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Studying vis:
(d10 + 1) * pawns + Aura (4)

Writing out spells:
Scribe Latin (4) x 20 = 80 levels.

Extracting vis:
Cr (7) + Vi (7) + MT (8) + 3*Aura(12) = 34, or 3 pawns.
Could also make a lab with a +2 Cr bonus, +2 Vi bonus, and a +2 extraction bonus.

Copying spells:
Scribe Latin (4) x 60 = 240 levels.

Lab Improvement

General lab improvement:

+1: Diff = (3 + 3*(+1)) = 6; LT = Int (5) + MT (8) + IG (3) = 16. 1 season.

+2: Diff = (3 + 3*(+2)) = 9; LT = Int (5) + MT (8) + IG (3) = 16. 2 seasons, or 1 with a 2nd mag enchantment.

Zephyr's Cage

A brass cage, 3'x3'x5'. Any air that crosses the boundary of the cage stays within it. Useful for examining very strong wind effects.

ReAu 10: Control an amount of air with great force.
ReAu base: Near/Conc/Ind.
-10 Near->Touch
+5 24x/day
+5 Maintains concentration
ReAu 10 total effect.

Re (9) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + FE (4) + Lab (1?) = 51?

+3: Diff = (3 + 3*(+3)) = 12; LT = Int (5) + MT (8) + IG (3) = 16. Need a 2nd magnitude enchantment and 2 seasons.

Miniature Pennant of Magic

A hand-sized pennant, about 2" tall and 5" long. Sigils of the Order, House Bonisagus, and Lucius IV are painted on the pennant's base. The pennant flutters on currents of magic that are present.

InVi: Level 30 detects 0th magnitude or higher.
InVi base: Near/Conc/Ind
-10 Near->Touch
-5 Conc->Mom
-5 Ind->Small
+5 Constant use
InVi 15 total effect.

In (5) + Vi (7) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + FE (0?) + Lab (1?) = 33?

+4: Diff = (3 + 3*(+4)) = 15; LT = Int (5) + MT (8) + IG (3) = 16. Need 7 magnitudes of enchantments.

Monocle of Intuition of the Air

Level 10: Learn all mundane properties of the air. Have an intuition about some fact regarding the air.
InAu base: Per/Conc/Room.
+5 both Level 10 effects.
+5 Per->Touch
+5 Constant effect
Level 25 total.

In (5) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + FE (4) + Lab (3?) = 50?

Sink of Watery Destruction

A white basin. Any liquid poured into is destroyed. If there are other Forms present, they are left behind as residue.

PeAq 5: Destroy a liquid (reqs may be required).
PeAq base: Touch/Inst/Small.
+5 Constant effect.
PeAq 10 total effect.

Pe (5) + Aq (0) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + FE (?) + Lab (3?) = 28.

Fast lab improvement: not worth it.

Invented Spells

Re-invent Ward Against Faeries of the Air, ReAu 25:

Re (9) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (9) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + Sim (2) = 50.

Zephyr's Relief of the Calm Sea, CrAu 15

Makes ships in the area poke along.

Cr (7) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (9) + Aura (4) + IG (3) = 46.

Conjuring the Tradewinds, CrAu 20

Makes ships in the area go fast.

Cr (7) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (9) + Aura (4) + IG (3) = 46 (+ Sim 3?)

Longer duration Thief of the Stolen Breath: Each round the victim gets a stamina roll to resist the spell. 1 success and the spell ends. If they fail 5 rounds, they pass out. 10 rounds in a row, they start to die. The resistance roll may get easier over time (especially after they've passed out and are no longer panicking). (Alexei)

Invisible Magus No More, PeVi-Im 15

Base: Reach/Inst/Ind
+5 Reach->Near
Effect is (10 + quality die) vs PeIm casting total.

Pe (5) + Vi (7) + Int (5) + MT (9) + Aura (4) + IG (3) = 33.

Council's Tidings of the Winds, ReAu 20; as Whispering Winds, except that what the caster hears is also heard by those immediately near him:

In (5) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (9) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + Sim (3) = 47.

Eyes of the Bat, InAu 25.

In (5) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (9) + Aura (4) + IG (3) = 44. 2 seasons.

Any 2nd magnitude spell:

Tech (5) + Form (0) + Int (5) + MT (9) + Aura (4) + IG (3) = 26.
Lungs of the Fish MuAq 10 Cloak of the Duck's Feathers ReAq 5 Conjuring the Sturdy Vine CrHe 10
Trap of the Entwining Vines CrHe 10 Repel the Wooden Shafts ReHe 10 Aura of Ennobled Presence MuIm 10
Sight of the Transparent Motive InMe 10 The Call to Slumber ReMe 10 Snap of Awakening ReMe 10
Rusted Decay of Ten-Score Years PeTe 10 Maintaing the Demanding Spell ReVi 10

Not For Awhile...

For any 3rd-magnitude spell:
Tech (5) + Form (0) + Int (5) + MT (9) + Aura (4) + IG (3) = 26.

