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A black steel staff, six feet tall and 1.75" in diameter. Spaced equally around the staff and near the head of the staff are four divots, clearly meant for gems. Also near the top, along one side of the staff but below the gem slots, is the symbol of the Order. Below that is the sigil for House Bonisagus; below that is Lucius' sigil. Along this same side, running centered along most of the length of the staff lies an inscription (all in one line):


"In the 461th year of the Order of Hermes, Lucius IV filius Lucius III of House Bonisagus made me."
461th corresponds to 1228, which will need to be updated.

If/when the staff shrinks, the inscription changes to:


Now that the talisman rules have been scaled back, this is actually within the realm of possibility. Although 7 rooks of vim vis is still a lot. :)

Dominant Form: an iron staff
  Material F&E Bonus Slots
Iron +7 harm/repel faeries
+2 protect wearer
+3 strength
1-2: Steel Wand, Airy Weight
3-4: Lucius' Steel Lightsaber
5-6: Talisman to me!
7-20: empty
Staff +2 repel things
+3 project bolt
+4 control things at distance
+4 destroy things at distance
Subserviant Slots
# Material F&E Bonus Slots
1 Agate +3 air
+5 prot storms
+7 prot venom
1-4: Incant
5-8: Wings of the Soaring Wind
9-12: empty
2 ? ? 1-3: Chirurgeon's
4-12: empty
3 ? ? ?
4 ? ? ?

Going for knowledge would be sapphire (+2 knowledge), Diamond (+3 discerning the truth), and Obsidian (+3 inner knowledge) (maybe Rock Crystal (+5 clairvoyance) instead).

Interesting Possibilities
Material F&E Bonus Material F&E Bonus Material F&E Bonus
Amber +3 Corpus Aquamarine +3 water
+1 quick thinking
Diamond +2 light
+3 discerning the truth
Jet +2 prot
+3 darkness
Oak +7 prot storms
+1 longevity
+3 passage into spirit world
+2 control earth
+1 control sky
Opal +4 travel
+2 loyalty
Obsidian +5 darkness
+3 inner knowledge
Rock Crystal +3 healing
+5 clairvoyance
Ruby +3 affect blood
+4 leadership in war
+6 fire
Sapphire +2 knowledge
+2 vs malign Corpus
+3 healing
+2 dispel evil magic
Topaz +4 leadership
+4 strength, courage, pride
+5 controlling wild beasts

Not-So-Interesting Possibilities
Material F&E Bonus Material F&E Bonus Material F&E Bonus
Amber +3 ward against bad dreams
+1 meditation
Amethyst +3 vs poison
+7 vs drunkenness
+1 strong emotions
+3 mental healing
+2 peace of mind
Animal Bone +4 harm/destroy animals
Beryl +3 water Bloodstone +4 blood/wounds Clam Shell +2 prot
Clear Glass +4 invis
+5 seeing through something
Coin +4 induce greed
+4 wealth/mercantile
Copper +2 peaceful
+1 bring luck
Crystal +5 water-related effect Emerald +4 incite love/passion
+7 snakes
Fired Clay +4 contain/protect from fire
Garnet +2 solitude
+2 protection from air spirits
Glass +3 beauty of object Gold +4 affect wealth
+4 induce greed
Green Turquoise +4 necromancy Hematite +4 prevent bleeding
+2 aid in physical combat
Human Bone +3 destroy human mind
+4 destroy human body
Jade +4 Aquam
+2 longevity
+1 purity
+2 wisdom
Lead +4 wards Lodestone +3 repulsion
Magnetite +3 Animal Onyx +4 darkness
+4 death
Pearl +5 detect/eliminate poisons
Platinum +2 ambition
+1 energy
Quartz +5 invis
+3 see through illusions
Rowan +4 prot lightning
+3 command ghost
Sardonyx +2 vs malign Corpus Sea Shell +2 the sea
+3 sea creatures
Silver +10 harm lycanthropes
+4 oratory
Star Ruby +5 conjure/control occult entities Sulfur +2 healing
+3 preserving
+1 summoning demons
Tin +2 control
Violet Amethyst +4 ascendancy over masses
+7 vs drunkenness
Wood (dead) +3 affect living wood
+4 affect dead wood

Enchantment Ideas

Steel Wand, Airy Weight
This enchantment assists in moving the talisman to where the wielder wishes it to go. It does not reduce the weight of the talisman (a Muto effect). It only works when touching the talisman. This allows the wielder to wield his talisman as a quarterstaff via Finesse. The quarterstaff has stats of +4/+3/+7/+5.

ReTe 5: Control or move dirt.
+10 Metal and gems
Base: Near/Conc/Small
-5 Near->Reach
+5 Small->Ind
+5 Maintains concentration
+10 Unlimited
ReTe 30
1/2 affects the device
Final effect: ReTe 15, 2 slots.

Re (9) + Te (1) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + IG (3) = 30. 1 season.

Lucius' Steel Lightsaber

Object of Increased Size, MuTe 10: Reach/Sun/Ind. Doubles the dimension of an object; does not work on noble elements and gems.
+10 works on gems.
+0 shrinks the staff into Child size.
+5 shrinks the staff into Armful size.
+5 shrinks the staff into Small size.
+5 shrinks the staff into Handheld size.
-5 Reach->Touch
-5 Sun->Conc
+5 Maintains conc
+10 Unlimited
MuTe 40
1/2 affects the device
Final effect: MuTe 20, 2 slots.

Mu (10?) + Te (5?) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + Lab (2?) + Talisman (2) + PE (1?) = 40? 1 season.

Talisman To Me!

ReTe: 15: Teleport dirt up to 15 paces.
+10 Metal and gems.
+5 Teleport to Near->Far
+5 Teleport to Far->Sight
+5 Teleport to Sight->AC
Base: Near/Conc/Small
-10 Near->Touch
-5 Conc->Mom
+5 Small->Ind
+10 Unlimited
ReTe 40
1/2 affects the device
Final effect: ReTe 20, 2 slots.

Re (9) + Te (5?) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + Lab (2?) + Talisman (2) + PE (2?) = 40? 1 season.

Chirurgeon's Healing Touch

As per the spell: CrCo 20.
+3 Vis pumpable
+2 3x/day
Final effect: CrCo 25, 3 slots.

Cr (7) + Co (13?) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + Lab (3?) + Talisman (2) + FE (3?) = 48?

Incantation of Lightning

As per the spell: CrAu 35.
+10 Unlimited
Final effect: CrAu 45, 4 slots.

Cr (7) + Au (24?) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + Lab (3?) + Spell (7?) + Talisman (2) + FE (6) + PE (0) + LT (7?) = 76?, 2 seasons.

Wings of the Soaring Wind

As per the spell: ReAu 20, Per/Conc/Ind.
+5 Per->Touch
+5 Maintain Conc
+6 50x/day Final effect: ReAu 36, 4 slots.

Re (9) + Au (24?) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + Lab (3?) + Spell (7?) + Talisman (2) + FE (3) + PE (2?) = 70?