Drink Creations

May 02, 2015

Marvel Cocktail

We picked up some new coupes at the thrift shop this week. Tonight I went looking for a new recipe and came across the Marvel Cocktail over at the 12BB blog (apparently it was a blog first, then they wrote a book!) that looked pretty good.

  • 2 1/2 oz amber rum (used Brugal)
  • 1/2 oz Sirop de Citron (didn't have 3-5 days to make some, so used lemon juice)
  • 1/2 oz grenadine (homemade, see earlier post)

Shaken, then served in a martini glass.

Marvel Cocktail

This one really shows off the rum. I neglected to garnish with a lemon peel though and I think that would have brightened it up quite a bit. Next time!

 ·  · amber rum grenadine

Apr 17, 2015



Found this one in the 12BB book and, despite not having quite all the ingredients, went for it anyways.

  • 2 oz amber rum
  • 2 oz water
  • 1/2 oz lime juice
  • 2 tsp brown sugar
  • 2 pinches cinnamon
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
  • garnish: lemon slice, berries (didn't have)

Shaken, served in a Collins glass with ice.

Fantastic drink. Spices come through nicely and compliment the rum. Will have to try again with the recommended garnish.

 ·  · rum amber rum faves spices