The House Divided

"Collect Call to Hell"

The next morning, Miles goes to the Museum to attept to fix Sir Thews in a more permanent fashion, and is involved in a big destiny ritual throughout the entire day. Magda arranges to have lunch with Desiree, Sir Ten, and Milton, managing not to sound entirely panicked, and fills them in on the events of the previous night.

This is our heroes cue to begin generating strange ideas like a convention of SF writers. They take their discussion to the Remarkable Wing, and find that Miles is still working and Mistress Cristle is terribly distracted. Finally what is decided on is that they will get the phone number the demon used to call Hell from Mallory's, and ask Victor to call Hell and pry some information out. Milton sets to hacking the phone computers and comes up with the number. It's in New Jersey.

Desiree talks to Victor, who is willing to give it a try. She holds his hand as he dials the fateful number... collect! But it works. Victor claims to be Agent Z, and whoever or whatever is on the other end buys it. This causes some concern that although Victor seemed to be making that up on the spot, maybe he really is Hell's Agent Z... Victor is about to determine that Bertiel has led a large number of angels into Hell and they're really trashing the place. Some discussion is had about that, and it is decided that this is best left alone. After all, neither Heaven nor Hell has that much to do with the fae.

Afterwards not too much of consequence occurs. Desiree gives Sir Ten the name of a Chinese matchmaker she knows, and then has a long discussion with Victor about what he's up to. He denys moving the ley lines, saying that he's already in the center of them living at the court of Boston. Desiree tries to figure out what Victor wants, but he's not sure. He says he could be the charming rogue, or the evil mastermind, but he doesn't like either of those roles because the evil villain loses and the charming rogue is always coming in second to the farmboy hero. Victor doesn't like coming in second. Desiree gets the last word on her exit, telling him he should figure out what he wants and when he does to give her a call. It's all terribly Sidhe.

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