Spell Archive

[ Animal | Auram | Aquam | Corpus | Herbam | Ignem | Imagonem | Mentem | Terram | Vim ]

Spells awaiting approval:

Eye of the Jeweler
MuCo 5
R: Reach D: Sun T: Ind
Makes the vision of one eye of the caster become incredibly sharp, enabling him to see very small details in objects very near the caster. Exact benefits of this are up to the SG to determine. Outside Reach range treat the caster as posessing the Flaw, ``Poor Eyesight'' for the duration of this spell.


Creo Animal

Summoning of the Bloodhound
CrAn 25
R: T, D: Sun, T: Ind
Creates a dog with an effective Per + Track of 12, when it has their scent. The dog will treat the summoning magus as it's 'master', and ignores the Gift.

The Witch's Black Cat
CrAn 25
R: T, D: Sun, T: Ind

Creates a black cat. The cat is cunning and will carry out simple commands from its creator, but otherwise is an ordinary black cat. Sun/Inst.

Intellego Animal

Muto Animal

Perdo Animal

Rego Animal


Creo Auram

Intellego Auram

Muto Auram

Perdo Auram

Rego Auram


Creo Aquam

Intellego Aquam

Muto Aquam

Perdo Aquam

Rego Aquam


Creo Corpus

Healing the Crippling Wound
CrCo 30
R: Touch/Near D: Sun/Inst T: Ind
A single, crippling wound on the target is healed. This will heal such wounds as a lame leg or crippled hand. It will not cure decrepitude, nor will it reattach severed limbs -- that is the province of The Severed Limb Made Whole. A wound which is around long enough may have become part of the victim's essential nature and not affectable at duration Inst. by this spell, at the SG's discretion.

Intellego Corpus

Muto Corpus

The Easy Birth
MuCo(Cr) 10
R: Touch D: Sun T: Ind
When cast on a woman in labor, causes the birth to go easily and relatively painlessly, as long as the baby and mother are otherwise healthy. Even in the latter cases, it will ameliorate the worst effects of childbirth.
Jaw's of the Shark
MuCo(An) 10
R: Per D: Sun/Year T:Ind
When cast the spell grant the person the jaws of a shark and the benefit of +6 to brawl damage when biting, but with the penalty of -6 to thier presence as they are part shark! The transformation is not complete as to allow the individual muted communication. The effect of quiet voice negative on all spell casting, also -3 to all Com based activities.

During the painful transformation the individual's neck stretches, jaw enlarges, and multiple rows of teeth grow. All the hair on the individual's head and neck falls out. In addition the skin grows a layer of razor sharp downward pointing scales. Anything rubbing against the scales have to soak of +0 or have thier skin shreaded by the tiny teeth.

At sun down the spell ends and the individual returns to thier original form except that all the hair that was lost must regrow naturally (i.e. they're bald till thier hair grows back).

Wings of the Air Lord
MuCo(An) 40
R: Touch/Near D: Sun/Perm T: Ind

Turns the target into an eagle.

Perdo Corpus

Disrupting the Onrushing Foe
PeCo 15
R: Near/Sight, D: Momentary, T: Ind
Spell Focus: A Human Finger Bone (+2)

The target must make a STA + Size roll of 9+ or else suffer a major broken limb (caster's choosing on a finesse check of 7+). In the case of success, the target must then soak 6 points of damage (no armor bonus). In the case of failure, the target loses most of the functionality of the affected limb and is at -3 when using the limb; if the target attempts to use the limb (to run away, or to continue fighting, for instance), a cumulative 3 points of damage must be soaked at the bottom of the round and a cumulative -3 is applied after each round. Thus, on the first round of fighting, the target would have to soak a 3 at a -3 penalty; on the second round, soak a 6 at a -6 penalty, etc.

When using the spell focus, the bone is snapped, thus aiding the spell via the Law of Sympathy.

In Thaddeus of Flambeau's version of this spell, the affected limb is colored a disturbingly bright purple.

