The House Divided


With several different things going on in an interwoven fashion, this humble recorder does not pretend to remember the interweavings of the story, so one thread at a time will be presented.

First, however, Milton has uncovered a story about the Tenth Child. A sidhe warrior back in the middle ages acquired the sword and used it to slay his enemies... but as these things are wont to proceed, killing one enemy begets another, and so on. Each time he used the sword he went farther, first killing only warriors who opposed him, then their families as well, and finally putting whole villages to the torch. Finally he was pursuing the young son of his latest enemy into a cathedral, and in his pursuit struck down the priest who was trying to shield the young boy. Suddenly two angels appeared, descending from the vaulted ceiling. One took the warrior's wrist and caused him to drop the sword. The other spoke one word into his ear. Afterwards he was broken, his spirit crushed, and went away to wander and attempt to atone. What became of the sword is not written.

Miles, or more accurately Mallory's, receives a visit from Health Inspector Mellisa Chrones and a building inspector, who report numerous violations and shut them down (and revoke their liquor licence, to boot!) Miles makes a half-assed effort to fix things and reopens, leading to another visit from the woman, who is painfully dull. Chastened by the second visit, he goes to the town hall and reads regulations, but the whole thing is so dull that he loses touch with his fae self. Attempting to fix that, Desiree burns out her magic and also slips into banality.

Meanwhile, Sir Ten catches up with another fragment of himself in the Dreaming, Mister Four, and reintegrates a little more... in combination with the fact that Miles can't see Sir Ten, this leads everyone to realize that Sir Ten doesn't actually have a human side right now.

Pricilla the Sluagh hacker comes to Milton asking for some obscure infomation, when an accident reveals that her backpack is full of spider cards. She mopes a bit about losing a hacking contest for a position in the court of Baron Mechanisman to some dumb bunny - meaning Cottontail - but Milton doesn't have a good trick to suggest.

Speaking of hacking contests, someone glues all of the furniture in the Great Hall of Harvard/Radcliffe to the ceiling with lemon pie filling and hangs a huge spider banner. The Countess tells Magda to catch the person responsible, cut him in sixteen pieces, and mail him to the arctic.

And Sidonie encouters a talking lamp at school which is evidently conspiring with a fire truck and making phone calls. While it takes a little while to convey this information to everyone else and a little while longer to make them believe any of it, eventually Sidonie gets her way after the lamp sends a doll to keep an eye on her. Interrogation of the doll by Milton and Sidonie and Magda reveals that it is one of a group of "gizmos" that has been run out of the midwest and is trying to find a homeland. Milton suggests using his connects to ship the gizmos to orphanages everywhere, which seems to make it excited... it goes off to speak with "the leadership council", whatever that is. The gizmos seem to have some sort of collective government.

Finally everyone drags Miles and Desiree to one of Baron Kenmore's friday night bashes, which has the desired effect of thawing them out. Miles vows that there are some town officials due for some heavy cursing. Meanwhile Magda briefs the Countess on the gizmos. The Countess clearly has heard of them and doesn't like them, because she calls out the guard to go wipe them out.

We leave our heroes at the party with Magda about to leave to put on her armor and go into battle. They also remember that they haven't done anything about the fomorian messenger...

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