Team History
Morris Origins
Contact Info
Try Us Out!
Red Herring Morris is an adult, mixed team, which means that men
and women (including high-schoolers who are comfortable socializing
with adults) are welcome to give us a try. Like many Boston-area
morris teams, Red Herring Morris has a no obligation, three-month
trial period for new recruits before inviting them to become full
members of the team.
Red Herring Morris practices on Wednesday evenings from
7:30-9:30pm in the basement of the Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont
Street, Belmont, Mass.
Directions to Practice
Here's a map, courtesy of MapQuest:
Here is a picture of the church, from their web site:
To find us, go in the red door at the far left of this picture,
and down the stairs to the basement. We practice in the gymnasium.
Here are directions:
From Boston
- Find your way to the Fresh Pond Parkway. This is the
continuation of Memorial Drive westbound. To get to the Fresh
Pond Parkway:
- From I-93 or downtown, get on Storrow Drive westbound.
- From Storrow Drive/Soldier's Field Road westbound (from
downtown Boston), bear right after the Harvard Square
exit, cross the bridge over the Charles River, and bear
right again.
- From the Mass Pike (I-90), take Exit 18
(Allston/Cambridge). (There's a faster way from Exit
17 (Newton Corner), but it's more complicated.) Follow
signs to Cambridge. Immediately after you cross the
bridge over the Charles River, turn left onto Memorial
Drive westbound.
- Bear left onto Mt. Auburn Street.
- Look for a big shopping center (Star Market) on your right.
Turn right immediately after shopping center onto Belmont
Street. (It's a slightly-less-than-90-degree turn.)
- Continue on Belmont Street for several blocks.
- The Payson Park Church is a large gray castle-like church on
your right. It's directly across the street from the Oakley
Country Club.
- If you get to Cushing Square (a 5-way intersection), you've
gone about half a mile too far.
- Park on either side of the street in front of the church, and
go side and down the stairs. We practice in the gym, which is
in the basement.
From I-95/Rte. 128
- Get off at Exit 28a, Trapelo Road, heading towards Belmont.
- Take Trapelo Road for about 4-5 miles, through roughly
15 traffic lights. Some of the road will be bucolic; some of
it will be busy with stores.
- You're almost there when you get to Cushing Square, where
you'll find a Starbucks on your right, a Brigham's also on
your right, and a white clapboard church (Our Lady of Mercy)
on your left.
- At the traffic light about 1/4 mile after Cushing Square,
Trapelo Road becomes the continuation of Belmont Street, but
you probably won't notice.
- The Payson Park Church is a large gray castle-like church on
your left, about 1/4 mile after Trapelo Road joins Belmont
Street, and about 1/2 mile after Cushing Square. The church
is directly across the street from the Oakley Country Club.
- If you get to a "T" intersection at the end of the
road, with a Star Market shopping center on the left, you went
about 3/4 mile too far.
- Park on either side of the street in front of the church, and
go side and down the stairs. We practice in the gym, which is
in the basement.
By Public Transit
The church is on the 73
bus line, which runs between Harvard Square in Cambridge and
Waverly Square in Belmont. The 7:15pm bus from Harvard Square
arrives in time for practice.
Last modified: Fri Sep 22 12:37:46 2006
by Jeff Bigler