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It is well known that our dear kumir is the star of not one, not two, not three, not seven, not thirty seven shows, but, indeed, of every show in which he stars. From one-man sketches performed on the floor of rehersal room B while the stricken MXATACKPAI-O members watch, to the Big Kresge stage in front of an astounded crowd of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, shouting " We want you, Aregjan! We need you, Aregjan!" (of course you do) and then "A! Ooo! Uuu! Oooooh... aaah... oh yeah.. oh yeah! Yeah, baby! Ooooo!".
Ok, I finished. Sorry, it's so easy to get carried away just thinking about Him.

These are the snapshots of but a few of the magnificent moments given to the fans by the capricious fortune, which, in spite of the repeated pleas from the fans, is plucking their hero prematurely from their loving realm.

This is a rather uncanny photograph of the Idol as a part of MIT KBH team. A star was born, just like that! (And killed 137 spectators from the audience in the process.) Who knows, perhaps later in life Aregjan will come to look like a brown dwarf...
The poor unfortunate voices of the MIT KBH team were long in need of some refreshing opera singing.
Aregjan was the loudest answer to their pleas that they could find on a short notice.
The great Purimshpiel production (produced by our magnificent producer) was fortunate enough to obtain the star of the local (behold, it is still too early to tell how globular our supernova's development might become) stage -- A. Jan-Danagulyan I, shown here with his famous co-star, E. Lenskoj-Klejnerskoj.

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