From: David C Leung <dcltdw@MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2002 12:12:13 -0500
Subject: [AmbitusObscura] long-range plan primer

Andi was asking what can be done in a season. I think a lot of the fun of Ars are the long-range plans of a character, and not merely "what do I need for the next story". I find D&D campaigns boring because they only focus on the short-range: "what do we need to do to clear out that nest of hydralisks?", etc.

I develop short-, medium-, and long-range plans for my characters. Part of the reason I think Luicus is in flux is because his plans are kinda boring. :)

Short range plans:

Medium range plan: make a 5th magnitude Aegis

Long range plan: learn Incant of Lightning

Note that this is all about lab work, but then, Lucius is a Bonisagus, This is what Bonisagi do.

Other lab plans would include:

There's other stuff you can do:

From the Stormwatch crowd, Derek had his ideal plan for a year. Spend one season doing each:

Service is service, so that's just required. :) Arts is all about long-term vision. Spells and potions are about tomorrow's expedition. "Optional" is whatever you need to work on. So this way, you balance long-term goals with short- or medium-term goals.

Of course, it's easy for this plan to go STRAIGHT out the window pretty quickly, so it requires some discipline to adhere to. I'm not very good at it myself. :)

Anyways, hope this helps.
