Rahul Mazumder
Nanyang Technological University Associate Professor Operations Research and Statistics group MIT Sloan School of Management MIT Center for Statistics and Data Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology
I am the Nanyang Technological University Associate Professor of Operations Research and Statistics, in the Operations Research and Statistics group at MIT Sloan School of Management. I am affiliated with the Operations Research Center, MIT Center for Statistics and MIT IBM Watson AI Lab. Outside MIT, I am also an Academic Scholar at LinkedIn AI (Algorithms and Foundations Group). Before joining MIT, I spent a couple of years as an Assistant Professor at Columbia University (Dept of Statistics), where I was also affiliated with the Data Science Institute. Prior to Columbia, I was a PostDoctoral Associate at MIT. I completed my PhD in Statistics from Stanford University under the supervision of Trevor Hastie . I completed my BStat, MStat from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
Here is a copy of my CV
ResearchI am a statistician working at the interface of statistics and operations research (mathematical optimization). I study problems in computational/algorithmic statistics using tools from mathematical optimization (convex and discrete optimization). I am interested in the applications of statistics/OR tools in problems arising in industry (e.g, computational finance, insurance, recommender systems etc), government (US Census Bureau) and the sciences (biostatistics, biomedical sciences). In the past I have worked on applications of statistics in the social sciences, oceanography, and turbulence.Principal Fields of Interest- Statistics, Machine Learning, Mathematical Optimization (Convex optimization, Mixed Integer optimization), Large Scale Optimization Algorithms. - High dimensional statistics and sparsity, combinatorial statistical modeling & computation, nonparametric function estimation (e.g., shape constrained inference). - Applications of the above in recommender systems, computational finance, computational biology & healthcare, survey research, insurance pricing, etc. Conditional computing in neural networks. I gratefully acknowledge research support from the National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research (including a Young Investigator Award), IBM, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Google Research, and MIT (JFRAP, RSC).
Contact InformationMIT Sloan School of Management Building E62-583 100 Main Street Cambridge, MA 02142 Ph: 617-253-2652 Email: rahulmaz "at" mit "dot" edu
Administrative Assistant:
Mark Leonardo II
Email: mark2@mit.edu | E62-571