The House Divided


O Anam, Bard of Harvard-Radcliffe

Unseelie Sidhe. O Anam is heavily influenced by such greats as Yoko Ono and Phillip Glass. As you might expect, his music is possibly the most annoying in all creation, but he knows that he is a genius. Quite beautiful, he attracts many women of the court... some of them even put up with him. Unfortunately, as the bard, his person is sacrosanct, so anyone who would really like to beat him to a bloody pulp would have to go against centuries of tradition. O Anam is a music major at MIT (and has been for the last five years) --- some say his attachment to the court of Harvard-Radcliffe was some sort of convoluted social attack by the Baron of MIT. "Falling leaves / oh falling leaves / you just don't understand."

Johnny Adzeson

Seelie Troll. Johnny is the newest member of the Guard of Harvard-Radcliffe, and is desperately trying to prove himself worthy to his elders. He's also a freshman at Harvard. Johnny has the problem of having more enthusiasm than skill, and more strength than subtlety. He tries to be proper, but often fails, and is constantly dreaming of being made a knight. Given word of a damsel in distress, he's off like a flash to rescue her. "Um, I dunno, I shouldn't let you in here, really. Is it important?"

House United Update: Johnny was sorely wounded protecting the Countess's retreat from Belmont, but survived. He's been mooning over Amanda Greens a lot, and now that he's a hero, maybe he'll have some success.

Lucy Bing, the Wamplecrump

Selie Boggan. Lucy Bing, age ten (and a half, she will inform you) is the current Wamplecrump, which doesn't mean anything except that she owns the pub known as the Hideaway. Lucy is trying very hard to also continue being a normal child, but it's so much more interesting to tend bar and talk to people and polish things and cook and, and, and... she's skipping school more than she perhaps ought. Lucy is slim, unusual for a boggan, and cheerful to a fault. Her propensity for buttering everything should also be noted."Pint for you mister? What's happening?"


Seelie Eshu. Charlie roams the subway system --- the root of that folksong we've all heard. He does sometimes leave, but usually sleeps in cars left for the night. Very little that occurs on the T escapes his notice. "The other night I saw this guy, and he had the most amazing thing with him..."

Doolie Damnjaw

Unseelie Redcap. Doolie generally hangs out in the pit in Harvard Square among the bratpack. He's about 12, but enjoys using his ferocious nature to intimidate those larger, older, and more refined than he. In mortal form, he has a few piercings... in fae form, he's got quite a few more. He usually sleeps on rooftops around the square, or in Memorial Hall Annex in the worst of weather, when they feel they cannot turn him away. "Heh heh. Cool. Sharp."

The Darkling Willoby, Seer of Harvard-Radcliffe

No one knows. The Darkling Willoby is an old man, rather short, with an extremely pointy nose and bushy white eyebrows, virtually identical in his two seemings. Most assume he must be a sidhe, but it's really quite hard to tell --- some say he's just a chimera. He acts as the court seer, and is quite good at his job. He has been the seer for ten years now, since he arrived at court looking just the same as he does today. He rarely speaks but to utter prophecy, and holds himself above the stir of the court --- although his prophecies sometimes stir up trouble by themselves. "Nine nines I see / for fate has twined / and opened up the thrice times three..."

House United Update: the Seer was revealed to have been constructing his prophecies in an attempt to cause chaos and war in Boston. He seems to have been a tool of the Green Fomorians, or perhaps a Green Fomorian himself. Now he has been driven out, and is presumable at the bottom of the Bottomless Sea.

Sinuous Fuzzlupper, Reeve of Harvard-Radcliffe

Seelie Pooka (Ferret). Sinuous Fuzzlupper only recently was appointed Reeve, filling a post long left vacant, after he played an elaborate trick on the Count. As Reeve, his duties include overseeing the collection of taxes and the distribution of county favors among other aspects of keeping the feudal responsibilities and obligations properly kept. He takes things surprisingly seriously... although he is more likely to shame a vassal into proper behavior than to call in the guard. He is pretty firmly in the camp of the Countess, as she brought him into the court, but he's a pooka, so who can say for sure. "Hee hee hee. Ahem. The Countess wishes to inquire about your taxes, which you haven't paid, so she's going to cut off your head. Oops, I lied."

Amanda Greens

Seelie Pooka (Swan). She works on the swan boats some of the time... and swims in the pond as a swan some of the time... and plays tricks on people the rest. Unusually for a pooka, she is beautiful (as opposed to cute), and soft spoken. But behind those charming eyes lurks quite a trickster. "Um, I don't know... maybe you should look behind you."

Molly of the Fen

Unseelie Boggan. One of the few permanent residents of Fenway Freehold, Molly's biting insight and scathing tongue may be the reason few stay there for very long. She was one of the instigators of the uprising in the sixties, and still in her fading years maintains a distrust of authority that would but many rebels to shame. She has slipped fairly far into insanity and bedlam, not having left the hold since the end of the seventies. "Are you here for the ale... or to avoid your pregnant lady-love? Eh?"

Brother Lenin

Seelie Boggan. Brother Lenin is the semi-mythical leader of the PRC, who sometimes appears at really large rallies. Many who are very active in the PRC say that they have met Brother Lenin, and he is rumored to be part of the inner chamber and to direct their planning sessions. Many other stories circulate about him as well, but most of them must be lies. He is said to have uttered the famous phrase: "Beans to you, Duchess Day! Boston Beans to your rule!" No one really knows what this meant, but it sounds neat, and you can get it on a T-shirt if you know where to look.

Buttercup Million

Seelie Redcap. This is the redcap baby that was switched with Ricky Niam when they were both newborns. Under the Million family's loving care (and amazingly, considering what a terror she must have been as a baby), Buttercup has grown into one of the most kind and considerate ten year olds you might ever meet. She looks rather a fright, though, with stringy black hair in both forms and a rather wide face that is truly broad in her fae seeming. She lives in Somerville, near Union Square, with her human family. Only recently did she awaken into her full nature --- and already she has been rejected by other redcaps as being far too nice. They haven't killed her because Sinuous Fuzzlupper finds the whole thing very interesting, and has created a great deal of support and protection for Buttercup in the court of Harvard-Radcliffe. "Um, excuse me, mister, but I'm sorry, I ate your bicycle. I didn't realize... <sob>."

Priscilla Shandowen

Seelie Sluagh. Priscilla is a quiet, unassuming MIT student, hacker (in both senses), and the Architect of Emptiness (COH/LOE advisor to the Baron's court). She has extensive knowledge of tunnels and such all over Cambridge. "Perhaps I could have a look?"

Raf Terrible

Seelie Pooka. Runs the Brattle theatre. A tall spindly man with black feathers instead of hair, his animal form is a crow. "Have you seen Once Upon a Time in China VI? It's so great!"

Arsanette Ys, Mistress of Ceremony of the Court of Harvard-Radcliffe

Seelie Satyr. Arsanette is fairly young and only recently come to the post of Mistress of Ceremony at Harvard-Radcliffe --- possibly by sleeping with the Count, but more likely by later turning the Count down, thus amusing the Countess. Miss Ys, as she is often called, oversees most parties at the Court, as well as more formal ceremony. When she's not doing that, she is a sophomore and history major at Harvard. Being officially in charge of fun has placed somewhat of a strain on her normally chaotically fun nature. "Place ivy all around the top of the hall --- is the punch ready --- mind what you do with that --- where's the band?"


Goblin. Gurk is one of the Goblin Death Legionaires who never went home and lives at Mallory's. He hasn't demonstrated many redeeming qualities aside from an extremely mutable anatomy and a liking for garbage. "Gurk?"

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