Blade's Kiss
PeCo 25
R: Near/Sight, D: Momentary, T: Individual

Spell Focus: A dagger (+3)

When casting this spell, you make a small slashing motion with your right hand at the target, at which point, a deep gash opens on his or her body, causing 3 levels of damage (target soaks a 20 with Sta + stress die). The location of the wound is not targetable. The target is gripped with pain the moment before the wound opens.

When using the spell focus, you kiss the flat of the blade, point the blade at the target, and then puff gently across the edge of the blade at the target; a moment later, you make the slashing motion to complete the spell.

In Thaddeus of Flambeau's version of this spell, a bright purple line appears a moment before the wound explodes open.

Rego Corpus

Flight Enlocked
ReCo 15
Locks the knee joint of the target in whatever position it is at the casting of the spell. Relatively simply tasks (walking, standing, lying down) become awkward and difficult, and rigorous physical activities like running and combat become downright hazardous. -6 to all task rolls where movement is a key (including running, climbing and combat).
Orogastus' Sidestep
ReCo 30
The person using the staff may teleport himself up to 100 paces distant at a command. He must be able to see the place he is teleporting too, and make a Finesse check of 6+ to land safely.


Creo Herbam

The Modest Magus
CrHe 5
R: Touch D: Sun T: Ind

Creates a simple robe made of linen or cotton. A finesse check of 6+ is required to make it reasonably fit the target (9 for a well-fitted robe).

Clothes of the Magi
CrHe(An) 10
R: Per D: Moon T: Ind

Creates a reasonable suit of clothes (tunic and leggings/skirt), suitable for a well-off peasant or poor merchant, replete with leather accessories (shoes, belt). A finesse check of 6+ is required to make the suit reasonably fit the target (9 for well-fitted clothes, 12 for simple detailing).

The Touch/Sun version of this spell would probably also be popular.

Intellego Herbam

Muto Herbam

Perdo Herbam

Rego Herbam


Creo Ignem

Pallet's Summer Warmth
CrIg 2

Warms a pallet (bedroll, etc) and keeps it warm. Will not work in unduly cold circumstances (outside in a snowstorm), but quite useful for a pallet in a chilly room. Blankets are still necessary, but at least there isn't a cold shock upon getting into bed.

The Sanctum Illuminated
CrIg 3

Lights all candles in a room.

The Mage's Torch
CrIg(Re) 15

Creates an apple-sized ball of light, which follows a magus. By concentrating, the magus may move the ball (to within reach). The magus may indicate that the ball should stay in one spot and then walk away from the ball; however, to control it again, the magus must return to within reach range. The ball will automatically follow the magus without concentration in a particular relative position that the magus indicates.

Also, by concentrating, the magus can turn the ball of light into a ball of flame, and vice versa. This takes as long as a ball of paper would to catch on fire (or burn up).

Intellego Ignem

Muto Ignem

Perdo Ignem

Shadows of Darkness
PeIg 15
R: Ring D: Ring
All light entering the ring within which the caster casts this spell is utterly destroyed, leaving an area of pitch blackness from which or within which nothing can be seen.

Rego Ignem

Leap of the Distant Lamp
ReIg 10
R: Spec D: Conc.
Light from a light source within near range of the caster is made to come from a different point within sight range, for as long as the caster concentrates. An Int+Conc roll of 9+ may be made to move the light after the initial casting, once per round.


Creo Imagonem

Murmur of Chimes
CrIm 10
R: Near D: Sun T: Small
Creates the delicate sound of small chimes. By concentrating, the caster can change the pitch and volume of the chimes (including being silent). The chimes can only get as loud as a normal speaking tone.

Herald's Flourish
CrIm 10
R: Near D: Conc T: Ind

Creates the sound of a single trumpet performing a flourish. On a finesse check of 6, you can get the sound you pretty much want. The sounds can eminate anywhere within Near of the caster.

