Directory Structure for 3D EM Image Processing

In a Typical Project Directory:

            -batch procedures that have been executed for the project
            -original scanned tif micrographs
            -spider micrographs (usually binned by 3 or 4 during conversion)
            -binned spider micrographs (usually binned an additional 4x for particle selection)
            -list of micrographs (e.g. "microlist.spi"), 1st column is micro_number
            -particle coordinates for each micro
            -angles for each tilted micro
            -2D power spectra ("pwavgs@****")
            -1D rotationally averaged power spectra for fitting in Web ("pwdoc****")
            -list of defocus values ("defocus")
            -raw particles ("pcls@" or untilted = "pclu@" and tilted = "pclt")
            -normalized particles ("npcls@")
            -filtered particles ("fnpcls")
            -masked particles ("mfnpcls")
            -alignment parameters ("alndoc" contains alpha, xshift, yshift)
            -lists of classes
            -lists of class memberships
            -class averages
            -alignment parameters ("apshdoc")
            -projection angles for tilted particles calculated from alignment parameters of untilted pair ("rctangles")
            -refined 3d rct structures (e.g. "vol***")

This directory organization is compatible with my batch procedures that call my scripts library and SPIDER commands.

Copyright © 2013 Ed Brignole