Tech Squares
invites you to learn modern square dancing!

Beginners' Night is Tuesday, February 20! Try square dancing in this standalone session at 8pm in Lobdell in the MIT Student Center (84 Massachusetts Ave).

Fall Class starts Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 8pm in Lobdell in the MIT Student Center (84 Massachusetts Ave).

What is square dancing?

The best way to understand square dancing is to watch some of it.

Square dancing doesn't require any prior dance experience or skill. If you can walk and listen at the same time, you can square dance!

What to Expect

No prior dance experience is necessary. Our 3 month class will teach you everything you need to know to square dance at Tech Squares or anywhere else.

You don't need a partner. At Tech Squares, we find a new partner for each dance, so we switch partners several times a night.

How to Join

You can join our class by just showing up at 8pm on the first night of class. Your first night of class is free!

Want to be reminded about the start of class? Email us and we'll add you to our low-volume mailing list (or you can add yourself); it gets just a few messages before the start of class once a semester.

Take the class for PE Credit or just for fun! Everyone who completes the PE class will get 2 PE points. Did you miss out on PE registration? No problem; just show up to the first class.

Fall class starts September 10, 2024
Tuesday at 8pm, Lobdell in
the MIT Student Center (84 Massachusetts Ave).
Your first night (and every night for MIT students) is free!

Common Questions

When is the class?

The class meets on Tuesdays 8:15pm-10:15pm. Starting the second week, there is a review session (called walkthrus) 7:30pm-8:15pm where material from previous weeks is reviewed; class members are encouraged to attend. Class time is mostly spent dancing and learning new calls, but we also have a short class meeting to talk about topics such as how to recover after mistakes or what handholds to use. This is also a time for class members to ask questions.

Where is the class?

The class generally is held in the MIT Student Center, although the exact room varies. Occasionally, we meet in other rooms on MIT's campus. The first night of the Fall class (September 10, 2024) is in Lobdell in the MIT Student Center (84 Massachusetts Ave).

Do I need special clothes?

Nope. Most club members dress casually; we have no dress code. You'll want clothes that you'll be comfortable moving in (a sweater is probably too warm), and shoes you're comfortable walking in. Jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers are common.

How much does it cost?

Prices may change each semester, but generally the class is around $15 for non-MIT students and $60 for non-students. MIT students are always free. Financial aid is available upon request.

For information email squares We hope you'll come and join us!