Flourish of Trumpets
CrIm 15
R: Near D: Conc T: Group

Creates the sounds of trumpets, suitable for flourishes. A finesse check of 6 is required to get something that vaguely sounds like a trumpet. This check increases cumulatively by 1 per additional trumpet and per additional location. Therefore, having the sound of 3 trumpets to either side (within Near range) would be a finesse check of 12 (6 + 5 additional trumpets + 1 additional location), whereas having 6 trumpets in 6 locations would require a finesse check of 16. The number of trumpets cannot exceed 8.

Battle's Calling of Trumpets
CrIm 20
R: Near D: Conc T: Group

As per Flourish of Trumpets, but loud enough to be heard over a battlefield.

The Enemy Surrounded
CrIm 25
R: Far D: Conc T: Group

As per Flourish of Trumpets, but the sounds can eminate within Far range of the caster.

Trumpeting the Battle's Charge
CrIm 30
R: Far D: Conc T: Spec

Creates the sounds of trumpets and drums. Finesse check as with Herald's Flourish. The sounds must eminate anywhere up to Far range of the caster.

Dies Irae
CrIm 30 Ri
R: Far/Sight D: Conc/Sun T: Boundary

Creates an enormous cacophany of sound: calling trumpets and rolling drums from multiple locations overlaid with the sounds of wrathful masses. All being unseen, the unenlightened may fear that the Hosts of Heaven have descended to do battle.

The fear-inducing effect of this spell is left to the SG. "All participants break and flee in total panic" is the suggested effect.

Intellego Imagonem

Muto Imagonem

Perdo Imagonem

Rego Imagonem

Sight Around the Corner
InIm 20
R: Near/Sight D: Conc T: Sight.
Upon casting this spell, the magus can see precisely as if he were located at a point, designated at the time of casting, within the range of the spell. With a concentration roll of 6+, the caster can change the direction of viewing, but not the point viewed from.

In the original version of the spell, invented by Marchesi filius Valoran of Tytalus, the hands of any people observed appear to be black.


Creo Mentem

When It All Came Togther
CrMe(Vi) 30 Ritual
R: Per/Touch D: Inst T: Ind
Bonisagus explains that he has been working on this spell for a long while, but that it is still too dangerous. It is Bonisagus' (the great teacher) attempt to capture the moment when he first glimpsed the unification of magical theory into the fifteen arts. ``All else followed from that insight, it was the one really good idea I ever had'' he remarks. This spell has been rumored to exist, in some form, carefully guarded at Durenmar, under the rationale that it is just too dangerous to allow its use by younger magi.

Casting the ritual requires double the usual amount of vis (6 pawns of creo and the other six split evenly between mentem and vim) to cast and can only be cast once on any one target. The target rolls a simple die and aquires that many points of experience in magic therory. The number of botch dice is obviously very large and if a botch occures the target (and caster if different) must roll for twilight, doubling the twilight die roll.

Intellego Mentem

Muto Mentem

Perdo Mentem

Rego Mentem

Touch of the Sandman
ReMe 15
R: Touch D: Sun T: Ind
The target, if awake, becomes sleepy very quickly. When asleep, the target will enter a very deep sleep, as per the flaw Deep Sleeper; if awoken, the spell will end. If undisturbed, the target will sleep until the spell naturally ends.

Enthralling Gaze of Rapt Attention
ReMe 15
R: Eye/Sight, D: Conc/Moon, T: Ind

Written by Dominicus of Ex Miscellanea.

Spell Focus: Branch of Holly

Causes victim to stand transfixed, staring into the caster's eyes, unable to move or speak. The victim can react to distractions on an Int roll of 12+, and take reflexive actions on an Int roll of 9+. Either will break the spell. If the line of sight from the caster to the victim is broken the spell also ends. The victim has no memory of the time spent enthralled, but does experiences a nagging sense of uneasiness.


