Alexandr Andoni

Book Chapters / Surveys:


Disclaimer: on majority of these publications, the copyright belongs to the corresponding publishers. These online copies are to be used for non-commercial and personal purposes only.



"Nearest Neighbor Search: the Old, the New, and the Impossible". PhD thesis. Adviser: Piotr Indyk. Readers: Robert Krauthgamer and Ronitt Rubinfeld. September, 2009.
download: [.pdf, .ps]

"Approximate Nearest Neighbor Problem in High Dimensions". M.Eng. thesis. Adviser: Prof. Piotr Indyk. June, 2005. (This is a "full version" of the SODA'06 paper.)
download: [.pdf, .ps]

An undergrad project paper:

"Dynamic Pattern Matching: The World of Tries and Range Queries?" (with Cristian Cadar). Final Project for 6.854 (Fall'03, taught by Prof. David Karger and Prof. Erik Demaine).

[Last updated on or after September 17, 2009]