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Post a project Idea

If you have an idea, this is where you can ask the IDEAS community for their input and support. You don't have to be an MIT student to post your ideas. Postings have typically come from a wide range of sources, everywhere from professors to students to community activists to international volunteers who happen to know of a problem just begging for a better solution.

Projects can vary widely but need to be something that MIT students would find challenging and compelling. There is no guarantee that a project you suggest will get worked on, but many communities have been well-served by MIT students and the IDEAS Competition. Please fill out this web form to propose an idea or two and tell us about your community organization or the community that would be served by your ideas.

Name (optional):
Email (optional):

What is the title of your idea:

Can students contact you about the idea? (if so, make sure you enter your email address above) :

What is your idea and what community can it benefit?

Provide whatever background and/or contextual information you may have about the problem or need, and/or the community involved.

If you represent a community organization, briefly tell us about it (goals, website address, national or international, location, etc...)

List any skills (including foreign languages, programming, teaching, machining, design, care taking, relevant courses, etc...), interests or experience (including community service interest and work, hobbies, sports, volunteering, etc...) that may be needed for the project or idea:

Provide any additional comments, recommendations, contacts or other relevent information you may have: