The House Divided


Caer Nausett

A fairy tale seashell castle with surrounding fishing village nestled among the dunes and sharp grasses, all completely chimerical, located shallowly in the dreaming. Caer Nausett is home to the Court of Cape Cod.

Fenway Freehold

A small castle out in the fens, accessible over a series of paths and wooden walkways, any one of which can be lifted up to sever the connection with the real world. It is well protected in the dreaming, as well, being at the center of a truly epic swamp. The Fenhold, as it is sometimes called, operates more or less as a collective. It used to be the seat of the Barony of the Fens until the last remaining Baron was killed in a rebellion during the sixties. Fenhold will provide shelter to any fleeing the wrath of the nobility, although in cases where the wrath is obviously justified the miscreant is likely to be thrown out again. The PRC often meets here, and has used it as a base for some of its more audacious demonstrations.

The Hideaway

Also called Wamplecrump's Hideaway, this small pub is located in the basement of the Lampoon building in Harvard Square, accessed through a mostly unnoticable door on the Massachusetts Avenue side of the building. Inside is a cozy brick cellar pub, with plentiful ale and a few round tables. The Hideaway is one of the most popular places in Cambridge for Changelings to hang out. The owner and bartender is known as the Wamplecrump, and is always a boggan; ownership passes from one Wamplecrump to the next in a manner never well explained. Lucy Bing is the present Wamplecrump.

Memorial Hall Annex

Through a quite unremarkable door in Memorial hall one can pass into the Court of the Count of Harvard and the Countess of Radcliffe. A tower can be seen rising higher than the visible tower to those with eyes to see it: it exists in the dreaming but can be seen (and looks out into) the real.


If Provincetown is one big summer party for humans, for changelings it's the same thing, only more so. The Provincetown ferry is often filled with fae heading out for a weekend rave, and little chimerical boats ply the waters of Cape Cod Bay as well. Satyrs are especially well represented in Provincetown, and a satyr council provides the only real local government. Problems too large for them are generally dealt with by Duke Brinestout.

The Remarkable Wing

This wing of the Science Museum extends into the dreaming, and contains any number of astounding devices and artifacts. Mistress Cristle and Sir Thews make their home there. The exhibits get stranger and stranger the further in you go, and wandering too far will quite possibly result in never being seen again. Mistress Cristle doesn't seem to have this problem, and Sir Thews wisely never goes too far.

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