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Chinese Calligraphy

Regarded as the most abstract and sublime form of art in Chinese culture, "Shu Fa" (calligraphy) is often thought to be most revealing of one's personality. To the artist, calligraphy is a mental exercise that coordinates the mind and the body in choosing the best style to express the content of the passage. It is a most relaxing yet highly disciplined exercise for one's physical and spiritual well being. Historically, many calligraphy artists were well-known for their longevity. Shu Fa is a genuine path toward inner understanding, study of self and life, and, indeed, enlightenment, the supreme goal of a living person.

The art of calligraphy has enjoyed a long history in China, originating as early as the invention of the first written script. This occurred with the emergence of oracle bone script in the Shang dynasty (16th-11th centuries BC) some 3000 years ago, after which many different types appeared. Although forms vary greatly, Chinese scripts are generally divided into five categories: the seal character (zhuan), the official or clerical script (li), the regular script (kai), the running hand (xing) and the cursive hand (cao).

Calligraphy began to filter into Japan during the seventh century A.D. Buddhism from India travelled via China and Korea and made many converts in Japan, including the Emperors. Buddhist scriptures were recorded in Chinese writing. This was produced by priests and was aesthetically very pleasing.

Visting Artist Kwan Chen has been a traditinal Chinese calligrapher for 30 years. He is well versed in seal style calligraphy and is very good at seal cutting. He will be giving a lecture on Sat. Dec 7th, 7PM to 9PM. Group Workshop

The beauty of fine writing is everlasting. Study the art of Chinese Calligraphy from instructor Ming-Shi Chang. MWF 7PM-9PM Exhibition Selections from the history of Chinse Calligraphy and works from group workshop, 7th floor of Community Center.