Boston By Bike...At Night

In 1989 The Back Bay Midnight Pedalers started making an annual tour of historic and architectural sites in the Boston area. The ride usually occurs in mid-to-late August, beginning just before midnight on a Saturday night and running until a little after sunrise on Sunday. The ride route and length varies, but is usually around 30 miles.
2002 Pictures. This ride included the Ted Williams Tunnel.
2003 Pictures. 15th annual tour, but did not include a "big destination"
2004 Pictures.
2005 Pictures.
2006, No pictures.
2007 Pictures.
2008 Pictures. 20th annual tour, including the Zakim Bridge.
2009, No pictures.
2010 Pictures.
2011, No pictures.
2012, No pictures. I missed this ride.
2013 pictures, 25th annual tour, including the Zakim Bridge again, this time with BMX.
2014, No pictures.
2015, I have a couple of pictures I need to get of an archival disk.
2016, No pictures. I missed this ride, but got soaked in the process.
2017, I have one or two pictures I need to get off an archival disk
2018, No pictures. 30th annual tour, but there wasn't a "big destination"
2019, No pictures.
2020, No pictures. The ride happened, but I missed it due to COVID-19 related concerns.
2021 pictures.
Ham radio operators who are interested in helping with communication should contact me via email to jweiss at

The 2024 ride is scheduled for August 24-25, 2024.

Boston By Bike...At Night
Midnight 'til dawn
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Thirty-sixth Annual Tour of Architectural and Historic Sites
Meet at *11:15pm* in front of Trinity Church in Copley Square
Bring a bicycle with a light and wear something reflective; helmet recommended.
Commemorative T-shirts available.
Bring something for pot luck breakfast Sunday in Christopher Columbus Park.
Please bring a spare inner tube that fits your tires.
Sponsored by the Back Bay Midnight Pedalers
For information call 617-522-0259
Ride support provided by Ferris Wheels Bike Shop, Jamaica Plain

Last modified $Date: 2024/08/14 00:00:35 $ GMT by $Author: jweiss $