The House Divided

"Bad Heir Day"

Understandably given the events of the past few days, Miles has an unsettling dream about coming about Magda sharpening an axe in her woodshed... the very same axe that she killed him with! It prevents him from sleeping until his normally late hour, so that morning he busies himself preparing a love potion (well, two matched love potions really) to use on the health inspector. Soraya watches with interest. Then she goes out into the Dreaming and meets up with an old peddler woman selling love potions. After being shown the potion of a true love, the potion of let's just be friends, the potion of unrequited love, and a just plain old love potion, Soraya trades next Sunday afternoon and a lock of her hair for a plain old understandable lust potion. "Lock the door and wear loose clothing" says the old woman, with a cackle.

Magda and Desiree spend the day discussing the Sir Ten situation and get themselves inserted in the Duchess' busy schedule. After waiting for a little while in her office, which is stacked with paper and infested with animate stick people, the Duchess arrives. Desiree quizzes her obliquely about whether she's seen Sir Ten, whether he could be the lost heir, and so on. The Duchess dismisses any such possibilty, although she hasn't actually met him. The Duchess has to go elsewhere and dismisses them.

They spent the time before meeting the Duchess looking for Sir Ten in all the appropriate dramatic locations and although they didn't find him information from Lucy Bing leads them to believe he's gone to the Ninth Legion in the Dreaming. They warn the Countess that maybe Sir Ten is coming with a trouble and she decides to step up the guard's training regimen. Then Magda and Desiree spend a while wondering how to approach Miles and Soraya, who may still be in a pout.

The meeting when it comes isn't as bad as they fear, and Soraya seems willing to guide them into the Dreaming to look for Sir Ten. They set off under a sky full of glorious Dreaming stars, through the Woods of Wonder where they dodge trash falling from the huts high in the trees, up the Perilous Path on the cliffs beneath the Puissant Palace, where they are attacked by a Manticore and Soraya gets a spike through the leg (and Desiree's attempts at attacking the beast lead her to sprout wings instead of arms). Then they cross the Rolling Hills and finally arrive at the Ninth Legion.

Sir Ten isn't there, but they discover he's headed towards the lighthouse, so they set off after him just in case. It's day at the legion, but it's night again by the lighthouse. Querying the blue guys reveals that Sir Ten hasn't been past... because he stopped at the lighthouse. The blue guys remove a little regret from Miles (and tin it) while Desiree goes up to talk to Sir Ten.

At the top of the lighthouse, Sir Ten grips the rail and stares out over the sea, his black clothes whipping dramatically in the wind, with the lighthouse light turning and periodically illuminating the scene before it once again plunges into darkness. He confirms everyone's suspicions that he is the lost heir of the Day family and intends to take the Duchy back... he doesn't know why the Duchess one day attacked him with Chackalshek and cast him out.

Desiree points out that he won't feel better by taking the Duchy and he agrees but says that his honor will be served. Magda suggests that perhaps a duel would be more appropriate, and he is on the point of agreeing when a shadow detaches itself from the wall and attacks. It is a sluagh assassin with a cold iron knife, and it tries to kill Sir Ten. Magda and Desiree thwart its first attempt, but on the second it throws the knife into Sir Ten's chest before going backward over the railing and into the sea to escape.

Desiree is able to keep Sir Ten from dying through her magic, although he is quite badly wounded. He asks her "Who did you tell?" but she won't answer. He turns to Magda and asks "Did you tell her?" Magda nods, and Sir Ten closes his eyes to sleep for now.

We leave the scene at the tower. Afterwards the heroes return the wounded Sir Ten to the legion, which is the closest place he can be cared for. No one seems to know what is the right thing to do.

Player Notes:

Soraya: Do you have any other advice for me?
Peddlar Woman: Lock the door, wear loose clothing, and make sure your mother-in-law's not home.

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