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Our dear friend has been rendered in various famous paintings not once and not twice. Artists of all times and of all people have tried to immortalize the image of our beloved Aregjan. This page has the honor of carrying but a few of the age-tested works.

The great Boticelli was greatly impressed with Aregjan's great sleeping abilities. This great admiration has led the great artist to include the great sleeper into one of his great paintings.

For those who managed to doubt the saintleness of the most saintly of the saints, El Greco painted his unforgettable chef-d'oeuvre -- "St. Areg with St. Paul's attributes."

Finally, it should be mentioned that archiologysts still discuss the predominance of the "Aregjan Theme" among the work of ancient artists. The most famous image of all dates back to Tbilisi, 4,000 B.C., and is rendered in aluminum on the bottom of an ancient bucket, recently uncovered by Armenian archeologists in the Erevan Sea area. We could not put it on this page because the Erevan Archaelogical Museum wouldn't give us the permission. You know, those Armenians...

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