The House Divided


Victor Ailson

(House United Update) Unseelie Sidhe. Victor Ailson is a tall, dark, handsome, mysterious sidhe with amazing powers of persuasion. He was apparently Desiree's lover some time ago... now he is one of the most trusted advisors to Duke Ottersblood. He has demonstrated some interest in theoretical magic, and in power in general.

William Brinestout, Duke of Cape Cod.

Seelie Sidhe. Grey hair, shaggy, with a big beard. Mortal form is that of a fisherman. He holds his court in a palace on outer Nausset beach (severed from Nausset beach in Hurricane Gloria in 1988). A generally cheerful old coot, with great tolerance for anything as long as it was meant well. But don't push it. "Ho ho ho! Those scamps in Provincetown, they really try my patience. Ha ha! Send in the guard!"

Jennifer Check, Lady of Fanueil Hall

Unseelie Sidhe. Her liege is Duke Ottersblood. She appears as a bleached blonde of cold beauty. Unlike many Sidhe, however, she dresses in the modern fashion in her fae form. She is quite ruthless in her goal, which is to separate tourists from their money and fleece them of their dreams as much as she can.

Wamplette Cristle, Mistress of the Museum of Science

Seelie Gremlin. Her liege is Duchess Day. She is about three feet tall, with frizzly hair, blue skin, long fingers, and a very prominent nose. She dresses in lab coats and torn clothing and prattles on about the mystery of science. In her mortal guise, she is one of the oldest tour guides at the museum. "And if you look over here, you'll see the most interesting little device... oh, mind the whirling blades..."

House United Update: of course her liege now is Duke Ottersblood.

Lady Orianna D'Charlane, Countess of the Back Bay

Seelie Sidhe. Her domain actually extends a fair way out Commonwealth Avenue. Her liege is Duke Ottersblood. She is an older sidhe woman, but still quite beautiful.

David Gwydion, High King of Concordia

Seelie Sidhe. David's domain includes all of Concordia (North America). He has visited Boston in the past, before he became king (which was perhaps ten years ago, on his fourteenth birthday), but has not returned since he became high king.

Marravell Day, Duchess of Cambridge

Seelie Sidhe. Her direct holdings include Somerville and part of Belmont and Arlington, and her fief extends to cover much of the north and west of the metropolitan area. She is a modernist, and has no patience for the intolerance of many of her kind. She has no patience for malingerers either --- in fact, she has no patience at all, and is always rushing from commitment to meeting to tryst. Unique among local nobility, she tries to balance her mortal life with her fae life. While this is the source of some of her rushing, it has kept her more connected than most. Her hair is brown, and she is pretty, but not beautiful. "Don't whine to me about the raiders. Fine, consider the guard dispatched. No dear, not you. I must go!"

House United Update: the past months have been quite hard on Duchess Day, and she is now consigned to the tender care of Queen Mab's healers, who hope to cure her madness. Her Duchy is joined with Boston, ruled by Duke Ottersblood until it will one day pass on to Sir Ten. "Traitors! Traitors!"

Sir Ricklent Kol, Chancellor at the Court of Harvard-Radcliffe

Unseelie Sidhe. The Chancellor acts as court secretary and right-hand man of the Count of Harvard, and is firmly on the Count's side in all court scuffles. He is more attentive than the count, and handles most day to day operations. Sometimes he handles things without the Count's direct knowledge, but this hasn't gotten him in trouble yet. He thrives on the conflict at court, and some say creates more of it than the Count does. This is the sort of man who can wear a white goatee, twirl his mustache, and look pretty cool doing it. "Yes, yes, it would please the Count if you were to take this sword and leave it in the Orange Room. The reasons? No, I will not burden you with the reasons."

House United Update: the whereabouts of Sir Kol after the loss of Count's position are unknown.

Mab Fiona, Queen of the Kingdom of Apples

Seelie Sidhe. Mab's kingdom extends over New England and New York. Her seat of governance is at Caer Palisades in the winter, and Caer Loon (in New York City) in the winter, with periodic exceptions. Mab visits Boston very rarely, and her visits are the cause of much disruption for weeks before and after. She is a young queen, and very much a romantic.

House United Update: her last visit was no exception. In fact, it probably has set the new record for disruptive visits for a long time to come. "To quote a great man, a house divided against itself cannot stand."

Walter Mechanisman, Baron of MIT

Unseelie Knocker. His domain includes Kendall and Central Squares. His liege is Duchess Day. He believes that technology and science are extensions of the dream, but that it takes a hard hand to keep them on the path. Being quite an unsociable fae, he doesn't have much of a court, although you can gain entrance to his labs by hacking into some of MIT's more obscure locations. He is also a perpetual mechanical engineering grad student, and probably a member (or alumnus in good standing) of COH/LOE. "Maybe you just aren't cut out to make it here. Maybe you were admitted by mistake. Now shut up."

