pour out. Magda awakens to find all the blankets heaped up on her.

Desiree finds out from the totally smashed Baron Kenmore that Duke Ottersblood has a new advisor, a tall, dramatic, foreboding Sidhe. She tries to find out his name but unfortunately Baron Kenmore isn't up to the task. He isn't up to any other tasks either, passing out in the middle of Desiree's flirting.

The next day she wakes up to find her room full of chimerical feathers and eventually pulls a duck out of her hair. Duck under one arm, she goes to visit Baron Telleran (the leprechaun) and he tells her that indeed the Duke has been in a black mood and that this advisor, Victor, has arrived to take advantage of it, and now they're always talking together. Desiree decides to get in a drinking contest with the Baron, and of course he's a leprechaun so she loses.

Magda has a parent teacher meeting that day and discovers that Jenny has been drawing pictures in which Mommy is huge, blue, and carrying a big black sword. To the teacher this looks like maybe child abuse in the home... she is much relieved when Magda offers an excuse that she's been doing fencing games with Jenny and talking about Prices and swordfights and all that.

Sidonie and Miles go to visit the Duchess after Sidonie tells Miles she has an appointment. They get squeezed in and have a little trouble with the stick figures living in the Duchess' office before finally seeing the Duchess. She agrees to deliver Sidnoie's letter to the Gizmos, but says that they're having a very long meeting about governmental things. Everyone agrees that having nobility is clearly just much more efficient.

The next day (Saturday) everyone gets together alledgedly to go check on Sir Ten. The only problem is that Soraya isn't there. Well, actually, the two problems are that Soraya isn't there and Desiree arrives late and hung over and after trying and horribly failing to heal Magda some more goes all to pieces. No, the three main problems with the plan are Soraya, Desiree, and Sidonie who shows up with Anastasia and goes wandering off into the Dreaming.

Everyone sits up (including Magda, who had been passed out from blood loss) and takes notice of that and chase after Sidonie, who finds herself on a path in the Dreaming. Anastasia has of course run off again.

Sidonie finds herself helping a Pricess who has lost her crown to her own reflection. With Sidonie's help, they are able to get into the castle and confront the reflection who is wearing the crown. Everyone else catches up with Sidonie at this point, having found their own way into the castle. Sidonie snatches the crown herself and uses the authority to order the guards to leave them alone, then everyone uses various magics to try to determine which princess is the original. The other is thrown back into the mirror and everything is restored. The disturbing thing is that Sidonie has no reflection in the mirror, just like the Princess and her reflection before they were recombined. No one has a good explanation for that.

Sidonie returns home to find Anastasia eating a burrito and watching a movie with Father, who seems to see Anastasia but not Sidonie! After a few minutes though the situation returns to normal, so all is well.

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