Research Projects

In this page you will find an overview of my research projects.

Compact Modular Quantum Source

A compact, modular source of quantum states

Compact Modular Quantum Source

August 2018 - Present

The goal of the Compact Modular Quantum Source (CMQS) project is to create a compact source of optical quantum states. Specifically, the first objective (CSQZ) is to produce a source of a single-mode squeezed state. This state will be produced via the degenerate optical parametric oscillator, similarly to what has been successfully done for the aLIGO detectors.

Violin Mode Damper

A damper for the aLIGO test mass violin modes

Violin Mode Damper

August 2018 - Present

The aim of this project is to develop a simple system with low overall impact that is able to damp the violin modes of the ETM and ITM suspensions. These modes have been calculated and their frequencies range is from 499 to 517 Hz.

Vibration Isolation Platform

A 6-axis tabletop, adaptable vibration isolator for UHV experiments

Vibration Isolation Platform

August 2015 - December 2018

The Vibration Isolation Platform (VIP) is a tabletop six-axis vibration isolation system, compatible with Ultra-High Vacuum (UHV), which is actively damped and provides 25 dB of isolation at 10 Hz and 65 dB at 100 Hz. While this isolation platform has been primarily designed to support optics in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors, it is suitable for a variety of applications. Three units are currently operating for LIGO.


A 3U CubeSat for atmospheric re-entry study


October 2013 - June 2015

The EntrySat mission had the goal of developping a 3U Cubesat that would help define conditions (pressure, temperature, degradation, etc.) supported during the re-entry phase of space debris. As a result of a wider cooperation involving academic (ISAE & UPS) and research partners (CNES, ONERA & IRAP), the EntrySat was launched from the ISS on July 3rd 2019.

Virus FTIR detector

May 2020 - Present

The goal of this project is to develop a low-cost, field-deployable FTIR spectrometer for detection of virus.