About Axis Labels

Axis labels are text that mark major divisions on a chart. Category axis labels show category names; value axis labels show values.

Editing Axis Labels

You cannot directly edit the axis label text -- that is, you cannot click on a label and edit the text. However, Formula One for Java provides other ways to edit the label text.

Displaying Axis Labels

Axis labels are always displayed with the axis. You cannot hide axis labels without hiding the entire axis.

For value axes, an axis label will appear at the top and bottom of the axis and for every major division.

For category axes, the first category's axis label always appears. You can set how often the remaining axis labels appear.

To set the frequency of category axis labels:

  1. Select the category axis.
  2. Choose Format Axis from the context menu and click the Scale tab.
  3. In the Number of categories between labels text box, enter 1 to display a label on every category, 2 to display a label on every other category, 3 to display a label on every third category, etc.
  4. Click OK or Apply.

Disappearing Axis Labels?

On large charts, Formula One for Java displays all the axis labels as explained above. However, on smaller charts, Formula One for Java may drop axis labels that don't fit. This is because axis labels' font sizes remain the same when you shrink or expand the plot, so that the amount of space available for an axis label may be smaller than the label text.

To fix this problem, try any or all of the following: