About Tech Squares
Tech Squares is the square and round dance club of MIT, an MIT student group founded in 1967. Tech Squares dances modern Western square dancing to a professional caller (Ted Lizotte), and round dancing to professional cuers (Andy Latto and Troy Welton).
We dance Tuesday evenings from 8:00pm to 10:30pm alternating squares and rounds, with early rounds from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Tech Squares dances fast, hard, all position, dance by definition Plus. When a class is in session (during MIT fall and spring terms), we dance a mix of club level tips and class tips. We usually round dance at phases II to IV.
Tech Squares also holds quarterly Saturday dances, with guest callers and cuers. These dances are 8:00pm to 11:00pm, alternating squares and rounds. Squares are fast, hard, all position, dance by definition Plus. Rounds are phases II to IV. Many Saturday dances have early rounds from 7:00pm to 8:00 pm.
Our Tuesday and Saturday dances are open to the public. We do not have a dress code, so please dress comfortably. Tech Squares is a singles club. The cost is $5-10 (sliding scale; pay what makes sense for you), with discounts for students. Discounted subscriptions are also available.
Dances are generally in the Student Center at MIT, although they are sometimes in other buildings at MIT.
Tech Squares also runs other events including higher-level classes and dances.
For the non-dancer, we offer a 13-week beginners' class in square dancing every term, starting in September and February.
Contact Information
Email: squaresmit.edu
U.S. mail:
Tech Squares W20-500 84 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge MA 02139