Virus FTIR Spectrometer

A low-cost, field-deployable FTIR spectrometer for virus detection.

Reasearch Assistant - Advisors: Prof. Nergis Mavalvala & Prof. Matthew Evans - May 2020 - Present

The goal of this project is to develop a low-cost, field-deployable FTIR spectrometer for detection of virus.

The V-FTIR spectrometer

Working on the design of this page. Coming up soon.

Optical Design


Working on the design of this section. Coming up soon.

For detailed information about the project, please check the Publications and related documents section.

Mechanical Design


Working on the design of this section. Coming up soon.

For detailed information about the project, please check the Publications and related documents section.

Machine Learning


Working on the design of this section. Coming up soon.

For detailed information about the project, please check the Publications and related documents section.

Publications and related documents