Changing Fill Colors, Patterns, and Gradients

You can change the color that fills many different chart elements. You can also fill chart elements with a two-color pattern or with a gradient, an effect in which one color fades into another color.

The first step in changing a chart element's fill color, pattern, or gradient is to decide which chart element's fill color you want to change.
To change the fill color, pattern, or gradient of... Select... Choose menu option... Choose tab...
Chart anything Format Chart Fill Area
Data label(s) the data label(s) Format Data Labels Fill Area
A data point the data point Format Data Point Fill Area
A series of data points the series Format Series Fill Area
Legend anything Format Legend Fill Area
Open-close bars the open or close bars Format Open-Close Bars Fill Area
Plot anything Format Plot Fill Area
Title anything Format Title Fill Area

For information on selecting chart elements, see Selecting Chart Elements. For information on changing fill colors for markers, see About Markers.

The Fill Area Tab

The Fill Area tab, shown below, lets you change the color that fills the chart element(s) you selected. It also lets you fill that element with a pattern or a gradient.

When you finish making changes, click Apply to see your changes or OK to accept your changes.