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Find Teammates

If you have an idea that you'd love to make a reality, but don't have the teammates required to enter the competition, don't worry. If you fill out this form, your ideas and contact information will be sent to the IDEAS Bulletin mailing list: a list of about 1,000 people who are interested in the IDEAS Competition. Those who are interested in forming a team with you will contact you directly. The Bulletin is mailed every two weeks during the academic year.

Teams should be comprised of members whose collective skills make the project feasible. Your team can be as big or small as you like - whatever it takes to get the work done well - but at least one-third of your team must be full-time, registered MIT students.

Hint - if you are worried about including your email address or other contact information in the bulletin, you can create a free email address from gmail, yahoo, etc that you use only for this purpose.

To recruit team members for your project:


Preferred Contact Info:

Please note that this contact information will be sent to a mailing list of people who are interested in the IDEAS Competition. It will be sent once and not used for any other purpose.

MIT Affiliation (student, faculty, staff, alum, none, etc):

Project title:

Project summary (100 words or less):

Recruiting needs (foreign languages, programming, teaching, machining, design, relevant courses, etc...)



To advertise your skills and enthusiasm to people looking for team members:


Preferred Contact Info:

Please note that this contact information will be sent to a mailing list of people who are interested in the IDEAS Competition. It will be sent once and not used for any other purpose.

MIT Affiliation (student, faculty, staff, alum, none, etc):

Type(s) of projects sought:

Assets you could bring to a team (100 words maximum):