Mastering the Headwind, ReAu 25

Stops headwinds and turns it into tailwinds.

Re (9) + Au (20?) + Int (5) + MT (9) + Aura (4) + IG (3) = 50?

Maintain the Demanding Spell, ReVi 20

Re (9) + Vi (10?) + Int (5) + MT (9) + Aura (4) + IG (3) = 40?

Aegis of the Hearth, ReVi 30

Re (9) + Vi (9?) + Int (5) + MT (9) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + Sim (5) + Lab (1?) = 45?

Wrath of Zeus: CrAu 40
Lightning without the -3 Aimed xor Far-ranged lightning.

Cr (7) + Au (22?) + Int (5) + MT (9) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + Sim (7) + Lab (3?) = 60?

Conversing with Aeolius: InAu 25

InAu 25: Speak with air.
Base: Per/Conc/Room.

In (5) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (9) + Aura (4) + IG (3) = 44. 2 seasons. With Au 24, could do it in 1 season.


Wings of the Soaring Wind: ReAu 20

Re (9) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + Spell (4) + IG (3) = 51, or 8 potions, plus a lab text (7).

Chirurgeon's Healing Touch: CrCo 20

Cr (7) + Co (4) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + Spell (4) + IG (3) = 35, or 4 potions, plus a lab text (7).

Conjuring the Stubborn Fire: CrIg 5

Level 10: Ignite something slightly flammable (like damp wood).
Base: Near/Mom/Small
-10 Near->Touch
+5 Mom->Diam

Cr (7) + Ig (1) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + FE (1) + LT (6) = 32, or 7 potions. Made with ashes (+1).

Veil of Invisibility: PeIm 10

Pe (5) + Im (0) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + Spell (2) + IG (3) = 27, or 5 potions, plus a lab text (8).

Whispering Winds: InAu 15

In (5) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + Spell (3) + IG (3) = 46, or 8 potions, plus a lab text (8).


Lantern of Sunlight

A lantern that burns both brightly and steadily.

CrIg 10: Illuminate an area as if by daylight on a cloudy day.
CrIg base: Near/Mom/Small.
-10 Near->Touch
+10 Mom->Sun
+0 1x/day
CrIg 10 total effect

Cr (7) + Ig (4?) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + FE (7) + Lab (2?) = 40?

Miniature Pennant of Magic: Casts Sense the Lingering Magic at touch range. Described above.

Gather the Essence of the Beast

Spell: Gather the Essence of the Beast, MuVi 15
+5 24x/day
Total: MuVi 20, 2 pawns of vis.

Form: Silver Globe (+8) (silver (+3) container (+5))
Mu (5) + Vi (7) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + FE (8) + Spell (3) = 40, plus a lab text (8).

Bellows of the Angry Winds

Spell: Charge of the Angry Winds, CrAu 15
+5 24x/day
Total: CrAu 20, 2 pawns of vis.

Form: Bellows (+4 create wind)
Cr (7) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + FE (4) + Spell (3) = 49, plus a lab text (6).

Earring of the Gossiping Zephyrs

Spell: Whispering Winds, InAu 15
+5 24x/day
Total: InAu 20, 2 pawns of vis.

Form: Earring (+5 affect hearing)
In (5) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + FE (5) + Spell (3) = 48.

Not For Awhile...

Canteen for the Very Thirsty Traveller

A leather canteen with a crystal stopper. FE: +5 from canteen, +5 from crystal stopper.
Spell effect: MuAq, change a liquid into a very unnatural liquid: MuAq 10
Base: Touch/Sun/Small
+5 Small->Ind
+5 Sun->Moon
MuAq 20: the canteen fills with 7x its volume, which can be drunk until the next Moon.

Mu (5) + Aq (0) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + FE (10) = 35

Wand of Lightning

Spell: Incantation of Lightning, CrAu 35
+5 24x/day
Total: CrAu 40.

Form: Wand of agates (+3 wand, +3 agate)
Cr (7) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (4) + IG (3) + Spell (7) + Lab (3?) + FE (6) = 60?, 2 seasons.
24 pawns Vi to prep; 4 pawns Au to enchant. A fairly stupid idea until he learns the spell, although an agate wand would make a cooool talisman. :)


Useful for an Auram lab improvement, but not otherwise.

Bellows of the Winds

A bellows made of fine leather and silver fittings. Three discs adorn one side of the bellows, each bearing a symbol: the Order, House Bonisagus, and Lucius' sigil.

A silver cap is attached, and fits snugly over the end of the bellows. When on, the device is quiescent.

When taken off, with the handles closed, the barest of breezes eminates from the end. As the handles are opened more and more, the breeze increases, up to a raging torrent of wind.

This device is useless for combat.

Level 30: Create a tempest.
Base: Sight/Mom/Boundary
-20 Sight->Touch
+5 Mom->Conc
-15 Boundary->Ind
+5 Maintains conc
+5 24x/day
+5 Sliding effect
CrAu 15 effect
Cr (7) + Au (18) + Int (5) + MT (8) + Aura (3) + IG (3) + FE (4) = 48.