Creo Terram

Aegis of Incorruptible Metal
CrTe 5
R: Reach/Room D: Moon/Perm T: Ind
The metal object that this is cast on becomes immune to ordinary rust and decay for the duration of the spell. In this version, invented by Orogastus of Verditius, the object tends to repel dust and dirt, as well.
The Prestidigitator's Double
CrTe 10
R: Touch/Near D: Sun/Inst T: Small
The object the caster is holding in one hand is duplicated and appears in his other hand. All mundane properties of the item are duplicated, though 'noble' materials are duplicated in appearance only. Magical properties are not duplicated. The object duplicated must be small enough to be comfortably held in a single hand. In the version created by Orogastus, the duplicate object appears clean and polished.
Conjuring the Child's Trinket
CrTe 10
R: Touch D: Sun T: Ind
As the caster concentrates, strands of metal, stone, or glass spin from his hands into a small shape. Once formed, a piece may be set aside (within reach) so that a new piece may be formed; if the caster continues concentration (9+), these pieces may then be joined together in some manner (a series of metal balls with small chimes inside them, all strung together on a metal wire, for instance).

Nothing precious (silver, semi-precious gems, etc) can be conjured.

Orogastus' Spanning Bridge
CrTe 25
R: Near/Sight D: Sun/Inst T: Structure

Creates a stone bridge up to 30 paces long and five paces wide. The bridge is arched, of solid stone, with sturdy stone supports underneath it. It is not inherently unstable, and will not topple instantly, but is not anchored into a foundation, unless mundane preparations have been. The stone supports are not infinitely tall, either, so gorges deeper than about 20 feet and wide enough to require supports cannot be spanned. The magus must be within near range of the center of the bridge, which generally means on the edge of the bank being cast. In the version created by Orogastus, the stones comprising the bridge are sharply cut, and the fittings between them nearly invisible.

Intellego Terram

Eye of the Craftsman
InTe 15
R: Reach D: Conc T: Small
The caster can critically examine a terram object and obtains a sense of the materials and workmanship of an item. Useful for duplicating or evaluating an item (adds +3 to appropriate skills).

Muto Terram

Supple Iron and Rigid Rope
Redefined to MuTe 5.

Doubling the Sword's Burden
MuTe 15
R: Near D: Diam T: Ind

Turns a sword into lead, giving it -2 to INIT, ATT, and DAM, and doubling its encumbrance.

Reflecting the Sword's Pity
MuTe 20
R: Near D: Diam T: Ind

Turns a sword into glass; with a finesse check of 12, the glass is highly polished and acts like a fine mirror.

The Treacherous Blade
MuTe(An) 25
R: Near D: Diam T:Small

Turns a small metal weapon into a non-poisonous snake for the duration of the spell. This is likely to be something of a surprise to the bearer. When the blade reverts to its normal form it will very likely be twisted and useless.

Pocketing the Cartload
MuTe(An,He,Co) 25
R: Touch/Near D: Sun/Moon T: Ind

Reduces the physical dimensions of the target by a factor of 32 each way and reduces the weight by a thousand fold. Affects inanimate targets only.

Perdo Terram

Dust of Travelling Begone
PeTe 4
Destroy all dirt on oneself and one's clothes.

Stone's Obliteration
PeTe 20
R: Near/Sight, D: Momentary, T: Spec

Spell Focus: A piece of metal from a pick (+1)

Like the spell Pit of the Gaping Earth, the stone ``in a circle 6 paces across recedes into the ground, leaving a pit 9 feet deep''.

In Thaddeus of Flambeau's version of this spell, a very thin, bright purple, circle appears the moment before the stone recedes.

Rego Terram

Djinn's Returning Sword
ReTe 25 R: Near D: Mom T: Small
A sword (or other metallic weapon) teleports to the caster's hands. This works regardless if the weapon is being wielded or not. A fourth-magnitude version of this spell can be used if a ring or similar AC is fashioned from the sword and is present in the casters' hands.


Creo Vim

The Enigma's Gift
CrVi 30
R: Touch D: Inst T: Ind
Throws the target into twilight. Requires a roll of 6+ on enigmatic wisdom or the caster is thrown in instead. In the notes at the beginning of the spell Bonisagus explains that this spell was invented by Criamon and that Iluminatus might use it if all else fails.

Intellego Vim

Muto Vim

Perdo Vim

Rego Vim