Visiting Tech Squares
What to Expect at Tech Squares
We are a fast-paced, dance-by-definition square dance club. We dance hard Plus level squares alternating with phase II to V rounds.
At Tech Squares, we tend to switch partners every tip. Dancers are welcome to square up with or without getting a partner first (to indicate a square looking for more dancers, we raise fingers equal to the number of additional dancers). Tech Squares dancers have a variety of dance-role preferences, and many of us dance both roles. We recommend asking your partner what part they prefer to dance while squaring up.
Most Tech Squares dancers dress casually (jeans and t-shirts), and visitors are welcome to wear whatever they feel comfortable dancing in.
Visiting Tech Squares
We welcome visitors at our Tuesday Plus dances, and also have an active Advanced and Challenge program.
Our Tuesday dances occur nearly every Tuesday from 8:00pm to 10:30pm, with an early rounds class from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. During the winter and summer when our squares class is not in session, we have approximately 7 tips alternating with 6 pairs of rounds. During the fall and spring terms, we teach a squares class, which means there are 3 Plus level tips, 4 class level tips (with teaching), and 3-4 pairs of rounds. Visiting during the class may be less attractive both because long periods of time might be spent on class-level tips and because the club tips are quite fast-paced to compensate for the slower class tips. The dance fee is $5-10 (sliding scale; pay what makes sense for you).
If you have more than 5 people coming to a Tuesday dance, we would appreciate notice by email to
We recommend that visitors check our schedule (combined and for Tuesday dances) since sometimes rooms will change as the date gets closer.
We do not exchange club banners.