The House Divided

"Inner Demons"

The run begins with "The Tale of Miles the Curser." It seems that Miles and the Countess were recently lovers - everyone knows that Miles and Soraya weren't doing so well, so who can blame him? (or in alternate versions of the tale that's why she was mad at him.) It is understandable how the Countess fell for him, satyrs being satyrs after all, and therefore also not surprising that she tired of him.

He didn't take it well, and tried to curse her three time, each time being defeated by Magda. First he challenged her to a magic game where she didn't know the rules, but Magda with her keen strategic mind arrived and told her how to win. Next he turned her into a fish, but Magda was able to find the Countess-fish and turn her back. Finally he used a cursed wedge of cheese to kill her with pain, but Magda made up a healing draught and now the Countess is sleeping peacefully.

Needless to say when Desiree hears this she is confused and tells Miles, who admits to cursing the Countess but for her own good. He then starts in on his drinking early for the day. Everyone eventually heads to court to try and find whoever attacked the Countess last episode.

After some kibbitzing the GM fails to remember, Desiree uses the string of pain to point to its original body (on the theory that it fell off the fomorian messenger) and it works! Leading them all to a butcher shop in Chinatown. They are confused when the string seems to point to a normal 20some year old Chinese butcher guy. When he's on his break, however, they notice he looks a lot like Sir Ten. In fact his name is Harry Won. Soraya invites him to dinner at Mallory's at 8. Thereafter follows a lot of conjecture about what this means about the status of Harry, Sir Ten, and the Fomorian-corrupted messenger. They decide to head back to court and try another method.

At court they look for Sir Ten and find him. There is more confusion about what to do, but they end up inviting him to dinner at 8. Sidonie, Sir Ten, and Soraya head off to the Yard to play, Soraya comes back to talk to the others and after a little while everyone notices that Sidonie has been left with Sir Ten. He's taken her down into the catacombs underneath Harvard, which starts out as a nice trip but degenerates when he starts acting weird and she runs off, pursued by unknown monsters.

Everyone else is thinking maybe they should reclaim Sidonie when Sir Ten shows up. Miles thinks this is the real Sir Ten, which means... Doh! They try using a doll provided by Anastasia to locate Sidonie, which doens't work, and then try a pair of her old shoes, which lead them to the catacombs. They find they have to get a guide and call up Pricilla to help them navigate down there. Once they do go down, they are separated one by one. Here's what happens to each:

Sidonie is the first separated, of course, and spends a while being pursued by a slimy beast in the dark before going to a strange schoolroom of pain and a reenactment of her somewhat depressing kindergarten recesses.

Soraya stays behind after the first expedition and quickly finds out that her demon is wiping marks off the walls. Running from him she enters the hall of cast off boyfriends, all of whom moon over her, and then she runs into the demon again. After a couple of other offers, she agrees to swap her memories of all those boyfriends (Miles not included) for an idea which will get everyone out of the catacombs.

Desiree is the next to go, hidden by illusion during a bat attack. She encounters her lost sister... and an old enemy. Oh, and also a voice on either shoulder telling her to give up.

Milton is dragged off by the false Sir Ten, who indeed seems to be the pale messenger. He sits in a cavern with the messenger and watches the suffering of the others in a pool of water, but can't do anything to help.

Miles is separated from Magda and Pricilla when they enter the hall of lost boyfriends, who seize Miles and drag him off for trial. They're trying him for neglecting Soraya, when clearly any of them could have done better. He plays music to throw them all into a depression, but running away stumbles over the body of the Countess. "What have you done?" cries a servant.

Magda, the most sensible, manages to keep ahold of everyone else for a while, but finally finds herself facing... herself... a future self who seems to have succumbed to the dark lure of the Tenth Child.

Lost in delusions and the dark catacombs... what will become of everyone?

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