Drink Creations

Apr 17, 2015



One of the few drink recipes I've seen that use both gin and rum. Pulled from the 12BB book.

  • 1 oz white rum
  • 1 oz dry gin
  • 1/2 oz lime juice
  • 1/2 oz grenadine

Shaven with ice, served in a martini glass.

This is a very tart drink. I ended up garnishing with a lemon twist which helped take the tart edge off the drink.

 ·  · gin rum grenadine tart



Found this one in the 12BB book and, despite not having quite all the ingredients, went for it anyways.

  • 2 oz amber rum
  • 2 oz water
  • 1/2 oz lime juice
  • 2 tsp brown sugar
  • 2 pinches cinnamon
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
  • garnish: lemon slice, berries (didn't have)

Shaken, served in a Collins glass with ice.

Fantastic drink. Spices come through nicely and compliment the rum. Will have to try again with the recommended garnish.

 ·  · rum amber rum faves spices

Feb 27, 2015

Bacardi Cocktail

Another IBA official cocktail, although the proportions below are slightly different. The official recipe uses less grenadine, but I think our grenadine has less sugar than most.

  • 2 oz white rum (used Brugal)
  • 1 oz lime juice
  • 1/2 oz grenadine
  • 1/2 oz simple syrup

Shaken. Served in a martini glass, garnished with lime spray.

Great drink. Would definitely make it again. Maybe next time try with only grenadine (1 oz) as the sweetener to bring in more pomagranate flavor.

 ·  · rum grenadine IBA faves

Feb 14, 2015

El Tamarindo

Attempted to make El Tamarindo from the "12 Bottle Bar" book, but without proper Agua de Tamarindo. Instead, I took some burmese tamarind candy and muddled with hot water.

  • 3 parts white rum (used Brugal Especial Extra Dry)
  • 2 parts tamarind syrup (3 tamarind candy chunks + 1 tbsp water)
  • 1 part lime juice
  • soda water

Our soda water was a little flat from last night but the drink turned out OK. The tamarind flavor could be more pronounced but I didn't want to use too much candy since it would be too sweet.

 ·  · rum fruity tamarind

Daiquiri Night

Whipped up two versions of daiquiris tonight. One with standard simple syrup, the other made from (light) jaggery syrup

  • 2 parts white rum (used Brugal Especial Extra Dry)
  • 1 part lime juice
  • 1 part simple syrup

We used the "light" jaggery nuggets we brought back from Burma to make a simple syrup. The daiquiri made with this syrup was much darker (a medium brown) and had a nice caramel overtone. The second daiquiri was made with standard 1:1 simple syrup and had a lighter flavor. Both were good, but I probably prefer the one made with jaggery.

 ·  · rum IBA

Jan 22, 2015

Blood Orange Daiquiri

Another recommendation from Maine Craft Distillery, but we made it with some cheap Burmese rum.

  • 1 1/2 oz Ration Run Mandalay Rum
  • 3/4 oz Cointreau
  • 1 oz blood orange juice
  • 1/2 oz lemon juice

Shaken then served over ice with an orange spray garnish.

Pretty good, but you can tell we are using some crappy rum!

 ·  · rum blood orange