The House Divided

"Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?"

Dill sends Jaque the lab ferret in to read Victor's novel, but is discovered. Victor tells him about the ritual (which is very similar to what he told Magda, only in Nocker-speak instead of Troll-speak). The flowers turn out to be for a scene in the middle of the novel. Dill talks some about his own researches, which intrigue Victor, and then returns home and shocks his ferret. But it's okay, Jaque likes it. Meanwhile Magda has a nice dinner with Bill, to prove something about her general nightlife.

That weekend Sir Ten has an official ceremony and becomes Duke Ten, followed by a large banquet to which some of our heroes are invited as guests of honor. It's worth noting, because it's so out of character, that Magda wears a rather more revealing dress than is usual for her (though still not so revealing as Lucia's). The head table seating diagram:

Dill - Magda - Grahm - Lucia - Ten - Desiree - O'Telleran - Ms.Li - Victor

It's a lovely banquet - Desiree discusses now Duke Ten with Ms. Li, who is more interested in him now that he's not such a flake. She is mostly busy with educating her father's business associates that she isn't going to let them run things their way, however. Then a demon shows up and discreetly discusses the sword with Magda between courses - he'd like to take the Tenth Child back to Hell to use in the war. She says she'll think about it.

Then midway through the meat course the floor opens up (swallowing a table full of sidhe) and three angels emerge from Hell, demon hunting (Bertiel is not amoung them). They aren't interested in talking, and decide to kill everyone since the demon won't show himself. Magda summons the Tenth Child using a pentagram trick remembered from her fight with her future self, and sets about whalloping them. With some distraction from Dill and help from Duke Ten she is victorious. Desiree has to put Dill's arm back together, however.

After some discussion, Magda gives the Tenth Child to the demon Azraphel and throws him into the hole, which closes up again.

Then everyone has dessert, because it would be a shame not to. The boggan chefs have made fish with chocolate scales, each carved out individually...

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