The House Divided

"Mixed Metaphors"

Sir Ten has just received some floral advice from Miles and Magda - a purple orchid is in order, they think.

Magda goes to Lucia to ask about demons, and Lucia tells her that she ordinarily just ignores men like that. This advice is not as helpful as it might be to a Sidhe. Lucia also says that she sees Magda more as the slaying type.

Miles buys a tarot deck to do a reading, and sees a really big joke which is supposed to be on him but turns out to be on the person playing it in the end. He is quite confused, and spends the rest of the afternoon reading up on comedy.

Desiree goes to Baron Telleran to get some advice about her life, specifically Victor and Sir Ten. He uses a beer metaphor - amber or stout depends on what you're eating. He says Sir Ten is nice but has no common sense, and Victor is not nice but if he thinks you belong to/with him then he'll stick up for you. Eventually, having consumed all the beer used as a metaphor, the Baron passes out.

Magda goes to the Remarkable wing looking for demon-killing apperatus, and finds St. Ambrose's sword, a pretty unremarkable sword of doubtful power. She shows Wamplette Cristle her sword, and is immediately encased in pink foam as containment. Later, when she gets out (having witnessed the miracle of the telepathic colander) she arranges with Dame Cristle to store the Tenth Child in the remarkable wing. Storing the sword, she catches a glimpse of "it", a magical sword that Cristle will tell her nothing about, save that it's really bad news - it's kept in its own sealed vault, which the Tenth Child is added to. Magda spends time looking at the other swords, and Dame Cristle offers her one. She calls Milton to come consult.

Desiree's date starts out poorly as she metions Victor and their relationship while driving to the restaurant. Once there, Harry fills her in on the whole thing with the dragon, and asks for her advice. She recycles the advice the Baron gave her, only without the beer metaphor - "it depends what you want to do with your life". Sir Ten isn't really sure, although he doesn't want to stay a butcher - but he does love his grandfather. After some more stories and dinner, they go for a walk, and Sir Ten takes Desiree home.

Meanwhile, Magda and Milton turn down the sword that just might be Excalibur in favor of the King's Falcon, a superior perigrine blade, and Magda takes it home. Once she gets home, Miles sees destiny swirling, and quickly determines that the sword she has is actually the sword from the vault - "it"! They try to take it back, but people leap in front of their car. Cristle and Sir Thews try to come get it, but lightning strikes them and then foam explodes in their van and trying to get the sword into it Magda stabs Sir Thews - how did that happen? - and Miles sees the sword destroy Sir Thew's destiny. Miles performs some quick destiny first aid, tying Thew's destiny to Cristle's, and then those two retreat.

Cristle does give them what she has on "it" - apparently a destiny magician tried to distill all the dark fates of the world out to make a shiny happy world, and they all ended up in the sword. The world of course made new dark fates. Bad news. The sword wants to be used on people, but Magda won't accept it. It makes lightning strike her house, and threatens her, but Magda is willing to kill herself not to use the sword.

Suddenly, Bertiel arrives from somewhere looking for Soraya. Miles takes him to Magda, who, after Miles determines he is an angel through lack of destiny, gives him the sword. Bertiel believes he can deal with this evil blade... yes, he can cope with it, he's an angel. Cool! Too late, Miles and Magda realize what is happening, and Miles is able to see Bertiel growing a destiny as he Falls. Bertiel descends to Hell with the Fatesword, leaving Miles and Magda behind.

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