Ricky Niam, heir to the County of Harvard

Unseelie Sidhe. Ricky Niam is Count Ottempkin's adopted son (since fae blood doe not always run true, nobility often passes in this manner.) Ricky is about ten years old, blonde, cute as a button, and quite full of trouble. He is already quite conscious of his ability to use his winsome smiles to get people to do irrational and possibly dangerous things, and applies this ability whenever he feels the need for amusement. The Countess loathes him, the Count dotes on him, and much of the rest of the court of Harvard-Radcliffe views him as a sort of ambulatory land mine. Ricky was taken from his mortal parents when he was still a baby, and a redcap child left in his place. "I want an ice cream... phoenix flavor!"

House United Update: Ricky has gone to the estate with the Count of Harvard.

Shane O'Telleran, Earl of Southie

Seelie Leprechaun. His liege is Duke Ottersblood. A short red haired man, he is always ready to drink --- or to fight to protect what is his. "Another beer for the young knight, and not so slow this time!"

Rutherford Ottempkin, Count Harvard

Seelie Sidhe. He shares his domain, which includes Harvard Square as well as Harvard proper, with his wife Lucia. His liege is Duchess Day. Rutherford spends most of his time somewhat distracted, with his nose in a book, emerging only for occasional trysts with beautiful undergraduates. "Now you'll notice that if you lean back... like that... you can see the painting on the ceiling better..."

House United Update: for betraying his wife when she went against the Duchess, Count Ottempkin has been declared unfit to rule the united County and sent to an estate in the Kingdom of Apples, there to live out his days in a sort of house arrest.

Lucia Ottempkin-Meers, Countess Radcliffe

Seelie Sidhe. She shares her fief with her husband Rutherford, although Radcliffe itself is her special domain. Her liege is Duchess Day. Much more down to earth than her husband, Lucia makes most of their decisions. She knows of her husband's wanderings, but tolerates them as long as he does not flaunt them. After all, it leaves her free to court interesting intellectuals. "A new particulate theory? That sounds so interesting..."

House United Update: Lucia is now the sole ruler of the County of Radcliffe, and her liege is Duke Ottersblood. She is known as Lucia Meers now, thank you very much.

Rathbane Ottersblood, Duke of Boston

Seelie Sidhe. He rules the city of Boston, including Brookline, directly with noted exceptions. His control extends to the south and somewhat to the west, including the south shore and Plymouth. With a lot on his mind, he is serious to a fault, and very businesslike. In his younger days (he is now quite old) he was quite a firebrand, but age has shifted him to a more conservative view. He has retreated almost completely into his hold in the dreaming, and is rumored to be slipping a bit in the mind. "I will not have that in my city!"

House United Update: Duke Ottersblood now rules over the entire Boston area, and has taken Sir Ten as his heir.

Richard Sign, Baron Kenmore

Seelie Satyr. His fief includes Landsdowne Street and the clubs there, as well as Fenway Park. His liege is Lady D'Charlane. His wild parties are perhaps the most popular events of the more informal social season. He has no official court, preferring to hold informal gatherings at one of the local clubs. "Hey, I may be a Baron, but I'm cool. You free Saturday night, beautiful?"

Lady Ryanna Templain, Baroness of the Gardener

Seelie Sidhe. Her domain includes the Gardener Museum and the MFA. Her liege is Duke Ottersblood. She is the picture of old-style elegance, and perhaps the most beautiful woman in the city. Her passion is art, however, so those who are not painters or sculptors have little chance of even the most trifling dalliance with her. "Shh. I'm appreciating the painting. Leave me."

Sir Harold Ten, heir to the Duchy of Boston

(House United Update)Seelie Sidhe. Once Harry Won, the butcher, then Harry Won, the heir of Cambridge, then cast out and split into many different pieces: Sir Ten, the Opener of Seven, the Master of Five Arrows... now Sir Ten is the heir once again and something of a jack of all trades due to his past. He carries the sword Chackalshek.

Sir Matthew Thews

Seelie Troll. Guardian of the Remarkable Wing of the Science museum, this old troll takes his duties, which include protecting a number of quite powerful artifacts, quite seriously. Few would cross blades with him --- his does not duel for honor, but fights to protect his charge. "You misunderstand me. Leave. Now. Or die."

Wassant, Sir Shane

Seelie Sidhe. Guardian of the Yard (Harvard, of course). Head groundskeeper at Harvard, Captain of the Guard of Harvard and Radcliffe, and general stuffed shirt. An older man with an extremely long and thin white mustache and exaggerated military bearing. He has kept his post by maneuvering in the shifting tide between the Count and Countess, and always keeps an eye on anyone who might challenge his position. "One-two, one-two, keep those knees up when you're on patrol. You! Keep off the grass!"

Zane Gramn, Duke of the Berkshires

Seelie Sidhe. Duke Gramn makes Duke Ottersblood appear a leftist guerrilla. Actually a young man, perhaps eighteen years of age (who recently ascended to the Duchy upon the death of his adopted mother the Duchess Amelia Gramn), Duke Gramn rules his fief while attending Amherst. Strong, bold, beautiful, he's an example to those conservative nobles who say that you can be a part of the mundane world while still holding strong to tradition. "Really, darling, you can't be thinking of doing that. No, I cannot allow it."

The Honorable Master of the Nine Winds, Lord of Chinatown

A dragon, he rules his domain with a firm claw and obeisance to no one. Fae are welcome to visit Chinatown, but not to settle. And never, ever, disturb the Master in his lair.

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