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Shaolin gongfu exhibition and Qigong demonstration

This Sunday, representatives of the All-Japan Shaolin Temple Qigong Association, sponsored by the JCFO, will present a free demonstration of gongfu and Qigong exercises, in the tradition of the renowned Songshan Shaolin Temple in China's Henan province.

The martial arts forms developed by the monks of the Shaolin Temple have had a pervasive influence on martial arts around the world. The Japanese and American Shourinji Kenpo style claim roots in the Shaolin Gongfu traditions, and there is some speculation that Shaolin gongfu forms may have influenced the early Okinawan martial arts that evolved into today's Karate-do styles. The Shaolin gongfu style exhibits amazing grace and beauty, as well as providing an effective means of personal self-defense. Today, Shaolin gongfu is practiced around the world, and has been made famous both in theater, for its spectacular displays of physical prowess, and in martial arts tournaments.

Shaolin gongfu practitioners demonstrate incredible balance.

Following the demonstration, the Association's instructor, Dr. Qin Xiping, will lead an open introduction to Health Qigong - all are welcome. Qigong exercises are valuable for daily health and sustaining long life, using breathing, relaxation, and stretching to develop sustainable mental and physical strength. Because Shaolin Qigong can be practiced while remaining relaxed and at ease, it is a valuable way to maintain health for people of all ages and walks of life. In addition, its relaxation techniques are a good way to help manage stress amid a busy daily life.

Part of the 4-part Shaolin Qigong form.

The All Japan Shaolin Temple Qigong Association offers regular classes in traditional Shaolin martial arts and Qigong in Japanese, in which anyone can participate.

Dr. Qin is a recognized Master Instructor of Shaolin gongfu and Qigong. Since 1994, he has headed the Association in Tokyo, with a mission to "promote cultural exchange of China and Japan, as a messenger of Chinese tradition and culture, and as a representative of Songshan Shaolin Temple of China." The Association's programs are all fully recognized by the Songshan Shaolin Temple to teach techniques as they have been developed and handed down in the main Shaolin temple.

Shaolin programs can be useful to people of all ages

For more information on Shaolin gongfu and Qigong programs in Tokyo, please visit the Association's homepage.