Jeremy Kepner

Dr. Jeremy Kepner (Supercomputing Center Head & Founder)

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Dr. Jeremy Kepner is Head and Founder of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center (LLSC), and also a Founder of the MIT-Air Force AI Accelerator. Lincoln Laboratory is a 4000-person National Laboratory whose mission is to create defensive technologies to protect our Nation and the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of the United States. Dr. Kepner is one of five Lincoln Laboratory Fellows, a position that "recognizes the Laboratory's strongest technical talent for outstanding contributions to Laboratory programs over many years." Dr. Kepner is recognized as one of nine MIT Fellows of the Society of Industrial Applied Mathematics (SIAM), for 'contributions to interactive parallel computing, matrix-based graph algorithms, efficient supercomputing, and big data.' Additional appointments include the MIT Mathematics Department and MIT Connection Science. Dr. Kepner received a PhD in Astrophysics from Princeton University as a DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellow in 1998 (advisor: Prof. David Spergel) and a BA in Astrophysics from Pomona College in 1991.

Research: Dr. Kepner's research is described in hundreds of peer-reviewed papers covering abstract algebra, AI ethics, astrophysics, big data, computer architecture, cloud computing, cyber security, data mining, databases, graph algorithms, health sciences, image processing, machine learning, matrix theory, network security, neural networks, parallel programming, plasma physics, privacy preserving analytics, signal processing, software standards, supercomputing, and visualization. These publications have received numerous best paper awards and Dr. Kepner received an R&D 100 Award for this research on parallel embedded computing. As a result of this research, the LLSC team holds many records in database performance. In 2013, Dr. Kepner received the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Technical Excellence Award, Lincoln's highest honor "for leadership and vision in bringing supercomputing to Lincoln Laboratory, pivotal role in open systems for embedded computing, creativity in developing a novel database management language and schema, and contributions to the field of graph analytics."

Impact: Dr. Kepner co-invented the Massachusetts High Performance Supercomputing Center, the largest open research data center in the world that has enabled a dramatic increase in MIT's computing capabilities while increasing energy efficiency. The LLSC's pioneering interactive supercomputing capability and unique MIT SuperCloud system accelerates the award-winning innovations of thousands of MIT researchers. Under Dr. Kepner's leadership, the LLSC team has been recognized for its outstanding contributions to numerous R&D 100 Award-winning technologies that have improved airline safety, prevented the spread of new diseases, and aided numerous hurricane and earthquake victims. Dr. Kepner is the founding sponsor of the Wilkinson Prize-winning Julia programming language used by millions of programmers world-wide, authored the GraphBLAS standard mathematical specification for analyzing graphs, networks, and sparse matrices; and was the founding sponsor of the development of its Sigma Xi Award-winning SuiteSparse implementation. Dr. Kepner is a founding Co-Chair of the HPC Challenge benchmark suite used in acceptance testing of most of the world's largest supercomputers, and leads the Graph Challenge benchmark used in current Exascale procurements.

Education & Outreach: Dr. Kepner is committed to expanding the understanding and application of supercomputing, big data, and machine learning; co-authoring papers with over 30 undergraduates at MIT and other Universities. Eight of these undergraduate co-authors have recieved NSF Fellowships to pursue their PhDs. Other writings include three best-selling books on Parallel Matlab (SIAM Press, 2009), Graph Algorithms (SIAM Press, 2011), and the Mathematics of Big Data (MIT Press, 2018) -- the only MIT Press book ever co-authored by an undergraduate. Dr. Kepner leads annual week-long courses in special topics for National decision makers in the areas of advanced databases, privacy preserving technologies, machine learning, and modern algorithms. Dr. Kepner's Mathematics of Big Data and Machine Learning MIT OpenCourseWare class has been viewed over 100,000 times. Dr. Kepner is the founder and Co-Chair of the IEEE/SIAM High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC) conference that has grown into the largest computing conference in New England.




Awards Enabled

The MIT Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center (LLSC) team founded and led by Dr. Kepner has developed revolutionary Interactive Supercomputing capabilities that are essential to many award winning innovations:

Paper Awards

As co-chair of the IEEE/SIAM HPEC conference, to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, Dr. Kepner removes his lead author papers from HPEC award consideration. For conflict of interest documentation purposes, the papers that would have otherwise been selected by the review committee for awards are listed here:



Software & Patents


Students I have been fortunate to work with

Publications & Presentations

Google Scholar Citation Pages: Jeremy Kepner, LLSC, AI Accelerator

Supercomputing, Big Data & Cyber AI, Math & Science

Places where I have lived and worked: