The House Divided


It's halloween - Samhain to changelings - a night when the unseelie side of fae nature comes out to play.

Miles is having a big party, of course - one of the tamer parties this night - and everyone we can think of is invited. Miles also delivers atomizers full of enthralling perfume to Magda, Desiree, Priscilla, and Lucia. He takes the antidote himself, but more on that later.

Magda takes the kids out trick or treating before dark, and then to a neighbor's house for a scary sleepover. Then she goes to Miles's party, dressed as Xena. Hey, it's an excuse to wear a sword! Bill goes as a fool. Once she arrives, Maggie finds herself strangely attracted to Miles... like many of the women there.

Desiree disguises herself as lady Amalthea, and due to the nature of the night her disguise is especially effective. Arriving at the party, she also finds Miles much more attractive, and with her supernatural beauty she is able to win his attention. Miles continues being clueless, unaware that something strange is happening. Perhaps dancing with Desiree has something to do with it.

Maggie uses Miles's perfume hoping to make herself more attracive to him, and discovers that it is the antidote to whatever love potion Miles is using! She sprays everyone else once she realizes, but Miles and Desiree have already retreated upstairs. Magda decides not to pursue. Victor turns up and talks to Magda, and gets extremely angry when he hears that Desiree (Magda was able to see through her disguise through extreme good fortune) is upstairs with Miles under the influence of a love potion. Magda and Bill leave, and on the way out Bill remarks about that angry Chinese man they just left. Victor is really Duke Ten in disguise!

Upstairs, things have gotten to the scandalous but not yet totally regrettable stage when Victor (Duke Ten) appears and teleports the door and portions of the bed to who knows where. Desiree wraps herself in the remains of the sheet and runs out, and Victor and Miles begin to brawl. Miles uses magic to prevent this from being a swordfight, but gets the stuffing beat out of him anyway (despite an excellent headbutt). The disguised Duke then pursues the disbuised Desiree.

Meanwhile, Milton and Priscilla and rather a lot of sluagh are meeting in Milton's dining room to summon up spirits of the dead. Lots of dead people are summoned, but the only one whose secrets will be written here is Smitts, the dead KOT agent from some episodes ago. Milton quizzes Smitts on KOT, and discovers that they derived their special technology from the "crash" at Roswell, they believe themselves to be fighting aliens, they have technology to detect fae (although fae appear strange)... He also discovers that KOT was started after the Roswell crash by several people, including the very scientist who worked with the changelings during that incident! (Devon Hull)

Magda returns home and after almost falling asleep hears a noise and finds her garden filled with the shades of those who have been killed by the Tenth Child. They've come to visit from Hell because of the war, and also because they don't know what will happen to Magda now that she has given up the sword. Arthur, acting as their spokesman, does say that they have seen a future where Magda leads this army of the dead to fight other changelings... they have little reassurance to offer her, though, as in Hell they can see only dark futures. She talks with them until dawn, hearing their stories.

Meanwhile, back in the court of Boston, Desiree discovers the Duke talking with a dark sidhe... only the Duke is really Victor. He is able to see through her disguise without difficulty. After bidding farewell to his visitor, Victor implies that the visiting sidhe was an unseelie Prince from Arcadia. Desiree wants to know what is up with the whole swap thing, but gets pretty useless answers. Victor admits to having borrowed the rank of Duke to talk to the Prince. The real Duke turns up and there's some more strange social interplay before Victor retires for the evening and Desiree and the Duke go off to Baron Kenmore's wild party.

Late that night, Miles is awakened by the Duke, who asks him for a vision: what happens if I open the door? Miles uses the focus, and is able to tell something about this not really being the Duke but maybe Victor? Anyway, he sees a door at the end of a bridge, and Victor wedges it open a little, allowing marvelous things to complete forcing the door open and spill over the bridge to the world below, where the old drab order is subsumed, and vanishes in the wonder...

The next dat, Miles remembers very little except that he got beaten soundly and gave a prophecy. Desiree remembers the switch between the Duke and Victor, and the tall dark sidhe prince. Magda remembers being mad at Miles for some reason, and the dead in her garden. Milton, of course, remembers everything. Victor and the Duke both claim to remember little. Samhain is like that.

Player Notes:

Amanda also got some perfume I think. -MIN

At the end of the run, Milton and Maggie actually tell each other about what happened to them. The novelty! -MIN

Miles and Desiree compare notes the next day, and Desiree mentions having lost her purse & keys. Miles remembers finding a purse and matching dress in his bedroom...and what happened to his sheet? -ALH

Desiree tells Magda about her meeting with Fuzlupper and George the Lamp in the previous run. -ALH

No she didn't. Maggie and Desiree didn't talk for the entire run, except when Desiree was being irritated that Maggie was trying to steal Miles away. -MIN

I think Miles did realize there was a problem with the love potions, he just failed in his attempt to run away. :) -ALH

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