It is the year of our Lord 1233. Within these pages are the archives of

Ambitus Obscura

Saga and Covenant

Ambitus Obscura is the northernmost covenant in the Novgorod tribunal, founded 1222 A.D. The covenant itself is located somewhere between the islands of Fisby and Dago. Upon its founding by the eccentric Rudolfus of Bonisagus, it met strong opposition by existing covenants. The covenant had to be acknowledged by the Tribunal by vote before any of its members would be recognized.

Many young magi have come to this covenant, ranging from the misfit to the adventurous, to make this their home.


The charter of the covenant is also available for perusal.

The library is quite modest; the arts index may aid your research.

The vis sources of the covenant are formidable, although not necessarily public knowledge. The archon notes specify debts of vis and service owed.

The covenant is starting to amass items of interest, either through invention, discovery, or trade.



Ambitus Obscura is located in the Novgorod tribunal.

Details on the vis trade are slowly becoming available.

Maps of the region may be found here.

Notes on etiquette are slowly being assembled.


Arachne III filia Arachne II of House Criamon, and Archon of Ambitus Obscura. (Alexei)

Laus Bestia filius Accido of House Tytalus. (Fuzzy)

Lucius IV filius Lucius III, is a young, brilliant Bonisagus. His future plans, lab notes, study notes, past logs, (political) journal, grimoire, and character history are available. For the truly bored, you may peruse Lucius' talisman notes. During his brief tenure as Acting Archon, Lucius IV detailed his Plans of the Archon, a listing of priorities. (Dave)

Tomas filius Martinus of House Bjornaer (fox). His spells, activity log, and appearance are also available.(Robert)

Gaius Perseus filius Dornal of House Verditious. (Jeff)

Alscius filius Influence of House Tremere is the most recent magus to join the covenant. (Taurus)

The quirks page has a listing of the magi's casting sigils, voting sigils, and handwriting styles.


The mundanes at Ambitus Obscura have been categorized into the following subpages:

The turb. The soldiery that guards the covenant.

Notable personnages: the servants and clergy of the covenant.

The farmers and fishermen of the covenant.

The Norsemen who have been inducted into the covenant.

The specialists of the covenant: skilled tradesmen, hunters, miners, et cetera.

And finally, the dead or otherwise departed, a list of those no longer with us.

A who plays what catalog of characters.


Mundane notes are slowly appearing.

The Ars Magica 4th Edition in PDF is now available for free.

For new players, a primer on the Order of Hermes. The Latin name primer has just been started.

A long range plans primer has been added for those not sure what to do with their characters.

House Rules

Our house rules have been started.

The Spell Archive has been started. Also presented here for your consideration is the Stormwatch Spell Archive, a collection of new spells.

Other stuff can be found at Saga Keeper; our saga id is 135.

We are using andrew smith's apprentice rules in our saga.

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Last time these pages were updated and I remembered to update this line: Mon Jun 30 08:37:29 EDT 2003